
[Name: Atlanta gene]

[Level: 01]

[Strength: 14]

[Speed: 20]

[Stamina: 11]

(Class: battle angel novice (low): as a novice battle angel, this class increases all battle skills and stats effect, when user has reached max battle frenzy mode.)

(Titles: none)

[Hp: 100/100]

[Resistance: 20]

[Battle points: 30/30]

[Battle frenzy mode: 10]

[Energy: 100/100]


[Power punch(lv1): the user is able to direct an amount of energy into an arm which can create a small blast dealing damage to affected enemies. Cost 3 energy points per charge. Note: power punch can gain ×2 the attack and blast when in battle frenzy mode.]

[Seek: user is able to mark targeted individual increasing chance to apply critical strike against enemy defenses. Cost 8 battle points.]

[Immunity lv1: for a duration of 10 minutes user's body will become resistant to every attack taken reducing the damage by 5%. Costs 5 battle points]

[Reach level 10 to evolve and unlock more skills!]

Looking at the screen Atlanta was shocked a bit but it didn't seem that strange to her during this advanced technological period. Inventions that couldn't even be thought about over the past years were being created and modified now, so many strange and advanced stuff had been created throughout the years.

'This is new.' She thought to herself. With the little times she had with her parents they'd never for once mentioned a screen appearing before a cyborg. It wasn't that it was ridiculous or stupid but they were designed like that, the reason why they were called cyborg in the first place was because they still had some human features. Only full metal created robots could be seen with a screen on the systems interface.

Wait this is kinda like a system. She had never had any experiences with nanites before but she knew there was a connection between them and this systems interface.

Are you that scared that you shit your pants? Kobal the lv4 hunter mockingly said staring ahead.

You shouldn't be talking for someone who's already dead. Atlanta with her newfound speed then ran forward reaching the hunter in short time. The hunter slammed his hands at her head but she blocked stepping to the side then landing a fist to the Hunter's rib.

Bang! The male hunter was pushed back two steps as he looked at Atlanta with wide eyes.

What the hell are you made up of? He asked angrily. Atlanta herself was shocked she knew her strength had increased but that fist wasn't ordinary. She'd activated power punch just before she slammed her fist into him, she could feel a strange type of energy flow to her right hand. It was somehow peaceful as it completely filled her right hand not wanting to hold it longer she punched forward with force. The energy in her hand reacted exploding out from her hand with that fist creating a small bang.

That was a nice try but am afraid it's useless against me. Kobal grinned closing the gap between him and Atlanta in an instance punching his huge robotic arm to her head. Atlanta defended by crossing her arms together in front of her head minimizing the damage sending her skidding back. Kobal didn't stop running to Atlanta's location slamming his arms down in a hammer position.

I'll die if that hits me. Atlanta knew that attack was too powerful for her current self to take so she rolled to the side.

Boom! A small explosion occured as kobal's massive fists hit the ground causing a small crater. Atlanta not waiting punched him behind at his spine precisely activating power punch with each punch.

Damn it it's like am punching a brick wall. Most of kobal's body parts were infused with other metal robotics part so it was hard for Atlanta's punches to get through.

[Energy points: 94/100]

She'd already used six of her energy points and it still didn't prove any result she had to look for a weak spot on kobal fast or she'd exhaust herself and her points.

Would you like to know how your boyfriend screamed when I broke his legs. Kobal teased using his leg to slam into Atlanta's chest, the force sent her flying back crashing into one of the containers.

[Hp: 95/100]

[User rib is broken! Regenerating now.]

Blood spilled out her mouth as she felt the immense pain she immediately felt a bone or two break in her ribs so she wasn't shocked the system confirmed it.

He begged me to stop playing with him and just end his life. How pathetic! Aren't you people meant to be the resistance? You're just a bunch of kids! Kobal screamed lifting up two containers throwing them straight for Atlanta she avoided the oncoming threat by running by the side scanning kobal's body.

Would host like to use the passive eagle eye skill for better analysis?

Huh! Atlanta was a bit stunned hearing that strange voice as that was the strange system voice she heard in the hospital.

Yes.. Atlanta muttered dodging a kick from kobal punching his chest with both her arms pushing farther back.

[Congratulations eagle eye skill successfully activated!]

Atlanta eye then glowed purple as her vision enhanced like that of a cyborg eye it was like a whole different interface cause she could now see a purple circle scanning kobal's body. After a few seconds the circle then stopped at a spot particularly his crotch blinking a bright red and that's when she finally saw it.

Finally getting a weak spot in kobal's body she directed all her attention to his lower region. Kobal swung his fist fast for kobal's head intending to go in for a kill but Atlanta dodged sliding on the floor below kobal then using all her strength to fierce fully punch his crotch.

Bam! Splat! Argh! Kobal screamed in pain as he went down to his knees, he could feel his testicles burst apart to the floor. He was in a lot of pain clutching his destroyed testicles as blood flowed down his empty member region.

