My Hero

< Dante's POV >

Here I was sitting in my car which was flying towards our mansion or my family's mansion. I didn't know whether I could even call anything mine.

At least my mother gave me 5000 Aura crystals as monthly pocket money. The whole contents of the ring might be worth 100,000 Aura coins. Well, it had many secret techniques of the Wolf family. Maybe she gave me all this to prove that I can trust her and that she loves me.

I thought about using my family before I got all my memories back. Hell, I would have let them die if it meant I could achieve my goals. I had no emotional relationship with them when I woke them because of having no memories. I thought I was free from the cycle of love. Well, now it seemed that I was just lying to myself.

After I repaired my meridians and became a rank 0 Aurar currently at peak of F+ rank. I realized that now due to memories of past years and 2nd life, I do love my family which includes my mother, sister, cousins, and Aunt.

I even care for Freya who abandoned me when I became trash. I guess human emotions are weird.

I started checking out all ladies who were looking 10 years old and growing up fast. They would all become heavenly beauties in the future.

The reason for that was simple, Aura makes women more charming and pure. Beauty becomes visible to people in women especially due to special Core techniques.

Star core technique that I meditate and cultivate is also meant to make me appear purer than others and bring a certain high Quality of attraction.

People are attracted to things that are better than them.

I am also attracted to beauty. I am a man in a child's body. But I was a person who believed in open relationships. I wanted to have freedom and having marriage would bring restrictions to that freedom and peace I seek.

He wanted life to be simple. He didn't want to chase after women and make up with them when they are angry at him. No, he was above that. He was a seeker of true freedom and desired silence. Maybe he was not suitable for this job of saving the world. Maybe that is also the reason that Overlord chose him. This was his punishment.

I looked at Snow Lane. A girl who was wearing a beautiful white dress and jewelry made her look like a goddess and I meant it literally.

'Why the hell did her father sell her? Was he blind? He could have married her to some Lord and his life would have been easier. Anyways good for me I guess. I get to be close to a such masterpiece of this world.'

I kept looking at Snow. I couldn't remove my gaze from her. It was like something was attracting him to Snow.

Snow is a beautiful white-haired and green-eyed young lady with a pure heart and kind smile. She was the type of person who will never betray the people she caref about. She would stay with them due to her pure heart.

Yes, she was not like her. Not like the woman he gave his heart and soul to, in his life on Earth.

The woman who ruined him. Who made him hate himself? Who made it impossible to find peace of mind and freedom anymore.

Yes, my fiance on earth betrayed me and left me for dead. My fiance told me she loved me and we would forever be together. I loved her, loved her more than life itself and she destroyed my heart. Broke my mind. Then she died.

I still can not remember what happened after she left me on deathbed.

Some memories of my last 5 years on Earth are missing.

I kept looking at Snow Lane. I was lost in my own thoughts. People would ask me why I keep looking at her. Why do I have such passion in my eyes?

I would only answer that I am looking at her but my past. Yes, Snow was the complete opposite of my Fiance. Snow is a pure and kind girl who would never leave him or betray him. I was just comparing her with my cruel and heartless Fiance. I was judging my Fiance and was bringing her down by emphasizing that the girl who was in front of me was better than her.

Yes, the snow was unique. She was everything he desired in his Fiance. Snow was someone who he wanted his dead Fiance to be like. If only his fiance was like snow maybe they would be happy and would have lived a long and fulfilling life on Earth.

I knew these were just delusions and he can't be sure if in future Snow will also not betray him. But he wanted to believe. Yes, he wanted to trust in Snow to be better than her.

He was called by Razor and he looked at him with kind smile as always and began talking.


< POV Snow Lane >

Snow had always been a naive and timid child. Her mother had died when she was born. Her father hated her for that.

Her father beat her and sometimes showed love. All the same, he hated her and loved her.

The reason was her mother, her father believed she took his wife from her. So he hated her.

He believed that I looked like her. So he loved her.

I have been living an okay life until my father started to go pub and came back home drunk. I was only 5 years old back then. He beat me, he cursed me. No one was there to save me. I cried to sleep.

Maybe I shouldn't have been born. Why was I born when I needed to go through such pain? Why was the goddess cruel to her? Why just why?

Her father beat her and didn't give her food to eat. She only had her books to hide her pain. Yes, I had a favorite book, it was called "Eternal Light".

All children in school also loved this book. My friend Jini and I read it together.

We wished that the hero will come on his horse to save us from this painful life as he did with many of his heroines.

Reading the book was my only happiness. I hoped to be happy and live peaceful life just like heroines lived in Eternal Light with the saint of Eternal Light.

All of these dreams shattered, and my father sold me to slavers for 10 Gold coins. He didn't have enough money to buy drinks and meet his girl friends.

So my father sold me to cruel people. The slavers hold me in chains and threw me in Jail.

I saw many horrors during that month. I learned many new things. I turned 8 years old in a cage with no hope for a happy or good life.

I wished the goddess to send a hero of light to save me. I cried to sleep. I was hungry. I wanted to be free.

Yes, freedom. I sought true freedom. I wished happiness. I missed my mother and her figure which I saw in the picture she was like me with blue pearl-like eyes. My father said I also had the same blue eyes but they changed to green on my 5th birthday.

I watched many people being killed by guards in cages and I also saw the cruelty of people. I wanted to leave this place. I wanted to be free from this cruel truth of life.

Was there no one kind and caring like the hero of Eternal light? Was it all false? I guess it was a lie.

I had lost all hope in 2nd month. Many people died. I was sure that I also won't survive. I was hungry and weak.

Then the cage opened and the manager came to bring us all to the hall.

I was sure we were getting sent to mines where we all will extract Aura crystals.

I followed them all to the hall. I saw it, no I saw him. He was the same age as me. He was someone who was blessed by the goddess of Light. I could feel it. He was kind and caring. He healed me and all slaves that were present in the hall.

This was the first time I had seen such a kind and honest smile. I was truly happy for the first time in my life.

The young lord bought me from slavers and freed me. He fed me. He showed me kindness. He was who the goddess sent to help me. He was my happiness and I won't leave him. No, I will stick with him. Yes, he was my hero.

The hero that I waited for had arrived.

I could only say one sentence.

"Thank you, goddess for hearing my prayers."

I smiled today for the first time in my life with true happiness.