
Dante had no idea what Lucrecia was thinking in her palace.

The resting place of Lucrecia was the world pool. It was her home when she wanted to nourish her soul and body with world energies.

Dante was moving through his mansion. There were more than 50 maids and more than 5 butlers.

The mansion was as big as the university grounds in his old world.

This was only a small area of the mansion but only included the living space of the Mansion.

The Wolf dukedom was very big. It was the largest dukedom in the whole Kingdom.

After all, they ate the area of his father's dukedom after killing them all.

He wasn't mad about that. He just didn't feel anything for anyone who was not related to him.

People die every day, but it doesn't mean you should cry for everyone.

He already had too much on his plate.

He remembered that he also had a Fiance. He wanted to break his marriage with her and it would be easy.

The reason being he had broken meridians and his fiance was the greatest talent of the kingdom right now.

Talent or potential is something that is far more important than even family background.

Those with talent can become strong with minimum resources. Whereas someone who is trash will never become strong even with the world's best resources.

Many nobles and royalty disinherited their heirs due to a lack of talent.

Potential is something that cannot be observed by the eye and can only be calculated after observing breakthroughs of initiates.

Pearl had included this potential directly in the system. Which meant he could directly check anyone's potential.

It was a good perk of the system.

'Show me my luck, pearl'

[Luck: 0 (not bounded by destiny)]

'This means I cannot be manipulated by the universe and am a foreign force. An anomaly, who shouldn't exist. No wonder the world core sealed my memories.' Dante did calculated thinking. His mind was now way faster than normal beings.

He was outside a mansion as his sister was in another part of the mansion and he needed to pass through the garden.

In the garden, someone was practicing her sword movements. This was different from the traditional swordsmanship of the Kingdom.

Yes, it was the swordsman technique of the Wolf family.

Howling Wolf Technique which consisted of martial arts and sword techniques as well. It was ranked the grade 3rd. It was a really strong technique. The highest grade technique in Kingdom was semi-4th grade after all. It was just a little weaker than the strongest martial technique of the kingdom.

The one who was practicing was his cousin. Also the daughter of his Uncle, who was the brother of his mother.

This young girl was 6 years old and had short hair with black color. She has brown eyes. Her name was Alice Von Wolfsberg. She was committed to her swordsmanship and training. To her being the best swordsman was her dream.

She was a childhood friend of Dante and always used to beat him in practice. He couldn't use aura so he lost mostly. The reason being she thought he was too weak and that man should be strong, just like her father.

Her father was her ideal. Surpassing her father was what she desired the moat in the world.

She wanted to be appreciated for her accomplishments. Her father never said any kind words of appreciation to her ever. He was always cold to her. He was always like a strict teacher who pushed her to do better. Even when she defeated her cousin in practice, she was never congratulated or appreciated by her father.

Her father always looked happy when he talked with Dante and always appreciated him for becoming better. It was like Dante was his son and she was nothing to him.

She knew why her father was like that. Her father always wanted a son to inherit his teachings. Her father wanted a son so he could compete for a seat as house lord. He wanted a son so that he could bring him honor and pride. Here she was a girl who will become a woman and have to marry someone due to politics and leave her family. She hated it. She wanted to be seen as the pride of her father.

So she decided to become the best swordsman in the World.

Alice thought that her father also hated her because she was the reason her mother died due to illness after childbirth.

She was sad and lonely. She wanted love. She wanted the value to her existence.

She only got love and appreciation from her cousin. Who always stayed by her side. She wanted to hate Dante but he was also the reason she was not broken.

He always said that 'Alice you will become the best swordsman. I believe in you.'

'You are so strong.'

'I will become strong and protect you and never let anyone harm you ever.'

'You are my family and I love you.' He always said this when she said she didn't want his help and he was just trash. Even though she was mean. He never looked sad and always smiled at her.

She wanted him to hate her just like everyone around her did for her stoic behavior. Just like her father did. This would have made everything easier.

