Party (IV)

Samantha noticed him and came running with her eyes shining. Looking over his body like it was a price or delicious food.

With how stoic Dante seemed to be and always smiled. He was embarrassed, as right now he was naked with only a towel. He was a man but he was also very introverted in his last life and liked his personal space.

From memories, he remembered his past life. He had complete knowledge of his character and personality and it followed in this life as well.

'Damn it. Here I thought I would be able to go and change clothes without any interference or cliche scenarios like bath accidents. Looks like this is a harem novel world after all huh.' Dante thought while smiling at his sister like always.

He had always been acting like a caring boy since he got hold of his body. He wasn't going to change his behavior now because it would cause some unnecessary problems.

"Bro you were here taking a bath alone. Why didn't you call me? I had run over here with these bitc... ahem I mean sisters of ours. When I went to your room you had already left. I would have washed your back. I missed such a good chance." Sam looked sad that she couldn't bathe with her brother but let's be honest Dante was really happy that he left early and didn't have to take bath with these ladies.

He wanted to take bath with ladies but not his sisters. He was an adult in mind and didn't care about their small bodies. He liked those maids more. But as they say 'Don't dirty your own house', so he was more inclined towards bathing with ladies outside of the family whom he could ditch in case they got too clingy. Yes, he was a scumbag but who cares.

These were all his mind playing games, it wasn't like he was going to chase women to bathe with him or anything. Ahem Ahem. Maybe not right now...

"My sweet twin sister, ladies should bathe with ladies. You are now technically a teen with a completely developed mind. We shouldn't go over boundaries made by the goddess of light after all hehe." Dante said smiling while at the same time playing religious cards he was fond of using against people who wrecked him in conversations.

"Bro you are such a tease. I won't talk to you. Hmph." Samantha said while playing the spoiled sister card.

'Damn it

- She is better at this game than you hehe - Pearl exclaimed while laughing.

'Shut it.'

"All right my lovely sister I was just kidding. How about I take you to town to buy new clothes tomorrow huh?"

"Deal hehe."

Sam looked happy. Well, it was to be expected. She got herself a date.

" Oh can we join you as well then :) " Lily asked while smiling but it was not a smile.

"Sure, we all will go including Alice as well haha. Alice could use some new designer clothes." Dante said while changing the subject towards Alice who will not reply so the conversation will end at this point.

Dante looked over the servants while Sam started bickering with Lily over spoiling her date with her brother, while Alice looked like she smelled a fart.

These three women Alexa, Siri, and Ana were strong. Stronger than his cousins and sister. He checked the status one by one of all these ladies.

[ Name: Alexa smith

Battle Power: D+ (peak Ground zero Knight)

Affection: 70 (Respect/Complete Trust), Control: 60

Win Chance: Impossible (Don't even try dude, you will die.)

Details: She is the maid of your sister. Personally trained by your mother. Green eyes and black hairs were long enough to touch her ass. Master of Assasination. Her age is 16 years old. Tasked with protecting your sister. She is kind and strict. She likes you a lot and how you behave with her. She doesn't have a family and thinks of you as family and will die for you and your sister.

Difficulty: B ]

'This is interesting. She is a good person. No wonder she is following my sister, her mother trusts her and that is enough for me. But I will never trust her completely or I will die if she betrays me in the future.' After thinking about Alexa Dante moved to check the status of other two maids.

[ Name: Siri Ketch

Battle Power: D+ (peak Ground zero Magician)

Affection: 65 (Respect/Trust), Control: 30

Win Chance: Impossible (Try and you will die.)

Details: She is the maid of your cousin, Alice. Personally trained by your aunt. The age is 17. Brown eyes and brown hairs which are up to her shoulders. Formation master with barrier specialty. Tasked with protecting your cousin with her life. She likes you and thinks you are okay.

Difficulty: B ]

[ Name: Ana Mikel

Battle Power: Dmax (peak Ground zero Magic Knight)

Affection: 30 (FakeFriends/Trash), Control: 10

Win Chance: Impossible (you really wanna know?)

