Elsa Scarlet

The manager brought his many kinds of slaves as a starter. They were old enough to be adults.

The manager introduced me to these slaves who were all women. The manager must have a misunderstanding that he was here to find a sex slave or something.

All women looked at me with admiration. Some even looked with lust. Dante was no doubt a handsome 10-year-old young man. Well, he looks older than he is due to Aura helping his growth alongside the Star core technique. Some woman were using their charms to seduce Dante, which he appreciated by smiling at them, which made those ladies lose themselves in awe of his charming smile.

Who wouldn't want to be a slave of such a handsome and cute young master? That is what was going on in these woman heads.

So after checking many slaves in front of him. Dante went to check the status of dirty and hideous slaves.

Most of the time bad eggs were the hidden gems in most novels he had read. There were more than 100 slaves present in the hall-like room. Dante can't go all the way to check the status of all people here, that would be exhausting. Sadly he needed to check everyone's status to find potential companions to help him run his future Faction.

The slaves presented to him were all maids or butlers categories. Meaning they could be used as sex slaves but not for experiments.

The slaves in front of him were all assistant types slaves. They could be used as Lab assistants. Since most Aurars like to do experiments to create new potions, artifacts, and inventions towards their desired goals.

Dante thought about his system features and settings while reviewing the woman in front of him. After talking with the manager, some male slaves were also sent for review.

The system upgrades cost 5,000 SP. It was not much but not so low either. Dante couldn't earn lots of SP unless he had special missions. He could barely earn 100 SP per day due to daily training.

Many people would wonder why did he help those mother-children duo? He didn't have anything to gain from it. Well, that is where you are wrong. He gained self-satisfaction by doing that. Yes, since he had woken up he had not been able to do anything he liked to do. He wanted to save the poor citizens. So he did because he wanted to do it. No other reason. Besides he gained a good rep with normal citizens by helping those people, which is a good point.

The best thing he obtained from arresting Cody was that he was able to ruin his Unlces reputation in front of people. Yes, since Cody belonged to his uncle's faction so blame goes to his uncle.

That idiot even announced that he is protected by his uncle like some arrogant bastard.

'Serves you right traitorous uncle of mine. Just wait until I find evidence. I will ask authorities to drag you naked on the streets.'

Dante was happy in his thoughts.

Well, he was not wrong about arresting Cody because he was trying to ruin the reputation of his mother's faction in front of peasants. Dante read Cody's status and knew he was on a mission to cause disturbance in the city to make his mother look bad in front of Citizens. He already notified his mother about this and his mother was going to take action against this idiot Cody. My uncle was playing a long game to become Duke it seemed like.

The thing about power is that it is above all laws. Even he gets evidence against his uncle. His uncle will barely get any punishment. The reason is, Dante is Trash and his Uncle is the Supreme General of the Flora Kingdom. Such sweet democracy.


All slaves were looking at Dante as he was a god who could change their lives with one word.

Dante was son of Dutchess of Wolfsberg. He was an omnipotent being in front of these weak commoners who couldn't even free themselves from shackles.

Women and men present here just wanted a good master. They only cared about living with some hope of freedom. At least with such a great noble, they would be able to live a satisfactory life.

Most nobles treated slaves like ants and trash. They would beat them, torture them and rape them as per their desires. These slaves were scared of that outcome. They were living beings who could feel pain and sadness just like anyone else.

"Come in front of me one by one. Starting from the girl over there." Dante pointed his finger at the little flat-chested brown head girl who looked 10 years old.

The girl walked slowly with nervousness. She had shackles of iron all around his hands and neck. She looked like a dog who is bound by chains.

The girl stood in front of Dante, she was a little dirty and had worn-out clothes. She also looked malnourished and sick.

Dante looked into the girl's eyes and she looked back. All he could see in the girl's eyes was nervousness, pain, and despair. She looked like there was no hope left in her life. No hope for free life and happy life.

