Regret's & Secret's

Dante currently has used a lot of his funds to buy ingredients and Aura crystals.

He could earn royalties for books he published and sold through dukedom channels presented by his mother.

This was all good and well. The thing was all his books were children based. Even if noble children bought them, the overall price can't be too high and the profit is just enough to be rich in the noble circle below the Aurars community.

Aurar's traded with Aura crystals and Dante made only Aura coins in return for his book sale. Not worth it if he sees in perspective Aurars fortune.

His current balance was well now 1.2 Million Aura coins. Which was 300k less than before.

Yes, the ingredients were expensive. The main thing he needed was Aura Crystals. The ratio of Aura coins to Aura crystals was 1000:1. Meaning, 1 Aura crystal was worth 1000 Aura coins. Thus he was in predicament and had only one choice to follow. Borrow money from his mother.

Well, his mother was rich and would let me take as much money as he wants. So why didn't he do it before? Well because that would expose his secrets. Like where did he get the recipe and whatnot? He wanted to hide these secrets. Now that he was officially Rank 0 Aurar. He could easily make any excuse like ' A ancient Aurar helped him'.

He could trust his mother as far as his memories of both his lives were concerned. His mother cared for him and his sister a lot. The only reason he was skeptical was that his grandmother was a power-hungry woman. He wanted to avoid her.

'I should meet my mother and make her promise me to keep my Aurar status a secret. She would agree most likely. If she betrays me. Then I will leave my family and join some weak kingdom until I become strong enough to destroy them all.'

Dante wasn't a forgiving person. If someone betrays him then they will die. No second chances unless necessary. This wasn't a game and if he dies again then everything he hopes to achieve will be forever history.

No one would even remember him after he dies and in the future life will keep going on. He needs to think about himself first then his family. Calculated risk is good enough but outright disaster facing is just asking for death. He loved to be alive. He liked this body and the world he was in right now. Maybe in the future, he might even travel to different worlds as he read in the Magi novels.

As long as one life, new opportunities will come. So he must survive.

'Plan is simple, I will ask her to promise me and provide a stable source of Aura coins. Once I reach Rank 1, Aurar Knight. I will just search for Aura Mine myself and dig Crystals with help of contracted servants. I also need to buy a strong Contract spell from the system shop.'

He was done now with his meditation technique. He needed to wait for some time before he could resume the meditation. Now what he needed was Aura crystals in bulk.

He had already used more than 80 AuC. Yes, just 1 session cost him 80 Aura crystals.

He wasn't foolish enough to rely on his strength to get crystals. He needed help. His help was his mother for now. He wants strong enough to pursue his methods for now. He needed to wait at least 5 years to become strong enough.

During last week, other than taking bathe during nighttime. Dante went to different places to find books regarding meditation and alchemy. He also spent some time with cherry, his cousins, and his beloved sister who was busy in her training of spells. He didn't get into much trouble with people or maids in the mansion, and no one tried to talk behind his back as far as he is concerned but he did receive eyes full of pity and sadness from lady maids of the mansion. Some maids even hugged him and let him rub their boobs ahem. His sister and cousins did a tea party which was also a great experience and a garden party was also held by his aunt and mother this weekend. It was a peaceful week and he cleared all aristocratic-based exams that his teachers offered him and no more teaching will be further required. He also began to do sword practice and study battle tactics. He was still new to battle strategies and tactics, still, his system was great help regarding that.

The system has 2 main functions which were [Analyze] and [Scan]. Analyze could perform a reading of all related subjects books and form a single book which carried the most important and purified form of information about that subject. It was not perfect yet but since the system was AI based hence it can do model training from different books. Dante could also highlight mistakes so that next time analyzing would be even more precise than before. This feature would also become more advanced with a system update. Yes, the system could be upgraded. It required the usage of SP. The level 2 upgrade was not very costly but he was waiting for the right time to do the upgrade.

[Scan] feature of the system was as one could expect a mapping feature. It could scan everything within the area that Dante currently was in, in a 3 Dimensional way. It could only map up to 300 meters for now. This would also improve with system updates and as Dante's strength increases.

