New Member

So Dante and Aster were standing near the lake but at a distance of 1 km away from the battle area.

"Was killing them really necessary? They were my clan members." Aster looked with sadness.

"They attacked me. Do you want me to let people who try to kill me go away free? Should I thank them instead? Are you serious?" Dante had opened his eyes fully at the question.

"No, I just didn't want them to die.."

"They tried to kill and rape you? Are you saying I should have let them do that?"

"No, I ..."

"You are too kind. Stop thinking foolishly and only treat people how they treat you. This world is cruel. If I wasn't here they would have killed you and humiliated you before killing you. So grow up little girl." Dan looked with a serious expression and wanted to slap her silly for her idiotic thoughts.

There was silence for a few minutes while Dante checked his status during that disturbing silence.



Name: Dante Von WolfsBerg

Age: 5/150

Potential: 8.5/10

Charm: 9.1/10 {One hand missing, scars, causing a decrease in Charm}

Luck: 0 {Fateless}

Title: Playboy, Hardcore Idiot, Parttime Masochist, Scumbag, Playboy Incarnate, Saint of Eternal Light

Strength: E+, Agility: E+, Spell Power: D- (45-55AE) {New!!!!}

Echo Compatibility: 18%

Aura Capacity: 35 A (AuraUnits) {5 units/Hour}

System Level: 2 (Upgradable)

Condition: Healthy, Peek Strength, Strong Soul, High Grade 6 Meridians, Hand Missing, Angry

Innate Ability: Grand Devouring Physique (Lv2), Aura of Attraction (max)

Perks: Devourer (+), Despair (???), Painless Body (+), Enhanced Regeneration (Lv1), Star Core Technique (Lv1.1), Supreme Memory/Ultimate Memory, Take Over, Scan, Analyze, Storing, Map, Sword intent(Mid Grade), 2nd Chance, Star Shield

Skills: Light Cleansing (Lv1), Star Sword Technique (Lv2), Blink (Lv2), Star Flash (Lv1), Star Projection (Lv1), Star Movement Technique (Lv1), Extraction (Lv2), Cook (Lv2)

Sub-Skills: Star Projectile Mayhem, Pillars of Light, Alpha Slash, Star Fall, Devouring Trap, Star Bullets

Equipment/Inventory: Manga (5), Books (3), Meridian Rebirth Recipe, 2x Immeasurable rank skill creation Scroll, 4x God rank Skill Creation Scroll, Tier 3 Meridian Repairing Pill, DraVault Card, 8x Lv1 Upgrade Token, 4x Lv2 Upgrade Token, 4x Lv3 Upgrade Token, 2 random Perk Token, Mother's Ring, Lord's Blessing Contract, 1000 Aura Coins, Clothes(mix), 3900 Aura Crystals, Titans Blood Bottle, Map of Ancient Realm, 30 bunnies, 1 Lord bunny, 4 Burned bunnies

System Points (SP): 10,019,000 SP





Dante had bought cooking skills because he needed to learn how to cook to make good food for his companions.

Cooking level 2 allowed him to cook most of the foods in world except rare species. He was a master chef with extensive experience in cooking.

He could now cook using his Aura and manipulate it to bring different tastes in different foods. Basically he was a master chef now.

'This is ridiculous, why is my spell power changing every time I check the status why isn't completely accurate? The system is bulshitting me.' He then looked towards Aster and thought about what had happened.

'Maybe I should have let her die. She is a bomb ticking to go off. I can't face whoever this chief of theirs is for now. With my map completely open I can go dungeon hunting and find Aura mine to get free Aura crystals.'

Dante was brought out of his pondering by the voice of Aster Tekk.

"I want to go home can you help me get back home please." Aster looked at Dan with little fear.

"Sure. Are you sure you want to go home? Your chief wants you dead after all." Dan was looking at Aster.

Her answer will make it easier for Dan to decide whether to leave her at home or take her with him.

He wasn't sure whether she would be useful to him.

"My mother will protect me. She is strong."

Aster raised her hand in pride.

"How strong is that chief of yours?"

"He is official Aurar and can use rare wood elements with high compatibility. All forest is his to use." Aster was looking sad while elaborating strength of the chief.

"What about your mother then? Is she stronger than chief?"

"She is also in the same realm as chief." Aster was hopeful.

"What will happen when you tell your mother that the chief's lapdogs attack you? Will they talk it out? No! Idiot girl. Both of them will fight and bring death to hundreds of tribe members of yours. The reason for their death will be you and your foolish behavior." Dante explained reality to Aster who was devastated.

She was thinking things while she asked in a shouting voice. "So what should I do? I don't want to die. I also don't want my mother to get hurt. I also don't want anyone from the tribe to get hurt."

"Simple, do not return to your tribe. You can come with me if you want. Of course, this is only 1-time deal. Decide for yourself. I will come back in a moment." Dante vanished from the location and went towards the battlefield.

Dante looked around the area and used their extraction ability. He could easily collect corpses here and experiment on them but he was scared of any marks on those bodies.

If the chief found him. He would die most likely. So he needed to destroy all evidence. He raised his hand and started his plan.

"Star Fall: Omega"

Stars shined in the sky. 10 large 100 meters long in diameter star-like meteorites began falling from the sky towards battle location.

These stars have destruction power and were used by Dan to remove all evidence in the 1 Km range around him.

All stars fall on the ground and large blasts and ground-shaking bang noises appeared throughout the forest that even reached the camp area. Frightening the weak human companions of Dante.

The whole area of 700 meters was now rubble and a crater. Nothing was left behind.

[Remaining Aura: 20 Units]

10 minutes had passed since the disaster of stars falling.

This move took 6 Aura units from Dante. This was a major annihilation move in his Arsenal for now. Star Fall sizes could vary depending on his need.

Dante decided to return to Aster to get her answer.

When Dante reached Aster she looked pale and was worried about what was happening.

"Some meteorites fall from the sky I saw them falling in the area where we fought. Are we in danger?" Aster looked frightened.

"No, I did that. You don't need to worry."

"What? But how..."

"Tell me your answer. I don't have the whole day to babysit you Aster." Dan looked exhausted now with these stupid talkbacks.

"I will follow you. This way my mother would be safe and no one has to die." Aster looked resolved and ready for moving on.

"Good, but there are some rules you need to follow. Only if you agree will I take you with me."

Dante explained some rules to Aster and she agreed. She wanted to get along with Dan and his friends because he was a good person.

"Okay let's go and welcome to my party, new member and friend, Aster Tekk." Dante smiled.

This way Dan and Aster started making their way towards the camp area and location of their home for a few years in the future.