Aster Tekk

It should be noted that E+ rankers could at max has a spell power of 30-40 AE. After this D rankers could cause spell powers from anywhere between 41-60 AE.

The major difference between E and D rankers was innate shield ability. It would require at least 10 E rankers to defeat 1 D ranker when ambushing them.

The rank difference was there for a reason. It could not be balanced in any situation. Only better artifacts could help in closing this realm distance.

Dante was on a boulder with a little girl with blue hair and white skin with clothes made up of leaves. She was obviously wearing cloth under those leaves but still, her clothes were too revealing and he could easily see the shape of her chest which was a B cup and growing. This girl had Light purple eyes. She was a beauty and could be compared to Snow in terms of sexiness.

'Nice, such good beauty. Sad that I can not involve myself with such an important fate character from this world. The system is not letting me see her status because of her security. Just who is she to be protected from even systems probe?' Dante looked at the girl hugging Dante due to being scared of the beasts behind her.

She was tired from all this running from death gate and was lying in his embrace and sniffing him madly.

"You smell so nice. *Sniff*. I am feeling relaxed now, a brother who are you?" the blue-haired girl asked Dan with admiration.

"I am Dante von Wolfsberg. What is your name, beautiful lady?" When Dan said beautiful, the little girl started blushing and was happy.

"I am Aster Tekk from Tekk tribe. My mother is one of the elders of the tribe. Am I really beautiful?" Aster looked at Dan with an expression that said she wants to be spoiled.

"Of course Aster, you are the cutest and most beautiful lady I have seen. You should wear a face veil to protect such beauty from bad guys." Dan let go of Aster in his embrace. He was now ready to go back to camp but now a new quest had appeared.

He wasn't a slave to system quests or anything. He was feeling almighty and strong after the breakthrough so he decided to check out his strength.

"Stay behind me, I will take care of those little animals." Dan moved towards the 4 bunnies and 1 huge bunny.

The huge bunny was at the rank of E+. This was going to be a good battle. Dante wanted to check his full strength.

"Alpha Slash..."


The area around Dan turned into white stars combined with a blue aura a slash filled with stars moved towards the bunnies who were shocked by such a huge attack of 100 meters coming towards them. They tried dodging but the attacks split into 3 parts and automatically pursued all bunnies.

Bunnies used their horns to stop the attack, but they all vanished leaving only burning skeleton behind.

Only 1 Huge bunny was left whose name was [Lord Blue Horn Bunny]. This bunny was 5 meters in length and 3 meters in height. Having Very sharp teeths and red eyes showing its savagery. It seemed to be laughing at Dante who was handicapped.

"Are you making fun of my hand? Bastard. Didn't your mother teach you to be a good bunny and eat carrots?" Bunny looked at Dan with disgust over the insults.


Bunny took a battle stance and pushed the ground down with full strength. The whole 200-meter area was turned into a rumble due to Aura's release by Lord Bunny.

The waves of Aura tried hurting Dan and Aster but were stopped by a barrier of blue light that looked like an invisible water bubble.

"Come to papa little bunny."

Dante took a sword stance to release a very strong slash. Aura started circulating Dante in a ball-like manner. This was the advantage of having higher Meridian Quality and Core technique. There was no loss of Aura units and efficiency plus control caused no damage to the surroundings.

The bunny moved at a very fast speed towards Dan who was ready to end this bunny's whole career.

"Alpha Slash... Duo"

Dante slashed at Bunny from the front which was confronted by a horn attack of bunny and a collision started. At the same time, Dante appeared behind the bunny using his movement technique and slashed again with the same power.

Two slashes of the same power of above E rank were crushing bunny from both sides.

Bunny released a painful squeal and tried moving out of the way of two powerful attacks.

Its shield was cracking. This collision of strength kept going for 30 seconds and Dante had already begun to power his star projection technique.

After the bunny ended the collision the dust scattered and a figure could be seen of a large Bunny who was bleeding badly from 10 different locations.

Lord Bunny was now standing with pain and hatred in his eyes toward Dante.

Bunny moved very fast towards Dan with die intention. It knew it would die if this keeps going on, so it attacked with everything it had.

"Star Shield MAX!!"

A blue layers robe appeared around Dante which was ready to protect him from everything that came at it.

The horn attack of dark black aura collided with the barrier of Dante.

The whole area of 500 meters was destroyed and Aster was sent flying due to waves of wind and a destructive Aura.

She stopped flying and dropped to the ground a distance away from the battlefield.


She was sad that her new friend was hurt and might even be dying. She wanted to help but she was very weak.

Her instincts told her to leave the area and escape before that bunny attacked her but she refused to leave her benefactor behind.