Both features were awesome and would help him a lot in future adventures.

All was good. The only thing Dante hated was his star core technique which was basically a Crystal vampire. Normally Aurars at ground zero rank needed only 50 AuC to evolve from low to mid-rank. His technique used 80 crystals to increase only 10% progress to mid-rank. (AuC is Aura Crystals)

It was resources sucking drying technique in a pure sense. He was going to get bankrupt if this keeps going on.

'I need to get at least 1000Auc from my mother for now. Later I will get AuC depending on realm requirements.' Dante was getting up to go visit his mother in the Lord's Office where his mother took care of Noble duties.

He didn't take cherry or kai with him this time and went alone without alerting anyone. He channeled his Aura through his body and vanished before anyone could see him. He had created a movement technique called [Star Movement Technique] by using 1x immeasurable Spell Scroll.

[Star Movement Technique] allowed him to move very fast and stealthily. It also had an innate skill known as [Blink] which allowed him to teleport at a short distance of 20 meters for now. This technique was very versatile and stealth-based. In battle, it was best for fast takedowns using physical attacks and fast retreating for spell casting.

It had great future potential and could be ranked as unfathomable at the same rank of power.

Obviously there were weak points like [SlowFeet] spell could make it less fast and more tackle able if applied with precision.


< Felicia Von wolfsberg PoV >

Felicia had always been a kind and trusting person. She thought that everything will work out in life and that life would be filled with happiness and joy.

She always dreamed about her soulmate when she was in the academy. All men were after her body and not after her heart.

Society was an open one and people could have sexual relationships with whoever they wanted. Only power matters in this world. Those with power could have anything they desired.

Felicia hated men who chased to conquer her and make her their lust release. She mostly skipped parties that were arranged in noble society to lead to couples or courting of nobles in a higher hierarchy like a duke, count, and Marquis. Most people only cared about conquering her and others tried to use her for her pant-up lust. Some even tried to exploit her to reach higher ranks in nobility and get some favors to become stronger.

She hated this society based on fake relationships. Society only cared about their interests and profits. There were also friendships as well but they were not above people's own life. All people were greedy and power-hungry and selfish.

Felicia just wanted a real relationship where she could be open and happy. She wanted her partner to marry her because he cares about her and not for her body.

After she became 20, her mother arranged her marriage with the border duke family. They were happy to make relationships with Wolf's family. The cutter dukedom was a decent family who was neutral and not as open to battle as other factions.

Felicia only agreed to meet the man himself named "Jack Cutter". They didn't have von in their names because they were not part of royalty like Wolfsberg family.

She met a handsome man who looked at least 5 years older than her. He didn't look at her with lust and desire. This was the first time she found someone that didn't desire her for lust and his desires.

She agreed to marriage after her mother forced her to marry or else she would marry her to 3rd prince who was scum and a hypocrite.

Everyone knows how story went after that. Her husband betrayed her for another woman. Poisoned her and left her to die. She only survived because of his son inside her womb. Who removed all poison using special physique of his and destroyed his own potential and reducing his lifespan.

She also had a twin daughter who was also protected by her unborn son.

She had her meridians improved by the physique of her son in the womb. She broke through the Aura Lord realm.

She went berserk after catching her husband red-handed with his secret lover and exposing all truths.

He betrayed and poisoned her for a Viscount's Daughter.

Felicia was devastated. She was furious. The reason he didn't show lust and desire towards her was not that she was a decent human. Rather he already loved someone else. He betrayed her. She never loved him but she did'nt hate him either. She had always thought love would bloom between them after some time.

She felt sorrow and hatred. For the first time, she wanted to destroy everything. She loved children inside her belly more than everything in this world. She lost herself and everything went dark.

After she came out of her madness. Everything was destroyed. The whole Cutter family was dead including their Ancestors. She was able to bring battle power up to the Aura Emperor realm. This was most likely due to her son inside her belly who had the innate ability of [Despair] which activated alongside her own [Love Madness] ability. Hence increasing her powers exponentially.

