Lost & Found

Elsa Scarlet was an orphan girl born in wolf city's east side. She was born to a single mother who worked day and night to take care of Elsa and to keep her healthy and fed.

Elsa was happy to have a such loving mother. Her father had died in a dungeon break that occasionally happened in nearly all cities of the world.

Dungeon Breaks were often taken care of by soldiers and hired people from guilds. Most of the time the people who died were normal humans like commoners since they were just unimportant to people in power.

Elsa's mother suffered from disease and died when Elsa was 7 years old. Elsa decided to bury her mother, but everything her mother left was stolen by people who came to bury her mother. Elsa was too young to know what to do now that she was hungry and had no one to take care of her.

Her mother said to her that "Live and be happy. You will find someone who will take care of you. Follow that person and find your happiness."

She was just too young to understand why her mother said such stuff while she was sick. Elsa helped her mother to get better but she died.

Now Elsa knew she could not trust people. Even commoners were no better than nobles. Everyone was trying to steal from others.

Elsa due to her hunger ate things from trash dumps. She didn't want to be sick like her mother. She was a very frail and skinny girl.

Nobody wanted to hire her and kicked her out of their shops.

She didn't know what to do. In back alleys, dogs tried to bite her and she ran away from the streets. She found herself in the area known as 'Light street', which was a part of the eastern city where prostitutes resided.

Elsa was injured due to falling while being chased by dogs. She wanted to wash.

She remembered how her mother took care of her and loved her. Her mother didn't let anything bad happen to her ever and protected her. Elsa never had to go hungry.

Tears started falling in Elsa's eyes, she was devastated. She had no one now. She wished that she had also died with her mother. She was in despair. Every person she met was trying to use her and steal from her. Everyone was a demon in her eyes.

Elsa decided to join some shops again and was hired by some gang. She worked with the gang for 1 year until they also betrayed her and sold her to the Slave traders by scamming her.

Many gang members who were old enough to be her father even tried to rape her. She was saved many times by her only friend Rebecca.

She still remembered her only friend who died while being stabbed by hostile gangs in a light street.

Rebeccas last words were that "Promise me you will live a life with no regrets and mever give up okay?" Her only friend died in her arms while she took her to safety.

Sadly now she had no one to protect her or someone she could call family. She was all alone. She decided to end her life if nothing works out after being sold to some scum noble or brothel. At least her death will be her own choice.

After her death, she will be able to meet her mother and her only friend Rebecca.

Elsa was 8 years old now and nobody was there to wish her.


Elsa had tears in her eyes. She had been sick with flu and fever for the last 3 days and nobody even gave her any medicine.

She was not a fool. She knew that if she tried to ask for help or told them that she was sick then the slavers would just extract her organs and throw her away in a trash dump.

She wanted to cling to life until she had no choice but to embrace death.

What happened was that she and other slaves were called out by the scum manager to appear before some noble guy.

She had been a slave for 1 month now and she knew that nobody wanted to buy a frail girl like her. Nobles only liked beautiful and curvy women.

The reason for summoning them meant that someone very important must have arrived.

Elsa was very weak right now due to a fever. She just wanted to sleep and rest but life in these cages was horror in itself.

Many guards raped women every day or tortured some poor guy who pisses them off. Even a few women and men were also killed during her stay here.

Those who get sick are thrown into the trash to die. There was no value in life in this place.

Elsa knew that the person who summoned them would never buy someone like her. Maybe today will be the day she would see what real powerful nobles look like. Are they also scum like these slavers? Maybe they are worse than these slavers and that scum manager who raped different women every day.

Elsa wanted to rest and sleep. She wanted to dream about her mother's kind smile and her friend's funny jokes. Nothing ever went how she wanted things to go.

Elsa and all slaves reached the Hall Room. This was the first time she saw such a beautiful room. She was hungry and ravished due to not being fed anything for 2 days. Everyone here was mostly the same, only a few special slaves got enough food. Life was full of pain and suffering. Food on the table was so aromatic and good. She wanted to eat until her stomach was full. Elsa knew she won't even be able to reach the table.

Elsa and all slaves looked at the noble child sitting on an expensive chair. He was unlike anyone she had seen. The manager had told them he was a child of Dutchess, the ruler of this city and the whole east.

The child on the chair was so handsome that when she looked at him she was filled with calm and even her pain as well as hunger vanished. He was a god on earth. The feeling she got from him was of absolute reverence and trust. Her heart told her that she could trust and follow him through hell if he asks her. He was smiling and that reminded her of mother's kind smile.

'He is so good-looking and saintly. How is this even possible? Maybe I am just too sick and thinking foolish thoughts.' Elsa was clenching her fists and trying to control herself.

The young man stared at her and asked her to come forward and close to him. She was scared and intimidated.

The young man smiled at her and asked her name. She kneeled because she thought she made a mistake in answering the questions. The young man didn't hurt her or cursed her. Instead, he bought her as his slave. She was shocked and just stood there.

After the manager left, the young master asked her to come forwards and gave her a purple-colored liquid to drink which she drank without any other choice.

'Maybe today is the day I die.' Elsa was not optimistic because she knew people never did anything out of kindness for others. She had seen the ugly face of society. She was sure Dante was experimenting on her by using that potion that she had never seen.

'Maybe dying here is better than suffering more in the future.' Elsa remembered her mother's smile and closed her eyes to accept death in whatever manner it came but it never happened.

Instead, Elsa felt a soothing feeling and all her pain and suffering from fever vanished. She could feel strength and vitality returning to her and even her wounds vanished. Health returned to her like never before. Elsa was in even better health than even when she lived with her mother. She was not hungry anymore and could even feel that she can work for days without food easily.

"People who are mine will never suffer in this life." Elsa heard Dante saying these words and smiling at her.

He csaid that she will not suffer as long she belongs to him. She would be happy and live a good life if she follows him. She remembered the past and what had happened to her due to believing in people. No one was as good to her as this young man in front of her was. His smile eclipsed her mothers and his kindness and words brought her one thing she lacked. Hope. Yes hope to live again.

'Mother said that I will find someone who will take care of me. I have found the person tou talked about mother.'

Elsa scarlet smiled with bliss for the first time after her mother's death.