Party (III)

Dante woke up feeling sore all over his body because of his issues regarding meridians.

He used to be strong as hell before his kidnapping and destruction of meridians 1 year ago.

Now, he had become somewhat lazy and slow in his reflexes. No wonder his stats were so low in status.

Dante could not use any of the skills and perks because he didn't have an Aura Core which is essential for activating skills.

Even if some of his perks were blessings, they required him access to Aura through his body which was currently not active.

He went to the bathroom next to his room to wash his face and take care of body business like pissing and shitting.

Dante was amazed that most novels never discussed what the characters did in their time. Taking care of body needs like a bath, pissing, and shitting was necessary. Even for Aurars under Rank 2 apparently.

Official Aurars can reduce their body needs but cannot eliminate them at lower levels.

So, he also took care of daily business. He had a good bladder going to the washroom 3 times a day was enough.

What worried him was, what will he do when he is surrounded by enemies and he need to take a shit fast.

"What the hell, why is there no reference to this problem in any of the novels or wuxia fantasy I read? I hope this problem doesn't occur while he is in a life-and-death battle, otherwise, it would be a somewhat hilarious situation. Oh yeah, I have a solution for that."

So he had determined the best solution for such cases and that was to be free.

Free from disgust of pissing or shitting yourself. No one will judge him anyways when your life is on the line and you shit yourself to relieve the problem.

Good old trick. With the problem solved now. He only needed to take care of these problems until he found a spell to remove impurities directly from his intestines and bladder. There were many techniques available on [System Shop]. He might find what he needs there.

After cleaning his face, Dante saw through the room window. It was already night. The time had come for him to meet his fiance and determine his enemies who might try to harm him in the future.

He knew that most people can be considered enemies as long as they belong to opposite factions, but sometimes compromises are made to avoid conflict.

He also wanted to follow a path that kept his abilities hidden. He won't show off anything and won't go face-slapping young masters because they harassed his girls or something. Girls can take care of their shit themselves. He was not a simp and will only do things that bring him benefits.

Dante called Cherry inside the room and talked with her a little bit.

He was happy to know that she was only 14 years old but a very hardworking and kind girl. He liked people like her and in the future, he will help her become strong.

She was also not a strong magician. Just a low-level ground-zero Magician. She could only do spells like [Cleanse], [Wash], [Shield], [Massage]. Her elemental affinity was also water so she was good at cleaning things.

She had been with Dante since he was 3 years old and had been a great help in taking care of many tasks like buying items, ingredients, and tools that he required.

All these memories belonged to Pearl when she occupied Dantes's body for 5 years. Now they were his memories which he was unlocking slowly.

"We need to get ready for the party. Also, I need to take bath in the main bathhouse so let's go. Guests will start arriving in a few hours." Dante said to cherry who was his main maid while getting up from his chair where he sitting and talking for some time.

Curiously cherry said while smiling "Okay let's go, Dan."

He had asked cherry to call him Dan when they were alone or not among higher nobility. He didn't like this noble respecting bulshit. He liked to stay down to earth. He was just a kid and didn't need so much spoiling. Only after he became an adult and make a faction

While walking toward the Main bath. He asked pearl why his potential was zero on the status and how to repair his meridians fast.

-You can buy a meridian repairing recipe from the system and use that. Recipes are very cheap because they don't directly affect the battle power of the User. Some of your skills are still inactive because you don't need them right now, when you practice later, they will become active themselves and show in the status section. Potential can be increased by repairing meridians and evolving them into higher grades such as 4 to 7. Don't worry and chill for now, you have lots of SP for buying things later.- Pearl said in her cute voice while reminding him of things.

Dante was happy to hear the explanation and was now not thinking about anything else.

His family had a good geographical location in the kingdom which allows them to have a very good economy.

The size of Kindom was comparable to the Asia continent of Earth. It was a very big Kingdom and also very fertile land as well. That is why coveted by many empires. Empires couldn't go to war because the Church of Dawn monitored every move of joined Empire Alliance.

