
Felicia was happy that she had found the one she always dreamt about.

A person who would love her without any expectations. The love that will be pure from all desires and lust.

She wanted pure love and she had found it in form of her son.

She was now complete and just wanted to enjoy the taste of achieving her lifelong passion.

'I always knew he was the only one who could fulfill my dream and desire for a happy life. Dante is my happiness and life. I don't need anything else from life anymore.' Felicia was smiling while looking at her son.

"Mother so do you accept to keep my status secret and help me financially? Also, do you agree to protect me from enemies within the family?" Dante was hoping that she would agree or else he needs to leave the Dukedom because his life would be in danger always due to his uncle and Grandmother.

"Yes, Son you are all that matters to me. I will only trust you and provide all help you need. In return, you need to be honest with me always. What do you say?" Mother said while in an ordering manner.

"Fine mother! You should not trust anyone in the family. Anyone could be a spy or enemy including people you trained." Dante pointed out some main concerns.

"Don't worry, I will keep your grandma and uncle in dark about everything relating to you and your sister. If things go bad, we can retreat to our hidden Mansion in a secret location that only I know of." Mother was now hugging me in a manner that a woman would her husband.

"Oh my! you have grown up. It must be due to your Meridians being cured. So how many Aura crystals do you need?"

Felicia checked all over Dantes's body and removed his clothes and even checked his male parts with a blushing face.

"I need 1000 AuC for now. I will ask again if I need more. Also kindly don't touch and rub down there please mother. That is not what a mother should be touching."

Dante was entangled by his mother's arms and she wasn't letting him go.

He felt the blood rise down in his middle leg. This was interesting because he was just a kid right now and should not have a feeling of horniness yet.

"Oh my, look at how grown up you are now. You are already a man my son. Hehe." Felicia said while rubbing and checking his small penis.

It was small and not much could be expected since he was not a harem protagonist. He was not gifted down there sadly. He was just average in the male sex organ department.

"All right take this ring. It has all things you need. Also, a magic artifact that can be used for defense. So equip it after returning to your room. Don't worry I am just checking your body, nothing extreme hehe."

She sucks at being a mother, to be honest. He didn't like his mother teasing him. This world was open as he could see now. Even mothers did all types of stuff to children if they wanted. 'Power removes all boundaries' is what famous scholars used to say in this world.

'Let's leave now. Note to me to stay away from my horny mother who needs a man asap. Other than that, My work is done. Plans also succeeded. The only thing I lost was my dignity here, which is no big deal haha.' Dante happily thought and started trying to move out of his mother's hands.

- The reason she is acting like that is due to a change in your charm and innate ability [Aura of Attraction]. You need to take things slow and she will go back to normal behavior. Also, she has pent-up lust that she hasn't released for a long time now.- Pearl explained to Dante the reason for this behavior.

Aurars have very high Lust and Craving due to the pure energies of life flowing through them known as Aura. The Stronger the Aurar the higher the lust value. His mother was a [Aura Lord] and close to becoming [Aura Weaver], therefore she was ready for the release of all pent-up Lust.

Well, the mother and son duo talked for some hours and then Dante went back to his room for further check of his plans.


After returning to the room. Dante checked his status and there were 2 new things available now.

One was his core technique innate spell called [Star Flash]. The second ability he obtained was a very versatile ability called [Star Projection]. This was the main spell-based ability that Dante would focus on from now on.

The ability allowed hundreds of stars of the light element to be spread around the whole area. He could manually control them to cause distraction, flanking, and outright do area-based attacks on multiple enemies.

He could manipulate the shape of stars into swords, rays of light, and bombs on collision. Star projection can also allow him to manipulate the movement of enemies. Most lower rank people aurar won't even know what hit them.

The current diameter of the star projection innate spell was only 30 meters. 50 stars at most with constant fueling with Aura could be utilized for now.

So Dante's main physical attacking spells were [Star Sword Technique]. Main Aura Spells were [Star Projection]. The final Attack was [Star Flash].

Star Flash was a pure Aura-based move that release a huge cone beam of energies toward enemies. His aura was very pure and concentrated, so this attack was enough to kill large amounts of enemies and strong enemies that he can't defeat with normal attacks. The cost of Aura for these attacks was very high.

'Show my status'



Name: Dante Von WolfsBerg

Age: 5/100

Potential: 8.5/10

Charm: 9.2/10 {Still young, will increase when becomes adult}

Luck: 0 {Fateless}

Title: Playboy, Hardcore Idiot, Parttime Masochist, Scumbag, Playboy Incarnate

Strength: F+ , Agility: F+ , Spell Power: E (20AE)

Echo Compatibility: 10%

Aura Capacity: 15 A(AuraUnits)

System Level: 1 (Upgradable)

Condition: Healthy, Peek Strength, Strong Soul, High Grade 6 Meridians

Innate Ability: Grand Devouring Physique (Lv2), Aura of Attraction (max)

Perks: Devourer (+), Despair (???), Painless Body (+), Enhanced Regeneration (Lv1), Star Core Technique (Lv0.1), Supreme Memory/Ultimate Memory

Skills: Light Cleansing (Lv1), Star Sword Technique (Lv0), Blink (Lv0), Star Flash (Lv0), Star Projection (Lv0), Star Movement Technique (Lv0)

Equipment/Inventory: Eternal Light (Book), Manga (5), Books (3), 2x Immeasurable rank skill creation Scroll, 4x God rank Skill Creation Scroll, Zex22 (not in the inventory), DraVault Card, 10x Lv1 Upgrade Token, 5x Lv2 Upgrade Token, 3x Lv3 Upgrade Token, 2 random Perk Token, Mother's Ring

System Points (SP): 11,045,000 SP





His Spell power was 20 AE. AE was aura emission and it was radiation energy released from the aura core. It is purely destructive power and its emission of it could cripple all enemies within range. This 20 AE is the base power of his attacks. 1 AE is the damage of simple generate. 5 AE could be compared to RPG blast. 10 AD could be compared to the TNT blast. So it was easy to figure out. 5 AE damage could easily burn normal humans in the continent to ashes depending on the spells used.

