Promised Saint

Dante was watching his newly bought companion. He was against slavery and hated it to the bottom of his being.

If he had the strength he would kill all slavers and torture all rapists of this disgraceful world.

Obviously, he was not able to do anything. He was not a fool to interfere in things he can't control.

Dante was a very realistic type of guy who knew his shortcomings and strengths. He was not delusional or someone with hero syndrome.

Slavery had been going on for centuries now. People had been suffering for centuries and dying horrible deaths. He knew things can not be changed within a day or two. This fight against slavery and evil was a long and hard journey. He had to take one step at a time to succeed in his final goal.

Dante decided he would be ruthless and calculating. He decided to save the future and being stay neutral in present. He would bear all the horror in front of him and stay stoic.

Dante was an emotional human from Earth who valued life and freedom. His dream was to be free and live a carefree life. He could never support a world of slavery and injustice.

'I will change the future. I will bring new morals and values that everyone will have to respect and fear. I will be cruel and merciless to all who go against my dream.'

Dante had made up his mind. He would not hesitate. He would succeed. He would sacrifice and even skip danger in present. He would survive until the end and achieve his goals and dreams. This was now his world and he would mold it to his will.

[Lucrecia is Happy with your firmness and commitment]

[Lucrecia's Affection +20]

'Huh, what is going on? Can she read my mind and thoughts? This is an invasion of privacy Lady Lucrecia kindly control yourself if you are hearing me.'

[Lucrecia is shocked that you can detect her. She is blushing and the system cannot detect her anymore. She hid through the use of her divinity from the system]

'Show me affection panel of Lucy.'

Yes, Dante decided to call Lucrecia Lucy.

[Lucrecia ~ Affection:98, Control:??]


The screen vanished and appeared again but this time the blue panel in front of him was not really credible.

[Lucrecia ~ Affection:??, Control:??]

[System cannot access Lucrecia's status because she hid from the system]

'Whatever just protect my thoughts from being read by divine beings, hey Pearl I am telling you this, so do something.'

- Sure, but I don't know if the system has such power against World itself. She is the true god of this world after all.- Pearl pointed out an interesting fact to me which made me astonished as well.

'I feel like I am naked. No wonder making friends with divine beings is bad news in all novels. Sadly I have terrible luck as always. Oh shit, I hope Lucy didn't here this. I love you, Lucy, dont doubt me ever okay? Thoughts are fake after all. Only action truly matters.' Dante tried to cover his inner self from being the end of him from Lady Lucrecia.

Dante took a sip of juice and looked happy.

'This juice is nice. I don't remember any tasty beverage from my last life. I never drank alcohol and only smoked. I wish to grow fast and smoke while eating delicious foods.'

Dante's free time hobby was to smoke a cigarette once a week if he had an urge. He didn't chain smoke like other people and only did it to satisfy his inner self.

Smoking once a week was not harmful to the body anyways so he smoke whenever he felt tension piling up. He never researched whether his thoughts were correct or not about smoking once a week.

Dante was lazy and wanted to hide from some truths which will cause his inner self to reprimand him.

'Why is this girl crying? She is 8 years old huh? Her potential is also good. Maybe I can further increase it by devouring talent. This girl's past is sad. Don't worry little girl, you are in safe hands now.'

Dante kept drinking juice and ate some pastries on the table.

"Come here little Elsa, eat this food. I can't eat all of this myself after all." Dante waved his hand in a friendly manner toward the cute little girl.

Elsa came and sat next t Dante and started eating all things he gave her. She didn't refuse which made Dante happy because he disliked people going against his will. He was a stubborn child at heart after all.

Elsa looked happy when she ate food with gusto. Dante looked at her and thought that he had found someone with the same hobby as him and this brought a smile to his face.

While Elsa was eating happily and with the speed shown in food contests. Dam decided to check the status of little Elsa who had the same height as himself.


[Name: Elsa Scarlet

Race: Human,?

