Talk & Camp

Dante presented himself in front of all his new friends who have only been with him for a few hours right now.

They were all hired people and are now companions of Dante. He decided to treat them equally because they were now his employees.

The best way to get success is for people who are following you must respect you and love you. This was what he decided to do, even if it failed he won't get harmed.

'If this method doesn't work then I will try to do this savior work solo. I don't need friends if I become the strongest in the world. I can always kill those who are hostile to me.'

Sadly this was his final approach because this way will cause too many deaths. He wasn't a maniac or genocidal monster after all.

Dante wanted to live peacefully and this final plan would make his life miserable if he had to follow it. He needs plan B instead of Plan 'kill them all'.

Well, this could be thought of later. Right now Dan needed to face his cute followers.

Everyone looked at him. Razor was still washing his face due to all dust that he got onto himself due to apocalypses like a battle between Dante and Quin. He was scared of Dante's prowess. He was strong beyond anything he had seen.

Elsa looked at Dan with reverence as always. Sarah smiled at Dante with worry. Bella had passed out due to seeing Dante being bloody and on his knees, she was now awake and looking at him with tears. Whereas, Snow was now in a tattered dress due to getting hurt by Aura's Emission wave.

Yes, Snow was hurt not by a direct attack but just by a power emission. She survived due to that. Otherwise surviving while coming in contact with Aura spells is impossible, emissions or radiations will kill normal humans easily.

"So we need to talk I guess." Dan looked at all of them near the pond and smiled. While Bella ran towards Dante and hugged him.

"Your hand... I am sorry." Tears were falling from Bella's eyes while she hugged him tightly.

"Don't worry it is just a scratch. Losing hands is not a big deal. So stop crying. Everything is alright." Dante pats the head of his half-sister, Bella Cutter.

"Does it hurt?" Sarah asked while worrying.

"Of course, it hurts. It hurt like hell when I lost it. At least next time I won't make the same mistakes. Life teaches us many things haha." Dante kept hugging Bella while laughing.

"So you can use Aura. How could you fight above your realm? That is impossible as far as I know. Only irregulars are supposed to do that." Sarah questioned Dante.

"Well, I am not irregular or anything. I just have pretty strong techniques which are far above anyone had ever seen in this world." Dante said while moving from the place and going towards the pool.

He raised his hand and said [Aura Projection: Rain of stars]

Stars shined in the air and rain began to light. It was so fast everyone present could only open their mouths.

When 100's of stars fell into the pond, it created bottom fewer holes in the pond where whirlpools started occurring.

Everyone saw with awe. They wanted it. Such power changes the whole environment.

"I can make you just as strong. You just need to follow my instructions."

Dante smiled with kindness that made him look like a saint.

He then moved towards all of them and began speaking with them.

"Snow you are healed now. Good. You lost a lot of blood. I had to use a whole potion to stop bleeding. How are you feeling now?"

Dan looked at Snow Lane with his signature smile.

"I am okay now. I don't remember much. Just that you looking at me with worry while I passed out." Snow blushed remembering her near-death experience, she was happy that there was someone who would help her when she is hurt.

[Snow Lane Affection Increased]

[Elsa Scarlet, Sarah, Razor, and Bella's Affection reached the level of 'Complete Trust']

[Congratulations for completing Fate quest 'The Shields of Lycia']


[Fate Quest: The Shields of Lycia.]

Details: All 6 guardians of Lycia Continent had sad pasts. They had gone through pain and betrayal to reach the peak of the world. They never could find a place to call home. They always had a regret that they couldn't find someone to trust their backs with. Help them find their anchor and home in the world.

Objectives: Get 70 Affection with all 6 Guardians of the Lycia continent.

Reward: Loyalty of 6 future Overlords, 1x 2nd chance, 10x lv1 UT(Upgrade tokens), 5x Lv2 UT, 1x Lv3 UT, Title: Saint Of Eternal Light.


[Fate quest Completion 80%. Rewards will be reduced]

[Rewards Recieved: Loyalty of 5 future Overlords, 1x 2nd chance, 5x lv1 UT(Upgrade tokens), 3x Lv2 UT, 1x Lv3 UT, Title: Saint Of Eternal Light.]

Dante was amazed that all their affection had reached above 70 it seemed like.

He decided to check the affection of all his companions.

[Snow Lane ~ Affection: 82 (Her Hero/Full Trust), Control: 90]

[Bella Rose ~ Affection: 85 (Benefactor/Full Trust), Control: 90]

[Sarah Locket ~ Affection: 81 (Role Model/Trust), Control: 70]

[Razor Black ~ Affection: 82 (His Savior/ Full Trust)]

[Elsa Scarlet ~ Affection: 92 (Fanatic/ Yandere)]

'This is good. I don't think they will ever betray me. Elsa is becoming something I dislike and must be controlled.'

Dante smiled at them.

"Let's rest for today. We can move to a different location tomorrow. Also, don't take off those bracelets. There are many Beasts in the forest and you guys are very weak right now to face them yet."

Dante pointed toward the bracelet and then at the forest behind the open plains that they came from before.

"What was that technique that guy Quin used, at last, to hurt you so badly?" Sarah asked with nervousness. She had never seen something like that guy used ever in her life. She was sure they would die. The bloodlust of that guy was so much that they nearly passed out.

"That technique is forbidden in the continent. It should never be used. It harms the World itself due to its forceful properties. It allows user to increase their power exponentially. It increases user Echo compatibility and allows them to reach new heights for short time."

Dante briefly explained.

"Isn't that unnatural? Are there no penalties?"

"Of course, there is a penalty."

