First Battle

Snow Lane was happy to follow Dante from now on. She had nowhere else to go and she wasn't interested in any revenge or past. 

She wanted to be happy and live a good life. When Snow was bought by Dante and then freed from slavery, she knew what choice she would make. Not caring about contract details because her heart told her that Dante would never betray them. 

She was happy to hear about Dante's values and attitude towards slavery. 

While they were traveling towards the cloth shop Dan told them about his situation in his family. 

It was no secret that he was in trouble. His fiance had broken the engagement and he was now without any marriage partner. 

Snow was shocked that how could anyone want to leave a kind and gentle guy like her young master Dante. It was not logical when considering the qualities of her young master.

When everyone was confused about why this happened, then Dan told them that he had broken meridians and he could not become official Aurar. There was a very low chance of repairing meridians and the medicine required was of Peak tier 4. Currently, no Alchemy Lord was capable of Making such medicine.

Snow felt sad for Dante but he just smiled kindly when he saw them.

He told them that in a noble society, no one is ever really free. Marriages and interactions of most nobles are controlled by ancestors or higher-rank nobles from their factions.

Snow was glad that she was not noble and had to deal with such problems and situations. After all, nobody liked to be controlled. 

Dante also told his new companions that Freya was not to be blamed for breaking off the engagement because everyone has a right to pursue a higher path for themselves. 

"Just imagine if you have a choice to choose a better life partner who is strong, capable, and had authority higher than your current Fiance. Who would you choose? Obviously you would go for a better future husband. Similarly, Freya also did that, she choose a better future and pillar for herself since I can't become her strength in the future. She did the correct thing. You guys should not reprimand her character for this choice because she made the right call. Also, Freya was my good friend so I could not let her suffer from political humiliation in the future due to me." Dante explained the situation in a few words. Snow still did not agree.

Snow always believed that love is the most important thing in life. She had a father who didnt love her and she was unhappy with her life in the past. Now she had a kind and caring friend Dante and she is happy. Lady Freya had made the wrong choice because she will never find a life partner like Dante as he was Unique.

While they walked towards the shop and used the life Dante kept peeking at Snow, which made her think something was going on. Since she had lived in a cage of slavers she had made her instincts sharp enough to realize who was looking at her. 

Dante looked at her with a lost expression. Snow was confused about the meaning. She didn't dislike the feeling of being peeked at by her young master. Instead, it made her blush and stick in a permanent position, she could not move, she became fully red when Dante didn't stop looking at her and all people around her knew that something was going on. 

Snow was really not knowledgeable about men and women things. She thought she had done something wrong. Yet no one said anything. 

When they reached 10-floor Dante stopped looking at her and then they did the shopping.

While we are in different rooms changing dresses. Sarah said something about her friend Dan.

"Someone has been getting attention" Sarah smiled shyly with little blush. 

"Yes, master looks at you with a sharp gaze. You did something didn't you Snow?" Elsa was also looking at the snow with hands on her developing hips.

"You guys also noticed. I thought snow made a mistake." Bella was checking new clothes happily.

"I didn't do anything. Will Dan not like me? Why did he keep looking at me? I don't understand." Snow was lost in her thoughts. She also didn't understand why this happened.

"Well, he looks interested in you. You know what I mean right? Hehe." Sarah chuckled while everyone looked at Snow up and down.

"Huh?" Snow tilted her head.

"Don't worry and wear dresses that make you look even more beautiful so that you dear Dan will look at you more." Sarah handed clothes to Snow while making an understanding smile.

Everyone also looked at Snow with the same smile of understanding. Snow was lost in what they meant.

"Does that mean Dan likes me?" Snow only knew that when someone likes you he will try to get your attention.

"Yes, he likes you a lot hehe."

"Likes you more than others." Elsa was smiling like a new mission was given to her. 

Hence the event of them buying things for themselves ended and they started going home.

While in the car Dan was sitting with them in the back seat. The back of the car was extended and everyone could sit opposite to each other. Girls on one side and boys on another. 

Snow was thinking about what Sarah and others meant in the Clothes shop. She wasn't good with social things. At school, she only had one friend Jini because how she wore bad clothes, and nobody wanted to come close to her. The boys tried to talk to Snow but Jini shouted at them to leave her alone. Jini told her that boys are not good and she should stay away from them. 

Now she could again feel the same gaze of her friend Dan on her. She thought maybe he wanted to talk to her about something. She wasn't an idiot and knew that since he looked at her that means he liked her more than the girls present in front of her.

Alas, everyone noticed this event and the snow was red like a tomato. While Razor called Dan Dan for some talk about their future. 

While this was happening a light appeared and I looked at Dan Dan who had a very serious expression and he used his ring to create a barrier around them. 

"Hold On." 

This is what everyone heard.


At an unknown location, filled with flora and large trees. Dante and other children appeared. 

"Activate Simulation" 

Everyone heard Dan saying this and looked at him. 

The barrier of blue light appeared around them. But it was too late. Snow was the farthest and something like super hot hit her.

The whole area was destroyed. The barrier finally covered us inside. 