So 20 AE was a pretty strong attack capable of destroying buildings.

He was just a Low-rank ground zero Aurar currently. He wasn't even an official Aurar yet. Looking at his powers he was amazed at the power system of this world. This world power ranking was higher than even some cultivation worlds he read about in his life on Earth.

'Alright, I will train these techniques in coming years and become Official Aurar before starting my campaign towards Faction building.

He was planning on how to get trustworthy companions who won't betray him.

He was brainstorming and asked pearl for some suggestions.

Pearl suggested that they should take children in and train them under brainwashing.

"That is not suitable to do because I am a law-abiding citizen. Just kidding. I just don't like manipulating people. Suggest something else which allows me to owe them and they would love me enough to follow without any objections." Dante was surprised at how hard it was to get loyal subordinates.

" Why don't you just buy slaves and free them to give them a choice to join them and promise them that you will fulfill their dreams in the future?" Pearl appeared near his face and said while pointing his finger like a teacher.

Dante was astonished and started thinking if this was a possible scenario.

Just as he was going to ask for further details from Pearl, the system notified him of something on a blue screen in front of him.


[Timed Mission]

Objective: Hire some slaves with high potential to become your companions within 2 days from City.

Requirement: Hire 6 slaves with at least 6+ potential. One fate companion is also required.

Reward: 1000 SP per companion, Star Core technique Level Upgrade.


Dante was just thinking maybe system missions work on a requirement basis.

"Oh, the universe mission system offered you a timed quest. You must complete it because it will help you. Times quests are based on fortunate encounters after all." Pearl started playing with books in the room.

"So it means that if I miss this then the destiny of someone important will go down a bad route? Also, what is fate companion?" Dante was going through a quest right now.

"No idea, missions are decided by the universe depending on chance encounters. So you should complete them for getting details about how the world works." Pearl said while vanishing in the air to return to the mind world of Dante.

He decided to follow Pearl's suggestion for now because this might solve his current dilemma.

"Alright, let's go slave hunting haha."

Dante started walking towards the door. He talked with Kai to follow him.

Kai was AA Rank Aurar (peak Rank 1). So he was enough for his safety, he was not a weakling anymore and had strong physical attacks due to Star sword technique.

Cherry wanted to follow him and made a sad face. Dante hugged her and patted her head to satisfy her. She started doing some shady movements on his body which made Dante stop hugging cherry and left for a City tour.

The city where he was located was named " Wolf City". One of the major cities of the Kingdom and a hub of crime and depravity.


Dante was driving his car Zex22 on the city road. His mansion was located in the center of city. So he decided to go to the most famous slave trader's location in the city.

His system was great and allowed him to follow maps with GPS that had perfect accuracy due to studying city maps.

The car was very good and Kai sat alongside Dante. Kai was like a friend to Dante and they talked a lot about different things happening in the world. Kai was a sad guy who lost his precious sister due to a kidnapping accident that happened half a year ago. The story could be discussed another day.

While driving through the road Dante saw many peasants in worn clothes, hungry children, and sick people in streets and alleys. He even used his Aura sense to find out some people getting assaulted in alleys.

Dante didn't help them. He was not stupid. Every action reacted. He might get pulled into something he couldn't handle right now. So he just promised in his heart that he will help people after his faction becomes strong in the future.

While driving he saw many cars similar to his but of older models. People who mostly had cars were rich. Peasants could barely afford anything in this world. Shops were run by peasants and many food stalls were opened by normal humans. This world was similar to earth if you just removed Aurars.

Dante saw an Aurar beating woman on street as well, while her children were crying and couldn't help her. He saw the child's face and remembered something he wanted to forget. Yes, he remembered the helplessness of not being able to do anything to save loved ones.

The car stopped with a strong friction. Dante came out of the car and started walking towards Aurar.

The aurar who was badly beating and torturing the woman was D Ranker. D rankers were basically gods in front of commoners' eyes. Many humans and beast kind were watching the horrible scene with hate and sadness. The 2 children among which one was a girl and the other was a boy, were crying badly.

The little girl said "Please don't beat my mother. She is hurt and sick. Please stop!"

The little girl was only 5 years old. She wasn't intelligent enough yet because she was not like nobles whose children were born with good aura levels to increase their mental progress.

Just a normal child with worn-out clothes. She had made a mistake of talking in front of Aurar and that lead to this situation.

"You little bitch! Your mother didn't teach you to shut your filthy mouth in front of Noble Aurars huh? I need to punish her so that next time this doesn't happen." D rank aurar started beating the shit out of a sick woman who was bleeding now, if this keeps going on she will die.

Nobody came forward to help. Not even the Aurar could help. How could anyone interfere? Who knows what backing this eyrir had behind him? They would die if they piss off official Aurars of Rank 1.

To normal people and weak zero Aurars, the Rank 1 Aurars were godlike beings. They could not retaliate against people like them. Just their Aura Emission was enough to kill everyone below rank 1.