battle angel system

elite city is known for it's fame, in the few elite cyborg assassins it has. it was formerly the top among all the other cities, until it got overtaken by the zenus city.

like all places and beings, has ranks and the benefits attached to it. elite city being in the top 3, was in the center of the 5 cities.

accommodation in elite was expensive, followed by all other basic things. one hax to be a either a hunter, scientist, or among the upper power ups to live a good life.

and if you weren't among the top people, then life would be made miserable for you. a lot of people had accepted their fate, some were even grateful living in this city.

it was better than living in the ruins of the last two cities they said.

life was harsh, but there wasn't much they could do unless someone stood up for them.

"hey sleepy head." sole muttered, lazily sitting on the bed besides atlanta. he had been awake almost through the night, watching atlanta who slept peacefully.

"thanks again sole." atlanta weakly muttered, the truth was she didn't sleep a wink last night. she didn't know why, but she guessed it was due to the nanites in her and the strange message she saw.

[welcome user]

[initiating battle-]


that was all the she saw, before the strange holographic screen disappeared from her view.

"here eat something or your circuits might go haywire." sole joked handing over a tray with food.

like an underfed cat, she basically started munching down on the food before her.

"hey take it easy you might get an upset tummy." sole was surprised atlanta could still eat regular food. he had already asked the professor, to which he said she still would but he still had his doubt. but this undeniably cleared all his doubts.

"beelch! sorry." she had already finished the dish on the tray, within less than 3 minutes. she just couldn't stop eating, and when she tried it felt as if her body needed the energy.

"please don't eat me." sole pretended to be scared, lifting his hands in the air in defeat.

"err.. now that you mentioned it i still feel hungry." atlanta played along licking her lips, while staring at sole's arm. her hands were really quick, that sole couldn't even react on time as she grabbed his hands, bringing to her mouth.

"w-what the you can't be serious right atlanta you can't eat me right?" sole muttered.

"I don't know let's see." atlanta grinned, drooling at sole's arm like a chunk of meat. sole couldn't break free from atlanta's grip no matter how he tried.

'she's gotten really strong.' he thought. 'the nanites are really interesting.'

"here goes!" atlanta shouted pulling sole out from his daze, as her teeth opened wide and chomped sole's arm.

sole braced himself ready for the pain, but it never came after a few seconds. till atlanta's mocking laughter made him open his eyes.

"I can't believe you really thought I was going to eat you what do you take me for a barbarian?" atlanta scoffed, holding sole's unharmed arm.

"ha-ha i-I knew you weren't going to eat me." sole nervously chuckled, retracting his arm for safety purposes.

"even if I wanted to eat you you wouldn't be tasty." she smiled resting her back against the wall. she and sole then laughed it off and talked about other matters, both important and unimportant.

£anyways what's up with the scavengers is there any update?"

"no not yet ac-"

sole hadn't finished speaking when his phone started vibrating, indicating a call was coming in. as he picked it up, his face changed into a serious mood and atlanta knew what it meant.

"what happened is it the scavengers?" Atlanta slowly asked. she knew a call from the scavengers, was for either news of a new hunter or taking one down.

"am sorry atlanta the scavengers are planning to take down a lv 4 hunter."

"lv 4 b-but that's too high it's too big of a risk." atlanta exclaimed. the highest lv a hunter could reach, depended on the hunter itself. currently the highest lv a hunter held was lv 9, and this was non other than the hf's champion.

"I know atlanta that's why they need my help and besides we've already known his weakness so he wouldn't be much of a threat." sole smiled, but atlanta could see there was a bitter side to the smile.

"t-then i'll come with you with my new upgrades I can help out a lot." atlanta was already getting out of bed when sole stopped her.

"stop atlanta you know you're still not 100 percent and you still need to adapt to the changes."

"b-but I can help I can at least tie him up or something." atlanta said refusing to be turned down. she and sole had nearly died, as a result of underestimating the hunter before.

it almost caused them their lives, so she was very sensitive now the person she trusted was going alone.

seeing the emotional reaction from atlanta, sole gave her a deep hug gently brushing her hair. he knew she had lost and been through a lot since small, so he felt her pain as he too went through the same.

"I promise i'll be alright atlanta afterall you still have to eat me." sole teased which resulted in atlanta meakly hitting him.

"o-ok but please be ok sole." atlanta weakly spoke, the life of a scavenger was life or death. it could really be fun at first, but in the blink of an eye one could easily lose their life.

sole gently nodded and wiped her tears with his hands, giving a thumbs up as he walked towards the door.

"when am back we'll spend some time together." he promised as his back disappeared from Atlanta's view.

'now where have I heard that before.' atlanta thought.

that was the exact same thing her parents said, before they left and never returned. her heart would feel a stinging pain, everytime she thought of her dead parents.

and hearing those words from the person she trusted, made her heart bleed the more.