She kept watching the battle with extreme worry on her face.

2 minutes have passed since start of battle.


"Did you hear that?" Josef said while looking at the southwest location of Lake Berry.

"Damn these fackin beasts. They attacked us in groups." Jakuu was slashing his sword at the dog-like monster of 2-meter length.

Their group was attacked by 5 dog monsters of F- rank and 1 F Rank. They were stopped in their tracks and had to fight them.

"Let's go and check. I am sure Aster is there as well. We will end their life at that place and go home." Gast said while notifying them about the situation.

While they were moving and came near an apocalyptic area that had craters and Aura waves everywhere. It was a mayhem and death sentence for normal humans if they even try to come close to this location.

Even some weak F rankers of the elf group started vomiting.

"You guys stay back. Jakuu and I will check the situation." Gast said while looking at the middle of a battle where 2 figures were still within a dust storm around them.

In reality, Gast was not an F ranker but a peak E rank very close to breaking through to the D rank.

He wasn't scared of enemies in front of him and was only hiding his strength because their chief asked him to stay stealthy.

"I can sense that Aster Aura coming from behind these guys who are in battle. Let's go, stay hidden." Gast said with narrowed eyes. He was going to kill whoever wins the battle and take everything they had in store.

Everyone knew that Aura beasts dropped Aura crystals.

F-rank monsters dropped a crystal worth 1-10 mined crystals from Aura mines. F+ dropped 1-50 powered single crystal filled with aura called [Aura Stone].

Aura stones were dropped loot of Aura beasts and were very important at the official Aurars community.

The E+ Aura stone was comparable to 300 Aura crystals, which was a very high amount for normal weak zero Aurars.

The elf's party was waiting like hawks to attack the winning party for gaining loot.


Dan was inside the shield that was his innate ability.

[Remaining Aura: 30 Units]

Sadly this attack from the stupid bear was strong enough to make Dan lose 1.5 Aura units. He wasn't sad was just experimenting with his newfound powers.

The Aura beasts are always stronger than people of the same rank. This was common knowledge among the Aurar society.

Defeating a same-rank beast sometimes required 10 auras of the same rank. They even fail to take down beasts even with higher numbers. There have been many such situations.

The reason for such difference was because of the system of power that was different for both beasts and Aurars. Beasts have innate abilities from birth that can make them invincible at the same ranks most of the time unless a weak spot of Aura beasts is targeted.

Aura beasts have low intelligence before becoming official Aura beasts, so they are at least easier to control than stronger Rank 1 beasts.

"Time to end this, my cute bunny."

Dante raised his only hand along his sword. The stars in the sky became sword-shaped spikes marking the target at blur Bunny's back.

"Star Projection: Star Projectile Mayhem."

100 stars in the shape of spikes started targeting Lord bunny from all directions who used his all limbs to stop the spikes.

Spike which was stopped exploded on impact and caused burn damage to Bunny.

After a few minutes of the attack, the bunny stopped moving with 30 spikes of blue shape sticking through its body.

Lord bunny had passed away.

"Not bad for the little bunny. Maybe if there were 100 of you I might get a little worked up. Haha," Dan laughed at the face of Bunny who was not moving anymore.


[4 bunnies and 1 Lord bunny added to inventory.]


-Mission is not over yet. Don't let your guard down. Scan area for enemies now!- pearl shouted towards Dan.


A little over 5 red dots appeared on the map and all were marked now.

"From now on scan every time we reach a new area and scan when in and outside battle."


Dante was saved once again by Pearl. It seems enemies were on the horizon. He never got a single relaxing moment since he came into this realm.

'It seems some races are lingering in this realm. Time to kill them and take over loot.' Dan was moving towards Aster now, who was running with clumsy steps towards Dan.

Aster hugged Dan and started checking his body for injuries.

"Don't worry I am not hurt. That bunny was really sweet and kind. He let me take him down with ease. Hehe," Dan patted Aster's head and made her comfortable.

"Don't stop keep patting me. I like it." Aster was in bliss when Dante pat her and embrace her. She never felt like this when she hugged anyone else. That included her mother.

'Is he my promised one? Yeah, he definitely is the same.' Aster looked with blushed expression.

"Okay, let's go. Where do you live? I will drop you off." Dan smiled while taking ambers hand in his own.

"I live on another side of Berry lake. I came here to collect herbs for my mother. My mother is an alchemist so she needs herbs and ingredients for making pills." Aster said while smiling and full of pride.

"Okay, I will drop you off at your home." Dan started moving towards the lake while embracing Aster who was sniffing him madly and looked red like a tomato.

When they reached the lake they saw a boat crossing the area but something happened.

'Here we go. Aura Barrier. Star projection.'

