
Since everyone was quiet. Dante remembered that he didn't check affection mission completion rewards.

'Open completed missions rewards'

[Completed 3x 'Get 100 Affection mission']

[Completed 4x 'Get 90 Affection' Mission']

[Congratulations on obtaining new title: ScumBag, Playboy Incarnate]

[Obtained 3x Immeasurable rank skill creation Scroll]

[Obtained 4x God rank Skill Creation Scroll]

'Hey nice, I needed to make new skills for physical and magic skills. Now I can make the most appropriate skills that are unique to me.' Dante was happy.

The women who had 90 affection for him were his sister, mother, Lily, and pearl. Yeah, pearl also had affection bar because she was a living being even though she was just a soul right now.

Then he checked the stupid titles. He had obtained all bad titles. Even though he hadn't flirted with anyone.

Everyone he had met until now was his family and he had been a good boy just trying to become good in others' minds.

'Hey, pearl this system is nuts. Change title settings. Have you made these titles? What the hell is wrong with you little girl.'

- All these titles and store items are already assigned by Overlord. I can't change anything. The only thing I have control over is myself hehe.-

'Fine. Let's go from here. This quiet situation is making me nervous. My job is done here.'

As he was thinking of leaving and finding some excuse. He remembered that he had to meet his mother.

His mother had something to give him. She called him before lunch. He was ready to run towards her now that situation here was awkward due to his sweet talk.

Well, it was not his fault. His sister was the one who asked a foolish question that might have caused fighting between them.

He wanted to take a middle route which consisted of axing his leg to find some space to breathe for now.

'Oh my God, little sisters are such a mess to deal with.' Dante was feeling like he was constipated.

While all these ladies were looking at each other like a fight will break out. I decided to check my sister's status.

'Check my sister's status now'


[ Samantha Von Wolfsberg

Age:5 (mentally:12)(true age:1000+)

Bloodline: High Human / Fairy

Power: E (max: E+){Original: World Empress/Rank 8 peak}

Potential: 8 (immeasurable)

Condition: Happy.

Affection: 110+(Eternal Love), Control: 90

Details: She is the reincarnation of 'Ice Goddess',' Ruthless Fairy', and 'Cold Princess'. She destroyed the world to bring her brother back to life and restart the cycle of life and was helped by ¥€$$^%. Her memories are sealed for now. She loves her brother more than anything in this world and will destroy the world if her brother perishes and will die with him. Her meridians are purified by the Devouring authority of Dante.

Difficulty: E]

[Click for more]


Dante was stupified and could only say one thing while he looked at his innocent-looking sister in front of him.


One thing was clear after reading the status of his sister and that his sister was the main Villain or antagonist of this world.

Yup, she not only destroyed the world core but also restarted a forced time reversal. Which caused a time-space anomaly.

The world was now on the radar of Universe core for the simple reason of breaking the rule of the Universe.

World core did apply memory sealing on those that were now back in time.

This was not a time reversal but the reversal of the world itself.

Who knows what laws were broken and are now causing a disaster in the time-space paradigm?

He was now sure of one thing and that was this. The whole reason for this mess was him.

His sister changed back time forces to bring him back to life.

Since she doesn't have memories right now. So he can't ask her the reason for all of this idiocy.

Let's be honest if Dante was in the position of his sister, he would have not done what she did. He would have let things go the way they are supposed to move. That is to move forward toward the future.

This world now was just a mistake. He was sure correcting forces will interfere in the plot from now on.

'Pearl, this is just stupid. Why would she do this? Does my sister not know that playing with time is just stupid and always has negative consequences?'

-She did this because she loved you more than anything in this world and $¥€%¥¥ helped her in achieving this. She would have sacrificed anything to bring you back.-

' Why couldn't she just ask Lucrecia to bring me back? It would have been far easier.'

-She couldn't do that because you were never part of this world from the start. Remember you are not from this reality.- Pearl said seriously and then stopped talking after making her point.

Dante was lost in his thoughts now. There were too many things he was not aware of. Dante needed to take things easy for now. He is alive now and he is sure his sister won't follow the same path that she did in the last 1000 years of lost history.

"All right ladies, you enjoy talking. I have to meet mother. She wanted to talk to me about something. Goodbye and will meet you at the party tonight." Dante stood up and said while walking away from the room.

Dante closed the room door and saw cherry outside.

"Oh, cherry lets go meet my mother okay."

"Yes, young master."

Thus Dante and cherry went towards the main door direction where his mother was supposed to appear.