She was lost and wanted to hide from the world. She was betrayed and nearly killed. If not for her son, she would have died while fighting the Cutter family. She now lived for her son and daughters sake.

She wanted to protect her son from all coming disasters and suffering.

She wanted to be a perfect and protective mother. She wanted to keep Dante safe forever from the day he was born.

Yes, she loved him more than anything. He was her ideal man and the person she dreamed about as his soul mate. Dante was her dream of happiness. She would protect him. She promised herself that she would give him all happiness.

Well, she failed in her promise...

She failed in giving him safety when he got kidnapped and attacked by Aura beasts.

She failed to give him happiness which was in form of his fiance who he definitely loved and cared for.

She failed to bring him all respect and fane she promised him.

She was a failure as a mother.

Yet, her son still loved her and cared for her more than anything in the world. He never showed dissatisfaction with her or blamed her for anything. Even though she knew he was hurting, even though it was painful.

He was a sad child. He was her child and she would do anything to help him become whole again.

He was the anchor to her life. Every Aurar has a point of focus and interest which they call [Anchor]. Some people make power the anchor and main focus for basing their concentration and willpower as aurar. Some people make lust their anchor and live and fight for women.

Felicia's thing as an anchor to her willpower and Battle spirit was her Son, Dante Von wolfsberg.

Even though she failed to be a good mother, she would make sure to bring all happiness back to him. That she is sure.

All humiliation he suffered by Silver Dukedom and Freya's hands. She will make sure to return it twofold in the future.

She was busy contemplating things about her problems which included the stupid perverted 3rd prince's pursue to conquer her, enemies in the dark waiting for her family to make a mistake to strike, and her mother who wanted her to marry again.

She was unhappy with this life and wanted to run away to some faraway farm to live happily with her son and daughter. She was not able to give time to her son and daughter and they were growing up without a caring and loving hand.

Her daughter Samantha was already twisted in her mind and had abnormal tendencies. Most likely due to before-birth defects.

Her son always smiled and never showed sadness or any other emotion. She knew he was broken and needs help. She could not take care of either of her children. She was the worst mother and woman to exist, she was sure now.

Just as she was starting to tear up due to her stress, the door was knocked, and thus came her happiness which made her lose all her stress.

(POV End)


Dante was now in a section of the mansion where the office room portion was focused. It was the right-wing of the Mansion.

He saw a knight named Jeffory Kite. Yes, this guy who was handsome and emo-like personality was the personal knight of my mother and her right-hand man.

'He looks like those FF games' lead character. Damn, why is he standing there and not pursuing women with those looks? He would score for sure.'

As he was looking at Jeffory, he also noticed Dante and smiled at him.

"Greetings, young Dante. What can I do for you."

"Oh, I need to meet mother. I have something to discuss with her." Dante looked at the door which was closed right now.

Jeffory in short Jeff was an Aura Master rank Aurar. A very strong person. Pure grey hair and black eyes. One sword of normal length on his waist represents his knight status.

Jeff looked at Dante with a normal aloof expression and wanted to say that he will ask Dutchess for permission. He was just following protocol. Besides Dante was not the heir of the Duke's family anymore and at best he could become Marquis. He didn't need to show any respect to weak people, this was the rule in this world. Only the strong deserve respect.

"Wait. I will check."

Jeff went towards the door and asked politely about a visit from Dante to Lord of the house.

The door opened and jeff simply stated "Go on Lord will see you now."

Dante smiled and went directly into the room.

When he entered he saw loads of runes and formations and papers with lots of information and assignments. It seemed his mother was very busy.

Felicia came and hugged Dan and he just smiled at her and said nothing else.

After hugging him for some time, Felicia let Dan go and asked him "So what brings my cute son to visit her poor mother."

She was expecting a smile and cute reply but that was not the case today.

"I want to discuss something very important with your mother. Kindly close the door and make sure our privacy is secured." Dante said while looking serious.

Felicia was shocked by this behavior and did as he asked her. She was sure something was wrong.

Dante sat down together with his mother on the side couch. He looked at her and asked.

"Mother, can you promise me that you will keep everything we discuss today a secret from everyone and will never reveal it?"