"What is your name." Dan looked while smiling at the little girl.

"Elsa. Umm. Elsa Scarlet. Young. Lord."

The girl said while fidgeting.

"Why do you look scared of me? I won't eat you or anything. Haha," Dante started laughing at her.

"Umm sorry, please forgive me." Elsa kneeled in front of him.

All slaves looked nervous and thought girls might get punished or maybe tortured to become examples to others.

"Don't kneel to me. I am not a king or a god. I am human like you after all. Isn't that right Kai?" He looked at Kai who was standing beside him with sharp eyes and a hand on his sword which showed he would kill anyone who tried anything funny.

"Yes, Young master." Kai loudly stated while looking at the young girl.

Young Elsa stood up and looked at Dante with a confused look.

"Alright, I Like you. You are hired. The manager kindly removes her shackles and neck belt. I don't like people in shackles." Before Dante could finish all shackles fall from all slaves. They were all cut in half. The manager knew that Kai had done this to show his dominance.

All slaves looked shocked. It had been a while since they stood without chains.

"Now everything looks good. Elsa darling stand behind me okay?" Dante waved his hand at Elsa.

"Yes, master." Elsa moved while bowing. She did as he told her and stood behind him like a boulder with no movement.

This way all slaves came in front of Dante one by one and he checked their status.

Other than Elsa no one else was worthy of notice.

He ignored these slaves with no potential. Asked the manager to bring all remaining slaves available to the Slave house.

"My lord, the remaining slaves are all defected and not for sailing to lords." The manager bowed and cleaned his sweat with a handkerchief.

The manager knew that this young lord in front of him was trash and that he could kill him with a breath. He wasn't a fool and knew this kid should have defensive artifacts and a signaling device that would bring the Dutchess here in a second and kill everyone who annoyed this young lord.

Sometimes strong also had to bow to the weak due to their connections. Such was life.

Dante was happy to see the ugly old manager being humiliated.

All slaves in the room were sad that the young lord didn't choose them. But such was life. They were not lucky like that sick girl.

The manager waved his hands towards slave guards to take back these slaves out of the hall room.

"Did I ask you to tell me that? Just do what I am telling you to do. I don't like to say things twice." Dante snorted at Manager, while Kai released his Aura towards the manager who was crushed on the floor and had a hard time even moving.

"Yes Lord, I will do it. Please forgive me." The manager was nearly shitting himself right now.

The manager left the room to bring the remaining stock of slaves to Young Lord who was a real Child.

Dante started drinking the juice that was provided on the table and sighed.

"So Elsa Scarlet, come in front of me." Dante drank his juice and took out a Health Potion from the Ring that his mother provided him.

The ring contained many items including 5000 Aura crystals, 50,000 Aura Coins, Potions, Elixirs, Aura Formations, Artifacts, and Spell Scrolls.

Elsa stood in front of Dante who asked Elsa to drink the potion which she drank without question because she knew he didn't like saying things twice.

Elsa drank a potion that tasted like honey and brought a sense of soothing to her whole body. Her body started healing and all her sickness and damage to her body vanished. Even her hair and body looked like she took a bath.

Elsa was shocked as well as amazed by this event and started looking at herself in the mirror behind Dante without moving from her position.

The potion Dan gave Elsa was called [Minor Cleansing potion] which he bought from the system shop for 50 SP. It was a 30ml glass bottle with purple syrup.

Dante wanted to check the effect of the Potion so he gave it to Elsa. This can be called that he experimented on poor Elsa. Which worked in Elsa's favor.

"Good now you look decent. Here wear these maid clothes. From today you are my 2nd maid. I will train you to be perfect. People who are mine will never suffer in this life. Don't worry hehe." Hence Dante started laughing while Elsa looked shocked and moved by Dante's words.

Dante obviously bought this potion using daily 100 SP. He bought 2 of these potions to check out their effects.