
While walking through the corridor where his sister resided at.

Dante was wondering why was difficulty tab included in the status of people.

He knew that this feature existed in one of his wish-fulfillment famous harem novels. Which was getting some attention before he died.

So he decided to ask pearl about it.

'Why does the difficulty feature exist? You do know it is similar to a novel I read and was one of the main conquering indicators.'

- System is I and I are the greatest of all systems. Besides isn't it good to have something to indicate how hard it would be to make a woman yours? Don't worry anything I want can be included in the system but most of the things are useless which I saw from your memories of novels you read. This world is really big, so anything can happen hehe. -

Dante agreed with the last part only. He knew this girl was just playing around because of her boredom.

'One thing is missing from the status bar and that is the charm of person. Why didn't you include that? '

- Because they are just kids and charm is only important for adults. Once they can be seen as women then the charm indicator will appear as well. Good thing is that you can see your charm in status if you want. You are special in that aspect.- Pearl said and pointed out.

He was not impressed by this information. It was just not important.

He reached the door of his sister's room and knocked on it.

Suddenly door was opened by his sister who was a ditto copy of his mother or maybe even far greater in terms of beauty.

Sadly he was resistant to beauty now. He was here to congratulate his sister and check her status for some things which disturbed him since he heard that he died in 2nd life while saving her from imminent death.

"Happy Birthday my lovely sister." Dante hugged her sister and she also returned his hug.

Sam was 10 minutes younger than Dante and was his twin sister.

Both were happy with smiles and all.

"Happy birthday Sam."

"Happy Birthday Samantha."

Both Alice and Lilly also congratulated her for becoming 5 years old today.

"Thank you, everyone. Happy Birthday to you too, Brother." Sam said while smiling wholeheartedly.

"Come in. We can sit and eat snacks," Sam asked them to enter the room.

All of them then sat on the floor which had carpet and a little table for eating snacks or food when needed.

The room was large enough to hold a party.

They started talking.

"Brother, what gift have you brought for me as a present?" Sam asked with excitement.

"Oh I have the best gift for you don't worry."

He opened his system and went to the shop section to buy a necklace for easily 10SP(system points).

The reason why the necklace set along earrings was so cheap was that it has no use in real combat or daily life.

The necklace was made of the rarest gems found on Earth. Its estimated value would be above 1 billion dollars if sold in Auction.

Ladies didn't need to know that. It was the rarest gem necklace and earrings.

"Here take this necklace"

A necklace and earrings box appeared on Dantes's hand. It was all due to spacial rings.

Spacial rings were magical equipment that allowed people to store their important equipment and utilities.

"Thanks, brother. It is so beautiful" sam said excitedly.

"This necklace has gems that are so rare that you won't find them anywhere. Don't ask me how I got it because it's a trade secret young lady" Dante said while smiling.

'Of course, you can't find it anywhere because it is obtained from the system hahaha.'

The system allowed buying anything available in the universe. It included only irrelevant items like gems, books, guides, recipes, etc.

It was useless for him in combat or to support his abilities.

The system also offered special items related to combat but they were very expensive.

Dante ignored the system to store items for now because they have no use for him right now.

"How does it look on me brother," asked Sam while wearing necklaces and earrings.

"You look beautiful and charming my little sister," Dante said shyly.

Sam was really happy with the compliment and started smiling shyly with a blushed face.

Dante was happy that everything went well.

When he thought things were going great.

All of them were talking about things that were interesting to them for a while now.

Just then Samantha asked something really difficult to answer.

"Brother, can I ask you a question you have to answer no matter what?"

"Sure ask away little flower."

"Brother among us three..."


"Who do you love the most among us three?"

Sam asked while looking serious like never before. She looked like this question will change everything in their relationship.

He was just being dramatic, that's all...

Then he looked at Lily and Alice and they were also looking at me with the utmost attention.

Dante was quiet and puzzled now, about how to answer such a question.

Sadly no one was there to help him.

He had to choose the answer that will keep everyone happy.

He didn't want to make anyone sad on this auspicious day.

What had he gotten himself into?

Dante keeps rotating his eyes from Alice, Lily, and sam. Then he answered with a firm look.

"Of course, I love you all three, and love has no limit. You can not calculate Love. Love becomes something else when you start putting it into ranks."

This answer made all the ladies present in front of him blush like tomatoes.

He had succeeded in his plan of not losing the hand dealt to him. He was happy with his acting.

- You are scum, you know that right. -

'We are all family here. Where did the scum word come from? It is not like I am flirting with them or anything.'

- You are just ridiculous you know that...-

And this was how the party of cousins came to an end.