"Eh, what?"

Dante looked at Sarah with a serious expression without a smile.

"Death. The user will die after using that technique. Also, their soul force will not return to Aura Pool and cause Evil intent to harm the World barrier also known as the 'Echo Purifier'."

All present people were shocked by this new knowledge.

"Don't worry. This guy was not that strong. He didn't cause any damage to the world."

Dante waved his hand.

"All right let's go and make an area for resting today. Snow you need to take it slow and rest for a few days. I also need some rest and to get used to being with no hand. Haha," Dante smiled and moved to find a good area to make camp.


After Dante went away. Everyone was lost in their thoughts.

They knew that they escaped death twice today.

Dante saved them from being slave mines. Then he also risked his life to save them from enemies who came to kill him.

Dan could have used them as decoys or even left them to escape himself. Dante didn't do anything like that and not only saved them but also lost his hand to stop the attack, which was directed at them with no chance of escaping death.

He did something that only someone who truly cared about you would do. A family. A lover. A Hero.

Yes, they were not his family and they were not his lovers either. He cared about them and treated them with utmost trust and respect.

Sadly, they could never repay him for what he did for them in this life. He would always be moving forward. They knew it. They wanted to be useful to him. The person who saved them and treated them like a family.

All of them were mentally developed due to their experiences.

Snow, Elsa, and Razor were 8 years old. While Sarah was 9 years old. Bella was only 5 years old but looked 10 years old due to Aura compatibility and awakening at a young age.

They knew that only family who truly loved and cared for your well-being would risk their own lives to save you.

The flavor of life from someone they have met today was difficult to digest for some of them.

"Dante is different from normal people. He is kind and caring. He met us today and has already saved our lives twice. Snow was even saved 3 times. I thought all Aurars were selfish and egoistic. He is none of those."

Sarah touched her glasses due to her habit.

"I told you guys. He is the Saint of Eternal Light. He is sent by goddess Lucrecia to save the world from pain and misery." Elsa took out a book that she always kept with her.

The book was [Eternal Light] obviously.

If Dan was here he would cringe because this book was written by Pearl and was stupid kids' book.

Dan with his Perfect memory could memorize all books in inventory within 5 seconds. He had already read this book and was disgusted by it.

Dante hated shounen based Hero stories a lot. He had never liked Heros who tried to save everyone by sacrificing themselves. He hated Heroes who used talk no jutsu. In real life, this shit will never work. Only children like this type of hero.

In the real world, the hero needs strength to back his words. A real Hero needs to be decisive and must sacrifice whole countries to win. Yes, that's what Hero should be like.

Obviously, in stories, nobody would like such heroes. So authors make heroes likable and not cruel to their opponents.

If someone makes a cruel and realistic Hero, then he might get banned in their respected country or platform.

Many times it had happened to famous antiheroes and Evil MC novels.

These kids present had no idea about what a real hero was like. So they thought Dante is what a real hero should be like. If Dante knew they were comparing him to a hero from the stupid book then he would vomit blood and beat them to a pulp.

"Really!! I knew it. Dan Dan is kind and he always smiles. Even though he lost his hand he never blamed us. I just hope we can find my mother soon so that we can live happily together as a family." Bella was also delighted by this news.

"That is a kid's book. Are you a fool? Why are you calling him something like that? Isn't that fanatic talk coming from you?" Razor was logical and straightforward. He just stated facts but looks from Elsa, Bella, and Snow nearly made him piss himself. They looked at him like looking at trash.

"Shut up. Who the hell are you to say that he isn't a hero? You know nothing. I prayed to the goddess of Light to send me a hero and Dante came to help me and all of us. He saved us more than once. I will follow him forever because he is my family now. The family that I always wished and prayed for from goddess." Snow Lane shouted at Razor with a serious and determined voice.

"Calm down Snow. He is just stating facts here. You might be right about him being a hero. He is just not a hero from that book that Elsa is fantasizing about." Sarah tried to calm the agitated Snow. Sadly it didn't work.

"What do you mean? Do you know who wrote this book? It is written by master Dante himself. He is a prophet and just stated the facts that will happen in the future through the book. You are declining a holy gospel here. Are you not afraid of being cursed by the goddess of Light?" Elsa looked at Sarah like she was a blasphemer.

"I... I am sure Dante can clear all this confusion if we ask him. Don't cause drama here. Also, we are all in a dangerous area. Don't shout, it will attract monsters here." Razor stated with a nervous expression.

Hence they all calmed down and talked about things related to their past.

The night was already here and they already ate food before coming to this realm. So they would sleep now because it had been a long day.


While all kids were talking, Dante found a good location to make a camp.

He used his system shop to buy a few key Camp equipment.

[Camping Tent: Very good tent for camping in a forest and other open areas. Weather resistant. 10 times space inside the tent as compared to outside. Optimal temperature maintained in the tent.

Cost: 50 SP]

He bought 2 tents and 1 cooking area equipment. Bonfire-themed equipment for 10Sp. The system had everything it seemed. It would not help him in battle at all but would help in daily life. The system sucked ass.

He used a bonfire in the middle of the area and deployed tents around the bonfire.

It looked like a nice place to enjoy the environment and life.

Sadly, this was an ancient realm with who knows how many races and enemies roaming around.

'I need to break through to E+ Rank fast. I need 500 Aura crystals to reach the peak of mid zero Rank Aurar. Let's make a breakthrough in the night tonight.'

Dante was exhausted but he needed to make a breakthrough after such an experience. He was now ready for moving to the next realm. There was no compatibility issue anymore due to a lack of experience in the current realm.

"Time to power up."