Dante said and his aura released creating a ball of blue light to envelop Dan and Aster.

The stars appeared in the sky that were hidden from the eyes of everyone on land.

A blast of fireballs struck Dante. That destroyed area around him and no scratch was seen on Dan or Aster.

"So you guys finally appeared. What do you want?" Dan said with a kind smile as always. Everything was calculated and those guys were already dead.

A big guy who looked like a noble came out of hiding in the forest.

"So you knew we were following you. Leave that girl here and we will let you leave." Gast was the one who stated.

"Gast, why are you doing this? I am the daughter of Elder." Aster was shocked about the situation right now.

"Shut up little bitch. I will taste you soon enough. You will lose all your arrogance and that pride when my big cock is inside you. Haha." Jakuu said while licking his lips and massaging his cock in his pants. It was small by the way.

Aster was embarrassed by what she heard and could only hide her face behind Dante in shame.

"Are you the idiot of this group? No wonder you talk trash. You should keep your dog quiet or he might get kicked in the face." Dan said while ridiculing Jakuu who looked like he ate shit.

"I will kill you bastard..." before he could finish, he flew from his location due to some force and came in front of Dan who held him by his throat.

"What were you saying again? Kill me? Hahaha go on do it, little guy." Dante looked at jakku with cruel eyes. Jakku was frozen in place and could not move, his back was pierced by something that forced him towards Dante.

"Let me go, you Bas..." Before Jakuu could finish he was burned to ashes by a beam of blur light in Dan's hand.

"Good riddance. So what were you saying, big guy? I didn't hear you."

All people were shocked at how the situation had gone right now. Jakuu was a F ranker. He died like he was nothing but trash.

Even Aster was shocked. She didn't know what had happened, she was 1 Star F ranker after all.

"You shouldn't have done that. We are part of the Clan that rules this area. The chief won't let you live if he finds out about your aggression and hostility. Leave the girl and we will all forget about this situation." Gast said while being indifferent to the situation.

"What will ypu do with her if I let her go with you?" Dan looked at Aster and then at Gast.

"We have orders to eliminate her due to her innate ability which risks civil war in the future," Gast stated with no fear.

"Good Chief you got there Aster. He wants to kill you for having high potential haha." Aster looked sad and devastated at this information.

"So what have you decided." Everyone on elves side was ready to attack and had spells ready to attack Dan.

Aster looked afraid of such hostility from people of her clan.

Dante smiled at elves who can't see mount Tai. (Pun intented)

"Go to Hell..." Dante waved at them with a playful smirk.

"Attack." All elves attacked Dante. Which were stopped before even reaching Dante.

"Star Projection: Pillars of Light."

Light blue colored pillars appeared in front of dangerous spells and collided with them.

Spells like Super Blaze, Tri Fireball, Water Blaster, Nature's Fury, and others disappeared in the air.

"Is that all you got loser elves? I thought you guys had something to deliver. I am going to attack now, so try to survive. Star bullets."

Dante smiled and pointed his finger at elves who looked shocked.

Hundred of bullets pierced all present elves and everyone except Josef and Gast died. Josef was badly hurt and bleeding badly with small holes in his chest and legs.

Gast was barely hurt and had his shield nearly broken now.

"Well done for surviving the attack. Time for round 2 then."

Again stars began attacking them again. This time Josef died while screaming for help from Gast but he didnt receive any help.

"Nature's Hand"

A hand made up of trees appeared and protected Gast but was badly destroyed by the constant attack of hundreds of bullets.

"Forests Breath"

A wave of green energy was emitted by Gast towards Dante and Dante raised his hand to stop the attack using his pillars of light which were barely damaged.

[Star Pillars Of Light >> Damage Resistance: 35 AE]

[Remaining Aura: 28 Units]

10 Pillars appeared in front of Dante of 20 meters in height and 5 meters in width. All pillars were nearly destroyed by the breath spell of Gast. It seemed this was an innate ability of Gast.

30 seconds had passed after the attacks and Dante decided to end this battle.

"You will be hunted down by Chief. That bitch will be the death of you." Gast stated while looking exhausted.

"She is my cute and beautiful friend. No one can hurt her as long as I am here." Aster looked moved by Dante's words and hugged Dan from behind with a happy smile.

Dante said his final words to send Gast away to final rest.

"Star Projectile Mayhem."

Hundreds of stars became spikes and attacked Gast from all sides and exploded on impact. Gast died while being miserably tortured by spikes.

Gast oy chest remained on the ground with spike of light piercing it completely. Gast's head was half gone.

After the battle was over Dante moved away from Lake and started discussing things with Aster.

[Remaining Aura: 26 units]