Saintess of Light was against war between humans because they needed all help they could get to battle against demon extremists.

Wolf Dukedom was located east of Flora Kingdom which was directly at the border of the 'Eternal Light Empire'.

The Eternal Light Empire was the most Ancient empire of the Continent. Church of Dawn has main headquarters in the empire as well. Currently the strongest empire is also Eternal Light.

While these thoughts were going through Dantes's mind he had reached the bath.

The bath was very big like the ones in royal castles.

It could easily have 100+ people bathing here easily. When Dante entered he saw a wolf sign on all pillars of the bath. The bath was divided into two parts.

One was for men and the other for women. Since their family was already so small. There was no need for that division because at one time most likely no two people will enter.

WolfBerg's family only had 9 members in the family as far his memory told him. The reason for so low number of members was because they were a warrior family and death happened a lot in recent years. It was no time to remember sad things so Dante went and stood by the bath water which was literally a pond and heat was emitted from it. The weather was not that cold but still, the water was kept at good sauna-type temperatures to help in a calm and soothing bath.

Currently, he could not see anyone else in a men's bath, obviously because he was the only man in the family right now and his uncle was not going to be visiting the party because of the Magical Beast attack in the 'Forest of Ending'.

There were many types of magical beasts spread around the continent. Starting from Rank 1 to Rank 4. Higher-ranked beasts were not noted down in available books.

Most books available in the world only registered common beasts. The reason was that knowledge was power and many factions hide this information to protect the area around them with uncommon beasts and also only sells information regarding beasts when it is favorable to them.

The nobles didn't care about normal humans and would let them be cannon fodders when disaster arises.

Since common people cant pay many tributes or offerings to the Church of Dawn hence the church also didn't provide much support to them when the need arises.

Nobility and church need to help peasants when there was a chance for scandal and loss of reputation. Other times they would let them take care of themselves.

Also reason for helping peasants was there because saintess used to be a commoner and loves people. Saintess is also pressing hard on nobles to treat people with kindness. Onviously this is not possible because the world is just too big and saintess has other things to take care of as well. Hence, commoners are basically sold as slaves, servants and treated rather harshly by nobles and Magi of the world. 'If you don't have strength then you dont deserve the kindness or sympathy' is what the trend is nowadays.

As long as commoners keep there head down, they wont get bullied. That's a lie obviously.

'Fackin Hypocrites....' Dante gritted his teeth and spat on the floor.

"Let me take your clothes off, Dan". Cherry said while smiling.


After taking his clothes off dante went directly into the bath water which was a swimming pool big.

But he didn't expect that cherry would also get naked and enter the bath and start rubbing his back with water.

"What are you doing?" Dante was puzzled and looking at her whole body dipping in water. Visibility was low so he couldn't see under water but he could see her cleavage, which was big as hell. Cherry had at least an E cup breast size. She was very beautiful with no scars or mispoints on her body. Her black hairs were like a waterfall and her eyes were like pearls.

'Holy shit, she is gorgeous. Maybe no woman on Earth could compare to her. What do I know I just dated 4 women at most. Anyway looks like fan service is served haha" Dante thought perversely as any man of culture would.

"Thanks for the meal..." Dante said absentmindedly.


"I mean you are beautiful cherry. You don't need to wash me I will do it myself."

"Sorry but please let me do this. I like doing it." Cherry said while looking at me sadly like she will cry if I say no.

"Ok fine."

So she cleaned me completely with water. And after that, we went to a different shower section to take a soup bath. After that, he was thinking of leaving the bath but apparently someone else entered the bath.

Yes, it was his 2 cousins and sister with their maids. The maids of my cousins were namely Alexa, Siri, and Ana. They were obviously ranked at 7 out of 10 in terms of beauty but 7 was the max beauty level on earth. They were supermodels level easily.

Dante hurriedly wore a bath towel on his male parts. He didn't want to be harassed after all.

But sad thing is that they saw him and things went from bad to worse.