But Dante never left Alice alone.

She wanted to thank him for being with her when she was lonely, when she was sad, when she wanted to not exist. He was always there. Always smiling. He was trash in this world but he was completely the opposite of mine. She wanted to be like him. She wanted to be free from this cycle of unappreciation.

Alice loved Dante but would never admit it. Because she hated him at the same time for being better than her in everything else. He had a loving sister and a loving mother.

He was a genius born once in 100 years. Gifted in mind like no one ever was. He had made more money than her whole dukedom makes in a year.

Dante was a phenomenal Book writer. Most of the books he wrote were regarding child audiences. The whole human community loved his approach. Children dreamt to become a hero like stated in his books.

Even Alice wanted to be like the "Hero of Eternal Light" presented in the "Eternal Light" Book.

Yes, she was jealous of Dante. But she was also better than him. She never defeated Dante in terms of swordsmanship without aura. He was invincible. Perfect counter, perfect reflexes, and concentration.

If not for his broken meridians due to an accident. Dante would become the greatest genius of the whole continent.

Alice barely got along with her other cousins. She also avoided Dante due to reasons left alone.


Dante saw the beautiful lady who was like a calm sea practicing her swordsmanship.

'How cool, she can use that white energy. It must be an aura. I would be able to dance like her as well once I make my core.' Dante thought happily.

- Well you need to mend your meridians first before making core you know. All 22 meridian points are broken. Don't worry shop of the system will help you with that. - pearl stated firmly.

'Yeah, I can remember the kidnapping, those bastards destroyed my future. Good thing I have your pearl. Otherwise, I would run away from home and leave a free life if I couldn't repair my meridians.'

Meridians were points that allowed the flow of Aura through the body. Aura was stored in the core after filtering Echo from the atmosphere or using Aura crystals by Core techniques.

Core Magic techniques were used to meditate and increase the realm of Magic core.

At the start, everyone starts at the realm called 'ground zero magicians'. It is a grade 0 Aurar. They could not be underestimated because they were at least 10 times stronger than normal humans. Can pick u wait of 2 tons easily using Aura by cycling it through the body.

Aura users or ground zero Aurars were strong. Well, they were strong when compared to normal humans.

1 low-level zero magician could kill 20 humans easily in battle. Unless humans use aura armor or some new trending technology.

Alice in front of him was a low-level ground zero Aurars ( low grade 0).

(A/n: Rank or Grade can be interchanged depending on the situation. Grade is used for artifacts or meridians. Tier is used for professions and pills. Rank for powers class in Aurar community.)

She could also be called a 'Aurar Initiate'. Not an official Aurar/ Wizard. But strong enough to get respect in society.

The world as far as Dante knew from memories had a 20 Billion population.

Only a few million were official Aurars in whole world. Because talent mattered. Only those with aura compatibility were able to become Aurars or Knights.

His cousin was Aura knight. Meaning she could use Spells/ Magic as well as a Sword Techniques. This is not a good thing but the opposite. Only the most talented people could become a Aura knight. The reason is, it is made of two fields of Aura science.

Physical and magical fields.

Alice was pretty talented and chose a hard path.

Dante went waving his hand to her cousin and said smiling "Hello there my dear cousin. As active as always haha."

Alice stopped training for a second and said "Hello cousin" and then she started training again.

"Come on big sis, are you not going to wish me"



"Happy Birthday dear cousin..."

She said after a moment of silence.

"Thank you, sis Alice. Let's go and meet my sister and wish her." Dante said to Alice and then took her hand and started moving towards her sister's room direction.

"Ah no, you go. I will wish her later." Alice said not moving.

"Come on sis. She would like it if we both go together. She loves you :)"

"I don't think she likes anyone being around you too much...." Alice said in a little voice.

"Huh. Whatever let's go together. I want to surprise her."

Dante and Alice moved away from the garden.

