
Dante went towards all his friends sitting near the pond to ask them to rest for today. All of them were tired after everything they went through in a few hours.

Dante knew that they needed to rest mentally for tonight. They were not ready for anything else for now. Such horrors would make people not think straight and too much pressure would not be good in the long run.

"All right everyone, tents are ready for sleep. Let's rest for tonight. Tomorrow is a new day. Also, all tents are bigger from the inside so girls can stay in 1 tent and Razor you can take the other one." Dante looked at Razor with a smile who looked okay with this setting.

Thus all of them went to their tents to sleep. Dante was alone outside now.

Before going inside the tents, he had told his friends to not disturb him tonight. As he will be meditating. All of them understood and agreed.

"Time for breaking through my limits and minor realm." Dante was excited to become stronger.

He checked his techniques and descriptions of different skills.


[Blink: Innate ability of Star Movement Technique. Allows user to teleport short distances. Can teleport people as well depending on concentration and focus.

Small Blink Range: 50 meters | Cooldown: 20 Seconds.

Long Blink Range: 1Km | Cooldown: 1 minute

Cost: 0.2 units for short range, 0.5 units for long range. ]


[Star Projection: Rain of Stars]

Allows User to shower areas with powerful and destructive stars that explode on impact.

Range: 100 meters | Cooldown: 1 minute | Total stars: 100 | Cost: 0.5 A


'These abilities are really useful. I will upgrade Blink to Level 3 as soon as possible. I need to reduce its cooldown to an even lower value.'

Both techniques were very important when under siege by multiple enemies and you need to find the upper ground against them.

He also had [Star movement technique] which increased his speed by 5 times his normal at a minimum and at max it could increase speed and perception by 20 times. Obviously he cannot afford max power of any of his techniques since he would run out of Aura units.

'I need an innate perception ability that allows me to dodge even undetectable attacks with accurate precision. I would search for a system later for something like that. If I had perfect instincts then I might not have lost my hand.'

Dante knew he would be a sitting duck against strong enemies. Just 1 hit and he would lose his limbs which was not acceptable.

So in order to fight or defend at least against strong enemies he needed a sixth sense-based ability, that allows him to survive an impossible battle.

Most spells that official Aurars used were tracking spells and would hit enemies with accuracy depending on the focus of the Aurars.

Dante moved towards his tent and sat on the couch that he had bought for 100 SP from the system and it was called [Comfort Couch].

[Confort Couch: A very comfortable Meditation couch. Allows a 30% increase in the Meditation process and Enlightenment. Provides 100% internal wounds and external wound recovery. Created by Lord Triss from Mirage world.

Cost: 100SP]

'It really is comfortable. Sadly I cannot heal my hand due to Echo poisoning. It could be healed if the devourer's physique was at level 3 but it is currently not possible because level 3 in most abilities requires me to become official Aurar(Rank1). The same goes for [Enhanced Regeneration], it can currently close wounds fast and heal them but cannot recover lost limbs or blood. I will not upgrade it for now because there is no need for that, I already have potions and pills for recovery. Only during battle do I need Enhanced Regeneration to stop blood from wounds.'

Dante was thinking over his options. He had [2x Random Perk Tokens]. He could use it now and get two important perks depending on his luck.

"Yeah, my luck is bad. I should buy a perk that increases my luck for a certain time. It will help me in getting critical hits and good rewards from lottery slips."

Dan had many things to think about. For now, he decided to make a realm breakthrough.

'Show my status'



Name: Dante Von WolfsBerg

Age: 5/100

Potential: 8.5/10

Charm: 9/10 {One hand missing, scars, causing a decrease in Charm}

Luck: 0 {Fateless}

Title: Playboy, Hardcore Idiot, Parttime Masochist, Scumbag, Playboy Incarnate, Saint

Strength: F+ , Agility: F+ , Spell Power:E (25-30AE), Battle power: E-

Echo Compatibility: 10%

Aura Capacity: 15A (AuraUnits) {30A}

System Level: 2 (Upgradable)

Condition: Healthy, Peek Strength, Strong Soul, High-Grade 6 Meridians

Innate Ability: Grand Devouring Physique (Lv2), Aura of Attraction (max)


"Let's begin."

Dante decided to make a minor realm breakthrough. All minor realms had three stars. He could directly reach the peak of the minor realm after a breakthrough with enough Aura crystals.

He had 2 cores so he at least needed 1000 Aura crystals for the minor realm breakthrough.

He decided to ignite his core to reach a higher power. The Echo compatibility was already at 10%. Each minor realm needed a 10% increase in Echo compatibility with body, soul, and mind.

All these things should have echo compatibility and the concentration of individuals should be at the threshold to try and make a breakthrough.

Those at 9% Echo compatibility would never be able to break through mid-rank zero aurar. 10% was an essential Echo Compatibility requirement concerning World Echo. Otherwise, the core will be destroyed by the Strong creation of Echo of the World.

Echo was a creation-based ability that create everything in the world. It was poison for living beings because of its nature of giving birth. It could not be controlled by weak people and will never submit to anyone. It had a fixed nature and would only allow those with good compatibility with itself to gain further prowess in the realm.