Age: 8/50 {?}

Title: goddess of Luck {Future Possibility}

Potential: 7.5 {Heavenly Genius}

Bloodline: Dark Fenrir (Supressed)

Affection: 65 (increasing), Control: 80

BattlePower: 0.5 AE (Aura Emission)

InnateTalent: Final Dance, Lucky

Details: Elsa is a girl with brown hair and light red eyes. She is an orphan. Lost her mother to disease and suffered betrayal from everyone around her. Lost her only friend Rebeca. Delusioned and wishes to wake up from this nightmare. Willing to accept death if no other choice rather than being in constant suffering. Her will to live was at its end before she met her young master, he was the person she was waiting for to deliver her from despair and bring her happiness and hope. Her will to live has reached its peak and will go through major changes in her fate in the future.

Difficulty: F (You are her everything. She will live for you and you alone because she knows the world is dark and full of suffering and you are her only light. Just ask her and she will give herself to you.)]


[Final Dance: When reaches near death, powers will increase exponentially. Also she will recover from all injuries and Aura loss. Complete Second wind type ability.]

[Lucky: She will have blessed Encounters. Will escape Disasters. Will skip Calamities.]

'She is overpowered as f*ck. Definitely worthy of being a Saintess of my faction. That potential of hers is even higher than mine. My original potential was 7 without Meridian purifying. Since I can remember my 2nd life now, I know that I never went through meridian purifying through my devouring physique. I was too weak in my 2nd life and poisoned badly.'

Dante took the strawberry cake and ate it with a smile on his face. His kind smile was part of his personality now. He had programmed himself to smile no matter what.

'System hides my bloodlust from leaking ever in the future unless I release it. Since bloodlust is not something I can control in an emotional state, I need a system to do that for me.'

[Affirmative. Murder intent and bloodlust Release Sealed unless User unseals it himself]

'Good job'

Dante didn't need to train the system as AI model. The system was a being connected to Dante and had all emotion and decision behavior similar to Dante's own. Hence he just needed to guide it a little bit and the system will use his thoughts and memories to auto-simulate results.

Dante didn't know right now that this will lead to some problems in the future. AI was after all artificial in the end and could never be human.

Sadly, Dan was just too new to these events. He would learn with experience in the future after suffering from mistakes.

Dante kept eating while being free from all worries.

"Elsa eat slowly, food won't run away. Tell me do you like these things?" Dante asked while shaking juice in a wine glass like a vampire king. Totally original setting here.

"Yes, young master. This is the tastiest food I have ever eaten." Elsa said while her face was covered with cake leftovers and jam sticking to her lips.

"Don't worry. Food is something you don't need to worry about ever again. As I said as long as you stay with me. You will be satisfied. Haha." Dan was smiling while eating a sweet donut.

"Yes, Young master." Elsa smiled while looking at Dante with affection and stars in her eyes.

Her young master was a kind and caring person. Was he really a noble? No, he was Saint of Light. Yes, she read in the book 'Eternal Light' that a Hero will bring happiness and justice to the ugly world that they live in for sure. He was called "Saint Of Eternal Light".

"Young master, are you the Saint who was promised?"

"Of course, I am little lady. I am the Hero that you were waiting for. Haha," Dante started laughing at her stupidity. Who the f*ck is a saint of light. He could be called Devil of Hell instead if you ask his enemies in the future. After all, he had planned the complete annihilation of all Dark and Light church people. He was going to kill everyone who got in his way of becoming the strongest overlord of this world.

"I knew it. Only a young master who is kind and caring could ever be Saint. No one else deserves that title." Elsa's eyes were shining.

"Just call me Dan. My family and friends call me that. Besides I am not as great as you think. Also, where did you hear about Saint?"

Dante was moving towards the tasty-looking nugget which shined in gold to his eyes.

"Young master I can't call you by your name. Someone like me is not worthy of being a friend of Saint. Please just keep me by your side. Also, I read a book about Saint of Light." Elsa said while smiling in a silly manner.

Dante shook her hand and a book appeared in his hands.

"Is this the book? Take it, it is yours now." Dante gave 'Eternal Light' named book to Elsa who looked at it and read the front cover.

"Yes, this is the book mother used to read to me, young master."

Elsa looked at the author's name which stated "Dante von Wolfsberg". She was shocked and looked at Dan who was in front of her eating nuggets one by one.

"Oh, I am the writer of this book. I wrote it when I was 2.5 years old. So it is 2.5 years old now haha. I am 5 years old, I look like this because I am an Aurar or i used to be hehe." Dante stood up and looked at the door which was open now and new slaves started coming.