
Dante was sleeping peacefully, what he didn't notice was that a little girl came into his tent.

The system didn't notify Dante because she was considered a friend of Dante and would not harm him.

Well, that is the thing, Dante was sleeping naked. Yeah so it wasn't appropriate for the system to allow anyone to come near him but it was one of the shortcomings of the system.

It would not act like humans and might miss many small things like it did today.

The white-haired girl came into Dan's tent and started moving towards his bed. She had a nightmare and she wanted to sleep with her hero.

When the white-haired naive girl reached the bed of Dante she noticed many things and blushed madly. It was the first time she had seen a male naked body.

The girl was Snow Lane. She was a naive and kind girl who lived a homely life until she met Dan. She had only seen his father naked a few times while he did those bad things with ladies in the room some nights.

Snow looked at Dante with a shy expression and saw scars and a hand missing which made her very sad. Then she looked at his male parts which were different from women.

Snow didn't know much about sex and the relationship between man and woman as she was just a normal kid.

'That must be the male part my friend used to tell me about. The boys have different organs down there. So it is true. Interesting.' Snow looked at the private parts of Dante and closed the distance.

She started to touch it and also found his small sack of balls, which she cupped inside her hand. It was like she had found a new toy to play with.

Kids were fascinated by new things after all. She only knew that males and female should not show their private parts to others. Now she saw one in open and wanted to check it out.

It was morning now and birds were chirping outside. Snow was still sleepy, so she stopped playing around and hugged Dante and slept in his embrace like a koala.

It was a beautiful scene of a snow-like princess hugging a cute and handsome young man, except he was naked.

Snow drooled all over Dante. She felt very comfortable sleeping with Dante. It was warm and comfortable to sleep hugging Dante. Snow was really happy and she slept like a log hugging Dante.


A few hours in the morning, Razor came out of his tent. He was intelligent enough to not disturb Dante because he had ordered them not to enter his tent.

Sarah came out of the tent with worry and asked Razor with a serious expression. "Have you seen Snow, I can't find her in the tent. Where did she go?"

Razor stood up from a chair near the bonfire. these chairs were bought by Dante under camping equipment from the system.

"Where could she be? I haven't seen her or anyone coming out since I came here."

Sarah and Razor were now in dilemma, it was already morning and the sun was visible in the sky.

Nobody knew how the sun could appear in a hidden realm. It was a mystery for now.

"What to do let's search for her." Sarah started moving towards the pond side.

"No, wait Dante told us not to leave the area. We should ask him for help." Razor stopped Sarah in the middle of walking by gripping her hand.

"Fine. Let's go to Dante. I will go to him. You go and wake all those ladies inside my tent. Don't do anything funny or you will regret it." Sarah looked at Razor with sharp eyes.

"Whatever." Razor went to the girl's tent to wake them all up.

Sarah started walking towards Dantes's tent and after entering, she was surprised by the furniture in the tent.

The tent had everything including tables, chairs, and drawers. It looked like a completely noble expensive room.

Sarah walked towards Dan and was stupified. She had her mouth completely opened and the egg could fit in it. She ran out of the room blushing madly while making a cute yelp.

"Kyaaa ~"

She left the room but Dante woke up by this little voice. He tried moving but couldn't move.

"Why is my body heavy? What the ..."

Dante was still sleepy and when he realized what had happened he became embarrassed.

'What is she doing here? I told them not to enter my tent. Fack she is drooling on my chest. I am fackin naked. Why didn't she leave.'

Dante was stuck between the thighs and arms of Snow who looked like a princess hugging her prince charming.

He slowly tried removing this sticker that was dirtying him with her saliva. He felt anxious. This was the first time he slept with a lady and didn't expect to be hugged while naked.

'What a terrible experience. I lost my first time of naked hug with the Lady of my choosing. How sad. Maybe not sad. Hehe'

Dante was messing with the situation by making jokes.

He needed to let her stop hugging him because he was sure someone saw them like this already.

"Wakey wakey little lady." Dante stroked the head of Snow. She had beautiful and lush white hair, which was shiny and long. He felt ticked by them.

"Wake up or I will eat you, little lady." Dante pinched the cheeks of a little girl who looked 10 years old.

Snow slowly woke up and looked at Dan with sleepy eyes.

"I want to sleep some more. It is warm and comfortable. *breathe*" Snow looked at Dante and told him while hugging his arm tightly again.

"No sleeping. You slept a lot already. Stop being lazy, little snow."

Dante hugged her and stood up from bed. Took her toward the bathroom which was inside the tent. He dropped her in the bathtub.

"Huh huh, what is happening?" Snow was awake now fully.

"Stay here I need to take care of business."

Dante went to piss. He came back after some time and asked snow to leave after washing her face. She left while blushing deeply.

Dante used [Light Cleansing] blessing to heal himself and remove all impurities or unwanted mess sticking to his body.

He was now completely clean and started wearing a simple long-sleeved shirt blue shirt and Dark pants. He wore designer boots for fashion sense. Also a necklace of brick artifacts whose size was reduced to 10 cm.

He started walking out of his room to meet all his friends outside.


It was 9 in the morning as per the sun's location. A young lady with round glasses ran out of the tent while blushing madly.

Yea this girl was Sarah who saw something she shouldn't have and was now going to have a hard time looking at his friend Dante without blushing.

She saw everything. She saw how snow with her bare legs hugged Dante's legs and what inappropriate stance they had while hugging each other. This type of thing should only happen after marriage.

She also saw Dante's flawless and well-built body from head to very last leg toe.

She blushed while thinking about his private parts and how cute they looked. He was still a kid and was a growing young man.

'He still needs growth down there... what the hell am I thinking.' Sarah blushed and met with Razor who came out of the girl's tent.

"All of them are awake and getting ready to come out. So did you find Dante and Snow?"

Razor asked in simple manner.

"Yes, snow is safe. Don't worry. Also, Dante is in meditation. So don't disturb him."

Sarah said in behavior that says she is hiding something.

"Where is Snow if she is safe?" Razor looked at Sarah with a calculating look. He was 8 years old with a mind of 12 years old at least.

"She is inside Dantes's tent sitting on a chair while waiting for him to wake up. So don't worry." Sarah then moved towards chairs near the bonfire and sat there while being lost in her thoughts.

"Okay." Razor went to the pond and started throwing stones to pass time.

Soon, Snow ran out of Dante's tent and went to the girls' tent very fast.

After a few minutes, all ladies came out of the tent while wearing new dresses.

They have at least 20 dresses of the highest quality. Which Dan bought for them in a cloth shop.

All of them gathered and Snow looked at everyone with a smile and carefree look. While Sarah gave her side glances while doubting her facade of being a clueless girl.