They were going hand in hand to wish her sister.

'System show me Alice's status.'


[ Alice Von Wolfsberg

Age:6 (mentally:12)

Bloodline: Human

Power: F (max: F+)

Potential: 6.5(7.5)

Condition: Happy, excited, and appreciated by Dante

Affection: 81(Loves you/Jealous), Control: 60

Details: She is a tsundere. Ahem ahem. Sad that her father hates her. Wants to stay with Dante as he makes her calm and feel blessed.

Difficulty: D]

[Click for more]


'Holy shit, I get it she is my family. But wtf did you do Pearl? You made her a tsundere.'

No wonder she ignored me when I gave her a greeting and wanted to talk. Whatever she is family, we can just get along until my plan begins. Until then I will act like a good boy.

I hope she doesn't beat me to a pulp for getting along with other women. Tsundere is dangerous after all.

'Nah she won't do that, after all, we are family.'

- haha I won her heart in the last 2 years. She hated you and everyone when she came here at first. But I slowly made her love you. It was easy because I showed her love and affection. -

'You are a Bitch, you know that? You played with her emotions. Wtf.'

- Nah I care about her. She is my friend :) -


And the walk continued...


< POV Samantha >

Room of Samantha von Wolfsberg, sister of Dante. This was a room that was highly decorated with dolls and books and all things that she liked.

One thing was common here. Pictures and books of her brother. Sam loved everything related to her brother.

She didn't like her cousins getting closer to her brother. He was only hers. His love, his affection, and spoiling were for her only.

She knew her brother was kind and cared for everyone around him.

It was sad really how much his brother has suffered.

He always smiled and always was there for her and their mother. Even though he has so many traumatic events happened to him.

Brother was born with a special physique that helped him absorb all curses and poisons used on him.

If he hadn't absorbed the poison that her mother and they were afflicted with in the womb.

She would have died today and her mother would also die after a decade and become weak with time.

But it was a miracle not only he absorbed the poison from her and his mother in his body and made himself strong with powerful meridians. But he also helped in cleaning the meridians of his mother and his sister in the womb by absorbing all impurity.

This removal of impurity helped her mother, Felicia to break through a realm and also make her Aura purer than anyone else. Yes her mother became a powerful entity that no one could match at the same level anymore.

Her mother was the strongest person in the whole Kingdom. Everyone gave her face. She even defeated a Rank 4 Magician, even though she had help from the Grade 4 Artifact of the family.

Every good thing that ever happened to their mother and her is because of her brother.

She had one of the best talents in being a magician and all of that was due to her brother.

Yes, she loved her brother more than anything in this world. Even more than her mother.

"I will protect brother. Even if he is called trash. I will always stay by his side."

I am pretty sure my brother will come to wish me a birthday. He is the best.

I will wear the best dress to impress him. I hope he doesn't bring that bitch Alice with him like last time. I wanted to kill her because she hurts my brother.

But I will forgive her because she is family and I know that she loves her brother as well.

She just doesn't know how to express love.

But I won't let her get her hands on my brother. I will protect him from these women.

My Brother is cute and his smile brings me happiness and peace.

When I am with him, I feel the warmth that she never felt even with her mother.

"Yes brother and I are soul mates, we are One"

Sam was lost in her thoughts which were very dangerous and on the tier of yandere.

No, she was on the level of Bro-Con.


While walking towards his sister's location. Dante saw many people working on preparations for the birthday party.

When a child becomes 5, he must get blessed by the church and get new blessings from the goddess of Light.

Children also need to visit the church to get blessed.

The main religion of humans was worshipping goddess Lucrecia.

'Church of Dawn' was the orthodox religion of the human continent. There were a lot of branches of these churches in the world.

From what he could understand this church was corrupted by Evil people who pursued power and authority.

Church wanted to rule this world. They didn't care about how many people died.

Their cure and potions were not freely available and people needed to pay donations for following the religion.