Am going to make you suffer the same fate you gave my friend. Atlanta coldly said sending her fist to kobal's head planning to finish him. But to her surprise kobal lifted his hand blocking her attack then head butting her guys causing her to step back.


On the top of the many containers a group of about five cloaked individuals had arrived watching the scenario below. They had different sci-Fi weapons each strapped to their waist or back.

Sole! Flora shouted seeing the decapitated head of sole laying next to his lifeless body. She wanted to go down and hold him but she was quickly held back by two individuals.

Haa.. I told him not to engage. Stupid kid always wanting to play hero. Saber a man in his middle twenties shook his head a bitter expression on his face.

Wait I-isn't that Atlanta? Kaiya surprisingly said looking at Atlanta battle a lv4 hunter without any protection or weapon. B-but I thought she was in critical condition in an hospital how is she doing... this.

Is that a question we should help her out. Flora panickly spoke but was stopped by saber who had a calm look.

Wait. She's managing well against a lv4 hunter without equipment so that must only mean one thing.

A-are you trying to say she's a.. cyborg? Flora asked shocked. It had been two years since Atlanta joined the resistance and they became friends. Of course she'd been tested positive to be human without any traces of machine parts before she joined so she couldn't possibly go behind the resistance law and advance her body parts.

We can't be certain for sure. I guess we'll just have to ask her ourselves. Zero spoke in a dark voice.


[Hp: 70/100]

The battle between Atlanta and kobal continued without stopping he had the upper hand because of his agility and mainly his high strength. With every punch he landed to her it took away 5 of her hp points, she was surprised how he still stood with a destroyed testicle but she wasn't going wait to be hit.

[Energy points: 53/100]

I can't continue like this. She muttered she'd been exhausting her energy points because she constantly activated power punch. She'd also noticed that each time she used in her energy points it would take a great toll on her stamina reducing her energy to continue on.

Am so going to enjoy scrapping you apart! Kobal shouted slamming his fist into a container creating a hole hole.

There has to be another weak point. She thought. She'd activated eagle eyes after she destroyed his testicles but every time she scanned it just displayed system error.

Just when she thought things couldn't get worse with kobal his fist which was sent to her chest turned into a huge hammer that slammed into her chest.

[Critical hit! -30 HP points deducted]

[Hp: 23/100]

Shit! A mouthful of fresh blood spilled out her mouth as her body was chucked into the air she felt her body go limb a bit as she descended down. Kobal with a crazed smile on his lips didn't give her a moment to rest kicking her into a container with his powerful foot.

[Hp: 18/100]

[User's rib is critically injured redirecting all remaining energy points for healing.]

Atlanta could feel the nanotech working very fast like a spider weaving a thread healing her bones.

N-no I still have to fight.

[Error! System primary objective is to save host from dying] the systematic monotone voice said in her head. She wanted to stop it but she couldn't it was the systems primary objective.

Ready or not here I come. You can't hide. Am gonna find you! Kobal grinned dragging his heavy armour across the ground a demented look planted on his face.

Come one.. work! Atlanta inwardly screamed activating eagle eyes continuously.



Come one! She was enraged by the systems in ability to pin out kobal's weak point proficiently. Kobal was just 6 feets away from her now and it would be game over for her if he got to her in this defenseless state.

I-i can't die not now~

[Host still hasn't used skill seek.] Just in her moment of panic she heard the system voice ring in her ears again.

T-that's it! Her eyes sparkled brightly with glimmer of hope she'd been to focused on power punch because it took little energy points preserving it. So she didn't remember she hadn't used her other skills which took battle points.

[Energy points: 15/100]

Her energy points were really low as she struggled to her feet she could feel she was on her last legs and it would be now or never.

Please work... she muttered under her breath activating eagle eyes again. She watched as the purple circle scanned kobal's body and finally stopped at a particular place which was his head.

I admire your wit kid but am still going to make you fucking pay. Kobal smiled now directly in front of her. He had a mocking smug look as he chuckled gently seeing Atlanta struggling to stand to her feet.

W-what did you say? Atlanta stuttered her head bent downward.

I said you'll soon be joining you're sorry excuse for a boyfriend in hell. He shouted it clearly causing his words to ring loudly in her ears. Tears streamed down her eyes as she looked at sole's lifeless body memories began flooding back as a new energy was rising in her.

[Battle frenzy mode: 100]

[User is now in battle frenzy mode!]

[All stats and skills effects has now been doubled by two!]

Not wasting time Atlanta shot her body with all her speed activating two skill at the same time. Kobal just chuckled seeing her futile attempts her fist was swung out to his head and he also swung his hammer to her body.

Her fist was close and so was kobal's hammer but she didn't care she wasn't going to miss this opportunity as she was on her last legs.

Go to hell! she screamed punching forward to kobal's head going through it at the same time kobal's hammer hit her body destroying many bones. The force this two collided was so great that it sent waves of air everywhere creating a small explosion.

Her passed out body then fell to the ground laying on tip of kobal's body with her fist still stuck in his head.