After Dante left the room temperature of Samantha went hot.

"No matter what brother says, he loves me the most. He only included you guys because he is kind and cares about you. So don't think unnecessary things, cousins." Sam said with a cold expression which was her signature perk.

"Oh little sam, you are his sister. Of course, he loves you like a sibling that is. Hehehe." Lily said while smiling but her eyes were not smiling.

"I don't care if he loves me or not. He is just a kind and idiot boy. Hmphh." Alice said while trying to act cold but she was blushing badly which showed that she was just trying to hide her real feelings.

Sam started emitting an aura that was far greater and purer than anything those cousins of hers could emit.

So to avoid conflict Lily said naively.

"Are you going to hurt us? What do you think dan dan would think when he sees us hurt? He will hate you. Fufufu" Lily said smiling sadly as she was acting.

Sam stopped emitting the murderous aura and peace returned to the room.

"You just wait Lily, I will expose your real face in front of a brother. I won't give my brother to you or Alice. Never!!!" Sam said while shouting like a little kid.

"We are best friends and cousins are we not Sam? Besides he is your brother. You cannot marry him ever. Also, he already has a fiance who loves him dearly as I have noticed. As far as I and Alice are concerned we are both cousins and not direct blood relatives, so we can become partners with dan dan if required. Hehehe," Lily said while pointing her finger like a teacher.

Sam was really angry at her words, but she also could not deny anything they said.

She was the sister of Dante and he will never accept her any more than that.

"It doesn't matter, I will stay by his side forever. Also, the marriage contract between the brother and that bittch won't be held anymore. After all, why would the Silver family marry their genius young mistress to a person who is considered not talented at all." Sam said while maintaining her cold look.

Politics was included in every part of the Kingdom's affairs. Everything was calculated by families to bring themselves the most benefits.

The same went for the marriage contract between Wolf and the silver family. They were both the strongest Dukedoms of the Kingdom of Flora.

Strength wise due to Dutchess Felicia the wolf family was ahead in the race. In terms of economy, the silver family was ahead.

To avoid clashes they made a marriage contract between their families. After all, survival is what matters the most in this cruel world surrounded by demon races' fear.

Dante was once the greatest genius of the whole flora kingdom. Now he was trash. So marriage can not be progressed due to a mismatch of talent and authority.

Dante would never become a Duke because of his lacking strength as per the rules of strong in the world. While the young heiress of the silver family would become Dutchess and might even become the head of the Military forces of the Kingdom in the future.

Hence, rumors were spreading that the Silver family will break their engagement after birthday party that is held today.

"She loves Dante. I have seen it in her eyes. She will never break the engagement with your brother." Alice said with her stoic expression with a little blush still present.

"Her opinion does not matter. Her family is just power-hungry fiend that will sell her to anyone who can bring them more power." Sam said in an affirming manner.

"Ara ara, this would make everything perfect for me. Don't worry I will take care of Dan Dan when he is suffering from breakup humiliation. I will stay by his side so you don't need to worry sister-in-law. Hehe." Lily said with a cute smile and blush on her face.

"You... just because you are my best friend doesn't mean you can say anything. I won't let brother fall in your clutches. Hmmm." Sam said while pouting.

"We will see won't we my lovely sam sam."

Both sam and lily began a staring contest with fire and ice spreading everywhere from their aura collision.

Alice looked at them with an impatient attitude and said.

" Nobody is getting anyone. Dante will decide who he wants. Besides, I think he hates clinging women. Didn't you see how he ran away after you asked that question? You embarrassed him. No wonder he loves me more..." Alice said mistakenly and regretted it and started blushing.

"Eh what..."


Both Lily and sam looked at Alice with confused looks.


Dante reached the gate of the house and saw his mother waiting for him.

He went and greeted his mother.

"Oh cutie, you came at the right time. Happy Birthday my love. Here is the gift that I bought for your 5th birthday. You would love it." Mother said smiling in a silly manner.

"Thanks, mom. I am excited. So what is the present?" Dante looked at the packed box which was very big and asked excitedly.


The box opened and a car appeared in front of him that looked like sports car.

"Zexton 22. Latest model flying car for my son."

He was happy because one of his problems of traveling in the future was solved.

This car cost a lot and was nearly impossible to buy with Gold Aura coins.

Yes, this car cost Aura crystals which were essential resources for all powerful forces in the world.

Aura crystals are only found in Aura mines or Special dungeons or trials created by the world.

Aura crystals were the currency of Aura practitioners.