Details: She is the maid of your cousin, Lily. She is very good at acting and manipulation. The age is 18. She is trained by your Aunt to look after her daughter. She has black hair and black eyes. She is a sadist and likes to torture people before killing them. You are advised to stay away from her and not try to get her at high affection because she will rape you and then kill you. Also, she will kill herself as well after that so no worries. She thinks that you are trash and a bug that is annoying her young mistress Lily. She will try to harm you if you show hostility. She longs for true love and will not let go of her loved one once she founds him.

Difficulty: F]

Everything was okay as far as status was concerned. The main problem that Dante noticed was that system did not show [Loyalty] and [Faction] tabs in status which meant that judging on basis of this status was useless. What if they were affectionate towards him but had loyalty to other factions like Eternal Night Church? They would kill him even with 100 affection because their loyalty to the church is at its peak and brainwashed to follow orders.

Alexa and Siri were Okay for now. The main problem was Ana Mikel. She was a ticking bomb.

'I need to kill her soon. I can't let her stay among my family and in this mansion. There are no second chances in real life. Hell, I died twice for fackin no reason. I won't die this time. Even if I have to kill all maids, I will do that. I can't trust them. At least from my memories, I know that Kai will not betray me because he saved me from kidnappers and her sister made him promise to protect me forever. He agreed to that as his sister's last wish. I can trust Kai.'

Dante ended his thoughts and looked at Cherry who was his maid. She was smiling happily while naked and talking with other maids.

' I hope you don't betray me cherry. Because it won't be good for you. I am starting to like her after all. I will also help you in becoming strong if you prove your loyalty.'

- You are correct to not trust them. The best way to make people loyal is by contracts. You can buy contracts from [system shop] and they are very expensive. They won't help you in battle but will be essential in making loyal factions in order to rule the world. - Pearl said inside his head.

'I don't want to rule the world. But yes, you are right about contracts. They won't be able to betray me if I make them sign a contract. Obviously I will not manipulate them or anything. Just make sure that they don't betray me. Hell, I will even allow them to leave my faction on the condition of not spreading my faction information, but all with a strict death contract obviously.' Dante replied to Pearl with a smile on his face.

He was a gentleman and gentle word was the key here. He was a very kind man to his friends. He hate betrayals and despised people who were traitors.

'There is just one main problem here, Pearl...'

- What?-

' I am not a murderer and have never killed anyone. How the hell can I become brutal and cruel? This is not some novel where you kill and move on. I have morals and values. Hell, I only slaughtered a few goats, cows, camels, rabbits, and obviously chicken. I loved cooking and was a good cook in my last life but that is that and this is killing people. I need time to become a killer, need training, and need fackin hatred.....'

Dante was lost in his thoughts right now and the point clicked with him.

'Yes, I fear death more than I fear losing my morals.' Dante made up his mind and was ready to go all out once the enemy appeared. He would not show any mercy to enemies and will live through it all. He will survive till the end and achieve his dreams. No one will be able to stop him. The goddess comes in his way then he will kill her. Overlord comes in his way he will slaughter him. Universe Core comes to stop him then he will destroy the fackin universe. He was obviously kidding here. He wont go around killing people for sake of it. His dream was to live a free and long life. That didn't include becoming a legendary character like Karma god from famous chineese novel.

(A/n: 2 Famous references used in last paragraph)

'Yes I will survive and live forever.'

Dante started moving towards the changing room. Cherry followed.

"I will meet you beautiful ladies at the party. Baabye" He said in a girly manner.

All ladies looked at him like he was stupid. Maybe he was stupid as he was just a kid. So no damage was done.

Everyone knew due to meridian destruction, he had lost his mental power a lot and was barely above child level, and was still naive.

Dante entered the Changing room and cherry approached him to change him into the suit.

Dante got ready within 15 minutes for the party and went to the upper floor of Party Hall.

It took him more than 10 minutes to reach the Hall.

He went to the waiting room and started resting until his family arrived.

Time ticked and 1 hour passed and now everyone gathered including his Aunt which he was very curious about.