"Rank 1 Power Shield." 

This was exclaimed by Dante and his ring shined with light. When they thought about what was going on, they realized something was very wrong. Dan's expression was serious and concentrated. 

'System Level up all skills to level 1 and upgrade Blink to level 2.' 


[Star Sword technique upgraded to Level 1]

[Star movement technique upgraded to level 1]

[Star projection upgraded to Level 1]

[Blink upgraded to level 2]

[Star Flash Upgraded to level 1 ]

[Remaining Lv 1 tokens are 5, Lv 2 tokens 4]

[Unlocked new Skill 'Alpha Slash' and 'Alpha Slash Go']

[New skills are part of Star Sword Technique and can only become strong by leveling sword technique]

All of this happened within 5 seconds. Dante looked at his companion and saw a bad situation. 

Everyone was safe or not?

"Are you all okay? There is no time to come touch my hand right now." Dante ordered them with a serious tone. All of them moved except snow who started bleeding heavily from her stomach. She fell to the ground.

Dante and others reached her and she only said one sentence. 

"Am I dying?" 

Dan and others looked at her with pained expressions. Dante took out [minor cleansing potion] and used it on her completely. The bleeding stopped but she had still lost too

Much blood. 

"Everyone take my hand now." 

Dante brought his hand out and everyone hold his hand tightly. Dan had taken Snow into his embrace who was covered in blood. 

The light appeared and they vanished.



Dante and company appeared 1 kilometer away from the location. 

Dante had already activated the [Silence] spell around them before vanishing. 

"Hurry follow me. Don't stop even for a second. We are under attack."

Dante said seriously and ordered them to follow him while he carried Snow in princess style. They ran towards a location where there was an open field. 

"Star Projection: Max" 

Stars started shooting towards the sky from Dante's hands and ground. 

[2 Aura capacity used. Remaining Aura: 13]

Dante had simulated the whole battle in his mind through systems help and he did what was best at the moment. 

He had used 1 Aura unit for blinking a very long range with people and another 1 for using his strongest control technique. 

He hid his companions in a location that was hard to find. 

He laid Snow on the floor. She was barely conscious and looked at everyone. 

"Snow is going to be alright. She had lost too much blood. So she is feeling a little weak and sleepy. Listen all of you, this is who knows what location. We are under attack right now. I will fight them. You guys stay here and don't move no matter what happens." 

Dan looked at all of them and then smiled at Snow and pat her head.

"You are going to be fine. Just rest. Everything will be over when you wake up." Snow felt sudden warmness and fell asleep.

"Okay, wear these bracelets, they will hide your life aura from enemies and beasts that are roaming in this location." 

Dante gave them all [Silence Bracelet] which he bought for 1000 SP in total. He didn't need one because of his Stealthy star movement technique.

He was preparing for battle now and went to the middle of the field. 

He had more than one defensive artifact. The one he was using was a Rank 0 peak defensive artifact. 

After some time in his map feature, he saw 8 people coming towards him in one direction.


[Compulsory Mission: Kill all enemies.

Objectives: Kill 7 F+ aurars and 1 Rank E+ aurar. 

Reward: Your life, Star Core Technique (lower version), Star sword Technique (lower version), Star Movement Technique (lower version)]


So this mission was not skippable. He could see that in the rewards section, his life was also included. That meant if he failed he would die. Also, lower versions of his all techniques were awarded if he won, these techniques were for his companion's growth. He was not happy at all. The difficulty was pretty high. He was only an F+ Aurar right now.

Dante concentrated on enemies that appeared. The followers of Dan could see and hear everything that was happening. 

The guy who appeared was someone they had seen in Slaver's compound. 

Yes, this was the same burly and big guy who begged Dante to take them as a companion. 

Now they were all shocked and awareness hit them on the faces. 

"No wonder Dan dan didn't take this bastard as a servant. He was very shady. Now look he is attacking us who knows where."

All of them were looking with hatred at a bastard named Salamander Quin. 

The guy appeared with 7 other people in dark robes with some pattern on them like a knife with blood.

"Bloody Knife Cult, part of Eternal Night Church. Known for killing and sacrificing humans for Dark queen. Kill on sight order has been issued against you fellows." 

Dante looked with a kind smile on his face. All members of the cult were looking at Dante with madness and crazy expressions.

"I should have known you wouldn't die with just those Fire and Wind spells. One thing is for sure. A person got hurt and we found blood. Such tasty blood. Give her to us. We will give you a quick death.

'Star Projection: Piercing Spike Activate and wait for my signal'

Dan notified the system with kind smile and expression that was his poker face.

"Sorry, Can not give you anyone. After all, they are my family now." Dante looked at a cult member who was holding a wand which was most likely a support artifact. 

There was a moment of silence before Quin said with a cruel smile. 


Spells of dark nature appeared behind him. All spells were filled with dark aura energies. Ground became dead around those cult members. 

"Die Fire"

"Cruel Wind" 

"Dark Fireball"

"Sacrificing Poison Spit"

All nature of spells were thrown at Dante who didn't move from his location. An area of 200 meters was burned to a crisp.