"a-am so useless I couldn't do anything before my parents died still now am weak." she blamed herself, for everything that happened since her parents died. but when she met sole, he managed to make things better and partially forget her parents death.

"ahh!" she screamed. "why do I have this feeling that something bad is going to happen to him." she didn't know why, but her senses were screaming danger all around.

she tried to compose and reassure herself everything was alright, but it wasn't working at all.

"that's it!" she vowed she wasn't going to sit around, and let something bad happen to sole in the slightest. getting up from the bed she felt a bit dizy, which was weird but she shook it off.

"shit! I didn't even ask where the location was how am I supposed to find him now." atlanta cursed. how could she had been so clumsy, to forget to ask if the location from sole.

as if by coincidence, her eyes managed to wonder to the desk where luckily sole's phone layed.

"jackpot! looks like luck's finally turning for me." she smiled and walked out the room, to the sitting room in the apartment which was empty.

"hmm.. nobody's home." she muttered. she thought the professor would had been around to check up on her, but nobody was around.

"maybe he went out." that was the only possible option she thought of.

with a free access out, atlanta walked out the crummy looking building to the location sole was.

"I feel sad for the poor girl." a figure spoke from behind. "losing her parents must've made her mad."

the human figure wore a blue cloak reaching down his feet, and in his hand was a long strange metal bat.

"it's a pity she has to lose one more." the hooded person said, silently walking away from the area.

'why is it this far.' atlanta wondered.

the place she currently in is the interior parts of elite city, which hadn't been developed at all. she wondered why, they would choose to trap the hunter in an area like this, instead of the other locations they agreed on.

"something definately's not right here." the blinking red dot on sole's phone, showed she was getting closer to sole as it remained a few metres.

"why am I sweaty?" her hands were really sweaty, as even the phone threatened to slip away. her insides were tingling and a serious headache troubled her brain, as she even struggled to walk her vision a bit hazy.

"w-what's wrong with me I shouldn't be this worried about sole n-othing bad's going to hap-"


she didn't finish her sentence when she heard a loud shout from afar, behind a few crates.

"no! no." her eyes sunken as it looked like the world had slowed down, because she recognised the voice clearly.

her steps were clumsy, as she ran to the location. it didn't take up to a minute, when she reached to only find a gruesome scene.

"s-s-ole!" her legs immediately went numb, as she fell to the ground tears skidding down her cheeks.

in front sole was being held by the head, by a far advanced cyborg hunter of lv 4. his body was a bloody mess, covered all over with torn flesh and dislocated joints.

"interesting I can't believe you brought your girlfriend here to die too how wicked!" the cyborg hunter said in a deep voice, as he brought he left hand to sole's neck.

"any final words boy?" he smiled looking directly in Atlanta's sunken eyeballs.

"a-at-lanta get out of h-ere." sole barely said, before fresh blood spilled out from his mouth to the floor.

"no! no! please sole you promised!" atlanta screamed, but sole couldn't say his final words. as only a smile was planted on his face, before his head was viscously ripped off by the hunter.

"noo!" Atlanta could feel all the life drain from her, as she stared at sole's dangling head In the hunter's grasp like some type of trophy.

"now girl it's your turn." the hunter smiled walking towards her with an evil grin.

"no no! no no!" Atlanta mumbled like a mad person, her face was pale and her eyes were red. but something else was rising in her, like a wild adrenaline.

"y-you killed sole!" she could feel it, the nanites were surging round her body, as the strange screen appeared before her eyes.

[initiating battle angel system 2%]

[initiating 7%]

[initiating 16%]

[initiating 24%]

the distance from the hunter and her was a bit long, so with every step the hunter took her blood boiled more.

[initiating 36%]

"you bastards took everything away from me first my family now my friend!" she roared getting up on her feet with a killing intent.

the hunter was stunned a bit, when he saw the sudden change in the reaction of atlanta. but he was too overconfident in himself.

[initiating 58%]

"don't worry little girl i'll make your death fast and painless so you can go meet you dead boyfriend." he chuckled, closing the few steps between him and Atlanta.

with every trash talk he said, made atlanta's blood boil more. and the more it boiled, the faster the initiating process went up.

"what was that his name again~" "was it suck or maybe sick?"

[initiating 65%]

"or sucker~ saliva~ sad! stupid pathetic."

[initiating 73%]

[initiating 81%]

"oh! oh! I remember it was poor pathetic headless sole." he grinned evilly, throwing the head of sole to atlanta's feet. many emotions and thoughts coursed through her head, about her life and all this added more fuel to the flames inside.

[initiating 96%]

[initiating 100%]

[battle angel system initiated]

there were multiple ding sounds, as the screen then changed into a whole different screen. looking at the hunter with her blood shot eyes, killing was all that filled her mind.

"you'll be joining him soon."