Hide & Seek

Many would be confused about how could Dante kill so many of those F Rank Aurars but had so much trouble against one E Rank Aurar.

The answer is simple, Dante is nearly invincible at the same Rank against any opponent. He has the best arsenal of techniques and with perfect Memory, he can simulate spells range and power easily.

Dante could cast many spells at same time because his [Ultimate Memory] allows him to do parallel thinking.

This only applies to the same rank of opponents that he can face.

The difference between 1 minor realm is high but Salamander Quin was a peak E rank Aurar and Dante is not even E rank yet.

Every minor realm had 3 stars which were low, mid, and high. Dante was 3 star F ranker whereas Quin was 3 star E ranked very close to breaking through. So just being able to survive against such an enemy was enough for Dante.

[Despair] perk could also not be used because it was a conditional ability and will only activate when people he really cared about were being hurt or humiliated. Plus enemy needs to be stronger than him by a lot.

'Sadly, I don't love anyone in this world. Hell, how could I love people when my own life is in danger? I need to become strongest before worrying about feelings like love and adoration towards others.'

Mistakes were made but this was the first real battle in Dantes's life. He is not perfect and the trauma of killing someone was still fresh.

Dante lost his hand, he lost the way out of this hidden realm. He was in pain because of losing his hand and getting in contact with a such high concentration of Echo from Quin using [Aura Burn].

Aura Burn makes Echo around the host forcefully implemented in attacks to make them surpass their limits.

Quin was trash and only increased his strength by 20% at most. He was not compatible with Echo. Hence, he died.

While Dante was sitting on a rock near a waterfall. He was thinking about some things.

20 minutes had passed since they left the location of the battle.


[Star Flash Omega: Final Technique-based Beam Attack which is an innate ability of Dante's core technique. Combination of titles Power. Fixed Direction.

Spell Power: 60 AE | Range: 1Km | Cost: 4 units


The reason Dante could use [Star Flash Omega] was that he has 2 cores. 1 core for himself and 1 for Pearl in the future when he gets her a body.

His real Aura capacity is 30A units. Each unit is a concentrated amount of Aura in its core. All units are worth a lot of Aura and even 1 Aura Unit is enough to kill all lower realm Aurar's for Dante.

Dante had looted everything from the bodies of Cult members. He found some spell scrolls and low-grade artifacts of 0 rank. He also found 100 Aura crystals.

He now had 4900 Aura crystals after using some Crytals out of total 5000 which his mother had given him.

He was disappointed. It seemed these cult members were very serious about their secrets and carried very few things with them.

He also got blood from the zebra. Which was [High Titan Blood]. Zebra was supposed to become a pillar of Dante's faction but that idiot left him and died.

'His blood can help me gain a new perk or incomplete physique. Let's go with a perk. Perks have no side effects after all.'

Dante looked at the blood bottle in his hands. Devour physique was good at extracting things from everything.

'I need a technique that is something flexible and versatile. The Star projection is purely a control-based ability. I cannot utilize it in one on one battles with great flexibility. No wonder I was nearly killed by Quin because he knew my weakness was flexibility and thus targeted these little chickens of mine.' Dante showed a smile towards his friends sitting near the water and cleaning themselves with water from a pond that is connected to the waterfall.

'This hidden realm is really beautiful. So many florae and new types of plants. I really would like to get a farmhouse in this world. Alas, I am not so lucky.'

Dan looked at the area around the waterfall. This area was also open but plants and beautiful flowers surrounded the area.

He looked at his left hand which was empty from below his elbow. The skin was trying to repair but there was no bone to support it.

Dante narrowed his eyes in pain. Even with [Painless Body] he couldn't completely remove the irritation current like pain that he was feeling.

'It seems some things never change. In my last life, I had back pain due to my accident which nearly killed me and destroyed my life. I failed to achieve my dreams and also lost many people I truly loved.'

Dante looked at the sky that was now turning black due to evening time. He sighed and started moving towards his companions.

