Thank You

Always think positive, that was what his mother used to say.

Yeah, a mother from another universe.

How his life has changed. He is still not free. Still useless.

He was still weak and clueless about what the world is holding for him.

So he focused on being calm and serene. Yes, Dante was a calm man with commitment, focus, and sheer will of no f*cks given.

He didn't get angry and let it all go.

What does it matter if his plans fail? He can always make new plans as long as he is alive and well.

Dante asked pearl something to change the topic for now.

"You didn't tell me what does 'Ultimate Memory' perk does?"

- Interesting question. Wait I will show you the perk details. -

Perk said excitedly.


[Ultimate Memory (Grade: Customized):

You have perfect memory. Which means Photographic and Eidetic combined into one. You will never forget anything. You can save information from all electronic devices. Can simulate super-fast decisions which no one can compare to in the Universe.]


"It means I have a good memory. Nice to have. Now I don't need to study. Wish I had this in my last life." Dante said straightly with no shame in underpowering the perk.

This perk was overpowered and he was too prideful to admit that system gave such a good thing for free.

He thought there must be some underlying conditions, which he will know later.

- You should work on your young master attitude. It is exhausting. -

"I don't need you to tell me that. Good girl barbie nerd." Dante said stupid things due to having no comeback.

He had too much to discuss and too much to learn but for now, he was going to focus on making his Aura core.

Which have to wait as well because he had to visit his sister. As this was their 5th birthday day for them. He had to go and wish her birthday as a good big brother.

"Let's go and visit our sister, then shall we Pearl?"

- Let's go and Happy Birthday brother. -

"You too Pearl. Happy Birthday and may all of your wishes be fulfilled." Dante said honestly with a beautiful smile.

Then these two partners left the room. He saw Cherry the maid was there waiting for him.

"Let's go visit my sister. Follow me." Dante said to cherry.

Cherry was a simple girl and she had already wished her master his birthday.

She was happy for her young master and wished him all the happiness in the world.

So Dante and cherry started moving towards his sister's room location.


It was a domain of a calm flowing stream of water. But it was not water but the life force of people who have died and joined with the world Core.

Yes, this was the Aura pool or World pool where all life joins after their timely demise.

A place where souls rest until they are ready to be reincarnated in a race that was decided by the world core. This was a place that decides the destiny of life itself.

The calmness was a gift for those who rested here. A heaven for all to know. All wished to have this pool for themselves as they live. Those with ambition wish to control this cycle of life and destiny.

Here existed a light. A light so blinding and calming that all wish to seek and worship.

This was a light illuminated by the divinity of Lucrecia who was the physical manifestation of the world.

A being so lonely but at the same Divine.

Lucrecia existed since time immemorial. Since the world was created and existed.

She was a symbol of life and love.

She decided to trust, love, and be kind to people. Even though she didn't need to do any of those things. She was pure and kind.

She was naive and not experienced. She thought everyone loved her.

She believed this will go on forever. She felt lonely so she dedicated her powers to having a sister. World core was the creator of everything after all. She gave her divinity to her sister.

Gave power to her sister, and gave her love and trust.

In the end, she was betrayed.

Now, all Lucrecia wanted was to end the cycle of pain.

Everyone wanted to use her for their selfish desires. No one cared for her for what she was.

All beings asked her for things and asked for forgiveness for their sins. No one asked her how she was or what she feels.

She was a being of emotions. Even the saints who got her blessings were just programmed to feel good things for her and be there to give her a hand.

She was alone. She was in pain. The world that she cherished betrayed her. No one cared and everyone wanted to obtain the divinity without giving a damn about her.

She gave her whole life to caring for and protecting this world. She destroyed herself and entered slumber to stop her sister who she loved.

How miserable and alone she was now. No one could listen to her sobs.

Lucrecia could feel her pain increasing as time goes by nowadays. She didn't have any more reason to stay awake anymore.

She wanted to rest forever. To get rid of her pain. To forget the betrayal of people she loved.

Her powers were leaving her and she was helpless to do anything. Her divinity depended on how much she cherished life and herself.

Now it was fleeting. Now it was close to the end.

Lucretia decided to do one last favor to the world and summoned a hero who was like her. Overlord helped her to summon a man who was just like her. He had suffered and he was a being who could understand her.

She was skeptical and could not believe that anyone would be able to understand her feelings.

After all, she was the all-mighty sovereign who was omnipotent and never could be looked down upon with sympathy.

So she thought of requesting the hero who was blessed by Universe, to ask him, no to beg him to save the world.

She was tired and wanted to rest now. She would now leave everything to destiny.

Now she summoned the soul of man to the pool of life. A place where she was going to enter slumber for eternity.

When his soul came to the sea of life. She felt a warmth that she never felt before. He was the symbol of peace and kindness.

She had not felt anything like that from anyone. Not even from the guardian of the world.

She decided to request him to help the world. Before she could finish she heard something that she thought she would never hear. It was not possible. How could anyone do that?

"I am sorry...."

He said to her. The goddess who was worshiped by world, he felt sorry for her.

For the first time, her divinity stopped from leaving her. Yes, she could feel it.

This was the first time someone had thought of her as a person. Not as a symbol of power and invincibility. But as an equal.

Yes, his face showed her everything. He was who she waited for, everything she wanted.

Yes, he was someone who understood her. Even though he was just a weakling. A person who was a failure. A person who lost everything.

She stopped her thoughts. Was this not what could be said about her as well? How sad.

Her divinity started increasing rapidly. Yes, she had found it. Their reason to live and their lifelong wish was fulfilled today.

She was happy. Nothing else mattered anymore.

Only he mattered now.

She could feel that he cared for her or he would be kind enough to help her.

He would never betray anyone ever because he was like herself, who hated betrayal.

She wanted to look after him and stay besides him. She now no longer wanted to enter eternal slumber because she knew he would solve all her problems. She was ready to join him in eternal slumber if he failed. She had felt something she never felt before after losing so much and facing so many betrayals.

Yes, she felt hope. Hope for the first time in eternity.

She could only say one word to her benefactor. To the person who saved her from endless despair. He saved her from the pain that never ended. He ended the chain of misery and sorrow in her soul.

Yes, she could only say one sentence and nothing more with a smile brighter than any light.

" Thank You "