10% Echo compatibility was just a man-made threshold, in reality, it could not be calculated. The spirit engineers made the device after much bloody research, to calculate it at a minimum level to breakthrough.

Dante didn't need any devices to see the value of his own Echo compatibility. He had a system to help him in that respect. He was at a perfect value right now to breakthrough.

Dante's concentration, Realm experience, Focus, and compatibility at the current realm was already at max. He could now move to a new realm.

His star cores started shining inside his body. The Aura crystals around him were being devoured and Aura could be seen moving from crystals toward the core.

3 hours passed and finally, Dante was able to reach higher limits than before.

He felt refreshed when he stood up. He could feel an increase in his battle prowess and realm as a whole. World looked different and his confidence was at its peak.

"So this is what it feels to become strong. This feeling is addicting and desirable even more than lust for pleasure. My whole body feels like it had been reborn."

Dante took his clothes off and looked at himself using [Large Mirror] that he bought from the system shop for 5 SP.

His body looked more synced with Aura and shined at meridian points. Currently, he had all his meridians in grade 6. These high-quality meridians allowed him better efficiency and control over his Aura Spells and techniques.

His eyesight was sharper than before. If he could see 1 km with accurate precision before, then now he could see 3 km ahead with extreme precision.

System notification started coming and Pearl also appeared outside his soul space to admire him with glee.

[3 Star mid-Rank 0 Zero Aurar Realm Achieved]

[All stats have been upgraded. kindly check the status]

"Congrats for breaking through Dan Dan." Pearl hugged Dante and kissed him all over his face.

"Thanks. Stop kissing me, Idiot." Dante was happy with his achievement.

"Oh come on You lost your precious hand to save those small bunnies. Good investment but a risky one if I didn't help you activate the Devouring trap haha." Pearl stated with hands hugging Dante's head.

"Yeah, thanks. I would be dead if you didn't help. That guy did something like a pro gamer move at end of the battle."

Dante was sure he couldn't have found a solution as well and planned as pearl. Pearl had the utmost system processing speed in her head. No one could compare to quick planning with Pearl. She was super computer-level intelligence. Well, Dan had the same intelligence but he was restricted by his humanity. Pearl was not human as of yet.

"Let's check my status. I feel like I can kill that bastard Salamander with just 1 finger now. This change is enormous."

Dante was excited and decided to check his new status.



Name: Dante Von WolfsBerg

Age: 5/150

Potential: 8.5/10

Charm: 9.1/10 {One hand missing, scars, causing a decrease in Charm}

Luck: 0 {Fateless}

Title: Playboy, Hardcore Idiot, Parttime Masochist, Scumbag, Playboy Incarnate, Saint of Eternal Light

Strength: E+ , Agility: E+ , Spell Power: D-(45-50AE)

Echo Compatibility: 18%

Aura Capacity: 35 A (AuraUnits) {70A}

System Level: 2 (Upgradable)

Condition: Healthy, Peek Strength, Strong Soul, High Grade 6 Meridians, Hand Missing

Innate Ability: Grand Devouring Physique (Lv2), Aura of Attraction (max)

Perks: Devourer (+), Despair (???), Painless Body (+), Enhanced Regeneration (Lv1), Star Core Technique (Lv1.1), Supreme Memory/Ultimate Memory, Take Over, Scan, Analyze, Storing, Map, Sword intent(Mid Grade), 2nd Chance

Skills: Light Cleansing (Lv1), Star Sword Technique (Lv2), Blink (Lv2), Star Flash (Lv1), Star Projection (Lv1), Star Movement Technique (Lv1)

Equipment/Inventory: Eternal Light (Book), Manga (5), Books (3), Meridian Rebirth Recipe, 2x Immeasurable rank skill creation Scroll, 4x God rank Skill Creation Scroll, Tier 3 Meridian Repairing Pill, DraVault Card, 10x Lv1 Upgrade Token, 6x Lv2 Upgrade Token, 4x Lv3 Upgrade Token, 2 random Perk Token, Mother's Ring, Lord's Blessing Contract, 1000 Aura Coins, Clothes(mix), 3900 Aura Crystals

System Points (SP): 10,039,000 SP





Dante was stupified by his strength increase by one breakthrough. He had reached the peak of E rank and also had normal power of 50AE which was his max before. He used titles and Excess Aura to achieve that state of power. Now he could casually bring out the same amount of power to attack his enemies.

He was now capable of facing anyone below D rank with his current capabilities.

Only Peak 0 Rank Aurars could give him a tough time now. He was not going to face anyone like that before reaching the same realm anyways. So it was no big deal.

He also had many tokens to use and new perks to buy. He decided to sleep for the rest of the night.

Dante went to his bed and slept there alone Pearl also hugged him and he let her do that. He slept naked on the bed with nothing hiding his body from exposure.

He had asked the system to track all movements within the 1 Km range with [Scan] ability which used only 1 Aura unit per 6 hours.

He can not be too careless now. He already lost his jerk off hand to blad bastard. He can't afford to lose anything else due to another ambush.

Hence, Dante slept like a log on his bed which he bought from the system for 100SP called [Comfortable Bed] with the same functions except it had a '10 times better and more comfortable sleep than a normal bed' benefit.