He wanted to rest but he could not do that right now. He had to discuss things with them.

Dante had bought 6x [Stealth Bracelets] for his friends. The role of the bracelet was to hide them from enemies and be detected by dangerous monsters of this realm. It could protect them from detection from Rank 1 beasts and below.

'Pretty neat artifact. It cost me 6000 SP for 6 devices. Sadly this is essential for me and my friends here. I need them to become strong fast or they will just be a burden. Snow looks like she is awake. Snow Lane is very essential for my future team, she has very unique physique and fate.'

Dante kept walking towards Snow and smiled at her. He was now wearing a new suit that was specially designed for him. He bought many clothes from the 'Cat's Tail' shop.

Everyone looked at him with pain and worry and then shifted their gazes towards his hand and injuries that left scars.

'Damn I wasn't even able to visit famous nightclubs in Wolf city. It seems my luck is bad as always...'

While smiling towards his misfortune, Dante exhaled.

'Here we go again...'


[Flashback - 20 minutes after Dante vanished from Wolf City]

Kai was waiting for support from Wolf city while standing inside the gates of the Mansion of Wolf dukedom.

This mansion was at the center of the city and had important geographical importance. Also, all city-wide formations were centered in this mansion.

Kai teleported using Artifact at the mansion but now he was under arrest because he was supposed to protect Dante Von Wolfsburg and he had failed miserably at his job.

"Where is my son Kai? The only reason you are still alive right now is because of your loyalty toward the family." Felicia looked with a furious gaze.

The aura emitted by her had created space cracks and may destroy the area if not stopped.

"That is enough Felicia, hold back your Aura. The easiest way to find the truth is to use [Recollection] spell on Kai." Serena tried to calm the situation.

This spell could see all memories that a person had gone through today. Very useful in interrogation unless the person in question uses a memory seal hex to prevent looking into memories.

"Fine. I will know everything. Come here, Kai."

Felicia was furious when she came to know her son had vanished. She wanted to destroy everyone responsible for his son's kidnapping.

Felicia started checking memories of Kai and went through everything they had gone through the following day.

She was amazed to see the kindness and care Dante had for commoners and the people in question. Even to Felicia people were just pawns and ants, she only cares about her son and daughter. She would do anything to keep them happy and safe.

Finally, she went through what Dante went through on the east side of the city. 'Slaver Rest' was a location where they bought slaves.

She was again amazed at how much Dante spent buying those slaves and healing people who were going to die anyways due to slave contracts.

'It seems like my son is kind and hates slavery. I will try to change all that if possible. I will help you realize your dreams, son.'

The memory then went towards salamander quin who begged to join Dante.

'This guy is suspicious. He came by himself to become a slave. My son rejected him without a smile on his face. He must be part of the spies.'

Felicia then moved towards final memories when they were in the car and Kai was sitting in the driver's seat.

A formation appeared around all of them but only teleported Dante and the children.

'This formation is an ancient formation of summoning. Whoever did this had support from one of the major factions.

Felicia stopped the spell and Kai fell to his knees and started talking.

"My Lady, please punish me. I failed to protect my young master and also broke my promise to my sister that I will never let anything happen to my young master."

Kai was heartbroken. He was a failure as a knight. First, he couldn't protect his sister and now he failed to protect his young master.

"No need for that. I know what is going on. Dante and the kids were summoned to some realm by ancient formation. That guy called salamander quin is involved. Find that slave named zebra he must also know something. Kai this is an order, go and protect my daughter until further orders."

Felicia looked at Kai with hate. She didn't like him one bit right now.

"Mother, someone used ancient formation which I don't know of to summon my son and others to a location unknown to the Aura Link stone I gave him." Felicia looked confused and agitated at the situation.

"Don't worry he isn't dead yet. That means he survived an initial attack from enemies. What artifacts did you give him?" Serena didn't look much fazed by the situation and this caused Felicia to look at her with hate.

Her mother didn't care about her grandson.