They were corrupt money grabbing hypocrite lunatics. With fanatic beliefs like 'those who don't pay are heretics'.

My job is also to remove this facking church from the face of this world.

I will kill them all no matter who they are as long as they belong to this faction church.

I get it. Not all people are corrupt but I don't have time to distinguish good from evil. I am not a saint and will do what is fast and best for bringing peace to the world.

Sacrifices need to be made. On Earth, the world war caused so many innocent people to lose their lives. Even 2 cities were bombed and removed from the face of earth.

But after 50 years everything became peaceful due to deterrence.

Yes, people only fear absolute power. As long as the new church replaces this corrupted one. All problems will be solved.

He had a plan to do all that. But only after he had enough power to implement his plans.

At the end of the mansion, there is a great hall for noble parties and that is the place where their birthday will be celebrated.

Nobody cares about his birthday. He is just trash with broken meridians now due to an accident.

His sister was a once-in-a-century genius with Grade:5 Meridians. She had the highest-ranked meridians which relate to her potential in the future.

Well, I also had Grade:6 meridians. I could have upgraded them further with help from Pearl. But now that was just a dream.

People are born with Meridian grades. Changing their already-built meridians was nearly impossible unless Grade:5 Artifact was used. Grade 5 artifact was nearly impossible to find in the current world.

Even the Church of Dawn only had 3 of them. Which was the reason for them being absolute power in human Empires.

While walking for 10 minutes constantly, they reached the end of the garden where they found another of their cousin.

Her name is Lilly von Wolfsberg. She is a kind and cute girl. She is 7 years old now. 2 years older than me and my sister. She is daughter of my aunt, Margeret von wolfsberg. Lilly has long blueish-purple hair and brown eyes like everyone in the family. Out of 10, her beauty would be ranked 9 easily, on the same level as my other cousin Alice and sister Sam.

'Ah good genes are working here, all this beauty is too sweet. Well, she would break many hearts in the future I guess.'

- oh you found Lilly. She is the best. She never says no to any order or request. Perfect wife material. - Pearl said excitedly and playfully.

'I am going to regret giving you control of my body, won't I?' Dante asked lazily.

'System show me her status,

[Lilly Von Wolfsberg

Age:7 (mentally:12)

Bloodline: Human/Angel

Power: E- (max: E+)

Potential: 6(7)

Condition: Happy, Naive, Healthy

Affection: 88(Love), Control: 80

Details: She is a Kind and innocent girl. Sad that her father is dead. Happy that you exist and will always be with her forever and ever. The tendency towards yandere if spoiled too much.

Difficulty: F]

[Click for more]

Dante was paralyzed by the details of Lilly. He didn't want yandere on his lap. Even though it is all family love but it was too much now.

'Hey, what does difficulty here means?'

- It means how hard it is for you to bed her. She is yours for the taking if you want. This value only represents the overall difficulty for making them love you and follow you forever.-

'No thanks. I don't want her. It would be good to have her join my faction in the future as she is family, I will be good with her and help her find a correct path.' Dante said nodding his head.

- I don't think that is how affection works bro. You might have a headache in the future if you want to stay single with how handsome you are. -

Dante ignored her stupid soul sister and waved her hand towards Lilly who was watering plants.

Lilly showed a brilliant smile and came running towards Dante and hugged him.

"Happy Birthday Dan Dan," Lilly said and then kissed Dante's cheek while smiling in a silly way.

Alice made a hateful face after seeing that.

Oh, she was a gem and a bundle of sweets. Dante liked her already. A perfect way to lose his anger and stress.

"Thanks, big sis. Let's go wish my sister as well. Here I am taking Alice with me as well to her place." Dante said smiling like a good boy.

"Okay, let's go hehe," Lilly said happily.

Dante didn't know right now but his foolish act would bring him disaster in near future.

Thus they walked towards the room of his sweet twin sister Sam while talking happily.