He asked while looking into eyes of Felicia which were like a gorgeous gem.

"Of course, I promise. Just state what is the problem, Dan, why are you acting like this?"

Dante kept silent for a little moment and started speaking.

"I have recovered all my memories and my mental health mother. Also, I want you to be calm to see this."

Then Dante started to stand up and started releasing his Aura from his cores and meridian points.

This shocked Felicia who could understand what this meant. This was a happy occasion.

"Your meridians are fixed but how?" Felicia stood up and looked at Dante with happiness and doubt.

"An ancient Aurar helped me and took me as a disciple, mother. This is a top secret and must be kept hidden. I am only telling you this because I trust you the most in this world. I also love you the most. I didn't want to keep secrets from you." Dante was smiling and serious when he started speaking.

"I am so happy for you Dante. I was frustrated at how to recover your body to perfect health again but this is great."

He interrupted her.

"I am here to ask mother for help. My technique of meditation is unique. I need help from you. Will you help me, mother?"

"Yes, anything for my son. I have only brought you problems. I will do anything you ask me off to bring you some form of relief from my side." Felicia was acting a little out of control due to her anxiousness.

She thought that her son will abandon her now, that he is perfect once again. He will call her the bad luck and misfortune of his life. None of that happened.

"I want Aura Crystals from time to time to develop my foundation of the core. I also need your help to hide all information regarding my healing from everyone. Most of all I want you to keep treating me like trash of family. This will help me a lot and also help me move in the dark."

Dante stated his thoughts and conditions to his mother.

"You have changed son. Why are acting like this? I don't understand..."

Before she could finish Dan stated " We have enemies within the family mother. Also, I don't trust my Grandmother and Uncle. They are most likely our enemies. We need to hide our trump cards from them."

Dante explained why he thought that and why he didn't trust them. His grandma abandoned him at Party as all know of that. His uncle had shown suspicious behavior when he was kidnapped. His mother was all-knowing and doubtful about the actions but now that her son explained, she was sure about her suspicions.

"How could they do this..." Felicia started emitting Aura waves. The floor cracked and the windows shattered. She was mad and devastated.

Dante went ahead and hugged her mother.

"Calm down. I am okay now. Everything is fine mother. We need to think of the future and plan now. Madness will bring us only death. We need to be smart and controlling of our emotions right now." Dante patted her mother's head while hugging her.

Felicia calmed down in a moment's time and started sniffing his son and started crying badly.

'Why the hell is she crying damn it. Just give me Aura crystals and keep your mouth shut womannn'.

Dante was giving her a deadpan look.

"I am so stupid. My son can think better than me. I have always been emotional and always brought suffering to you and your sister. I am sorry son for everything." She said while crying badly in his arms.

"I forgive you, mother. You are a kind and caring person. I would never blame you. So stop crying and smile okay."

"Whyy are you forgiving me so easily? Why don't you curse me! why don't you shout at me? I am a bad mother and a bad woman!"

Felicia was breaking down now.

"I Love you, mother. I can never hate you or despise you. I am your son and I will always love you no matter what." Dante stated while looking in crying Felicia's eyes.

Felicia had enlightenment and rubbed her tears from her eyes and started smiling. Her laugh was so beautiful that even Dante was touched. It was like her life was completed tight now and she had overcome the burden on her soul.

"I love you too Son. More than anything in this world. *Smile*"

Felicia stated with a bright smile and light from the window shining on her face.

[Destiny Mission Completed]

[Destiny Breaking Mission Completed:

Codename: Felicia

Details: Felicia hated herself for letting her Son and daughter suffer. She thought she didn't deserve to be happy because she was a bad mother. Dante brought her out of her despair and changed her future. Hence enabling her to be happy and move on from the past.

Rewards: 10x Lv1 Upgrade tickets, 5x Lv2 upgrade tickets, 3x Lv3 upgrade tickets, 1 Million SP, 2 random utility perks (Grade 1 to 7)


[Congrats on completing your 1st Destiny breaking mission. You have changed someone's destiny and brought change to future events.]

'F*ck my life...'

Dante could think of these words at the moment.