'What can you expect from a woman who sold her daughter for gaining more power? Disgusting bitch.' Felicia gritted her teeth.

"I gave him 1x Grade 1 defensive artifact. 1x Rank 0 Defensive artifact. He wasn't going to leave the city so I didn't think any support artifacts is necessary with Kai with him. We need to use the location spell, to find him right now, mother!!!" Felicia was now losing her patience with her mother's attitude.

"He is not present in the city. The formation would have found him if he was teleported to any location within the city or wolf's territory." Sabrina said stoically.

"What does that even mean? What are you trying to say?" Felicia was now looking at her mother with anxiousness.

"That means we need to wait for the demands of kidnappers. Sadly we can't give much in return for my grandson's safety since he is trash. Paying too much would make us lose face in front of the noble circle." Serena said while stoically caressing her face.

Serena ancestor of wolf dukedom didn't care about her grandson's life at all. He was useless in grand schemes of things.

"Mother, how could you say that? He is my son. I would use all resources the family has to bring him back safely to my side. You can do nothing to stop me because I am the current Dutchess of the Wolfsberg Family." Felicia was ready to fight her mother over her rights.

"You can use resources but not all of them for saving a child who has not done anything to achieve anything for family yet. Sorry but family resources are only provided on the basis of a contribution to the family, after all, dear Cia."

Serena started moving towards the office of the Lord of Wolf family and Felicia followed.

"I would be dead if he didn't save me. He has more contributions than anyone in the family." Felicia stubbornly said towards Serena while following her.

While they were doing a conversation and reached the office. They also saw Catrina, Sam, Alice, and Lily. All of them were worried about Dante.

"Mother, is it true that brother is kidnapped again? Just what type of mother are you to let your son get kidnapped twice? You are not worthy of being a mother at all." Sam reprimanded her mother furiously while Felicia looked sad.

'I will always love you, mother.' Felicia remembered what her son said and stopped being sad and was determined now.

Everyone was shocked by their new behavior of Felicia.

"You are right. I am not a good mother. I have failed my children. I promised myself that I will be better. So let me try Samantha. Believe in me. Believe in your mother. I will bring your brother back safely I promise." Felicia looked at Sam with determination.

"This is the last chance mother. If anything happens to my brother, I will never forgive you ever. I will not forgive any of you people." Sam looked mad and her behavior was ferocious.

This was the real personality of Sam, she would be cold towards everyone because she only cared about her brother. She despised her mother and thought of her as a bad example of being a mother.

"Sam..." Before Felicia could say anything else Catrina who was Aunt of Dante interfered. "Enough. This is no time for family drama. We need to send search parties right now. What is the direction of the Kidnappers' location?"

"We don't know. I know only this that he is alright." Felicia took out her [Aura Link] device and showed it to everyone present.

Lily, Alice, and Sam were really sad and worried about Dante and wished for him to be safe.

"Enough, as long as he is safe and sound. We don't need to rush. The kidnappers will contact us sooner or later until then all of you return to your duties and responsibilities." Serena who was the Ancestor of family said with authority.

Sam, Alice, and Lily looked at Felicia with questioning gazes.

"Don't worry all of you, I will definitely save Dante. No matter what sacrifices need to make. I promise you so please don't worry." Felicia said with a sad smile towards all their family.

The only thing right now which was important was that Dante was safe and sound.

The day kept going on while many investigations were done by Felicia and catrina in the city and all corrupt people and villains were caught and slaughtered after being tortured by Catrina and Felicia. The wolf domain became a mercy zone due to Dante's kidnapping and this day will be known as "Dark Day".

Life needs to go on and it did. No one could find Dante and all people who really cared for him were sad.

"I will free Bella Rose's mother from slavery. Dante promised that girl. I need to fulfill the promises made by my Young master. No my friend Dante."

Kai moved towards Noble state where Rose Spider was situated at. This day would be known as the day one of the noble's family vanished from the face of Lycia.