earth evolution?

"N-no~" Atlanta softly muttered under her breath, unbelievable staring at the scene in front of her eyes. There laid wasted on the ground were the members of the big five, defeated and disgrace by a single lady?

The big five were the core and strong members of the resistance group, as they were the top of the food chain and acting founding members. They were meant to be tough and protect the members in the resistance, so everyone looked up to them having faith in them.

But now looking at the so called leaders of the resistance, Atlanta felt pity and fear for the future of the resistance.

"Did you enjoy the show?" Atlanta was jolted from her thoughts, when she heard zelina's voice. Looking over, she saw the she devil female walk over the scattered bodies of the core five. Her system was immediately alarmed as her mind raced on what to do, seeing the approaching evil.

"Don't be scared, I won't bite." Zelina chuckled softly raising her hands up, trying to calm Atlanta down.

"Easy for you to say.."

"Haha! true true.. but am not the villain here, infact they are." Zelina pointed back to the big five, unable to move on the floor.

"That's what a typical delusional villain would say." Atlanta retorded knowing her plans, and not giving in one bit to zelina's plans.

"You still don't get it do you." Zelina softly said shaking her head a bit. *They have secrets buried deep, more than you could ever imagine." Zelina coldly spoke, her face contorting into that of disgust as she looked on.

"Yeah so I've heard. But from my point of view, you and your boyfriend are the true monsters." Atlanta said, her voice containing a hint of sarcasm in it. Zelina's face twitched a bit hearing those words from Atlanta, as she clenched her fist tightly.

"He's not my boyfriend.." zelina calmly uttered with a frown.

"Oh! how rude of me. You two are surely engaged then." Atlanta smirked a bit as she teased zelina, trying to get under her skin. and it was working, as the frown on the latters face deepened.

"Keep running your mouth girl and you won't like what you see!" Zelina angrily said, a vein bulging on her forehead as her blood boiled more. Atlanta could feel a cold presence being emitted from zelina as she spoke, and Atlanta knew she wasn't playing around.

"A-atlanta~ r-run!" Zero barely managed to shout, immediately coughing up some mouthful of blood in the process.

"Ha! what a disgrace." Zelina grinned, an evil grin seeing zero's pitiful state. "Are these the so called big five that are the leaders of the resistance? All I see are a bunch of overrated untalented losers, cowarding behind while you folks sacrifice your lives for what? For the greater good." She chuckled, mocking the big five and all who chose to form an alliance with them.

"Don't do anything stupid kid.. g-go! run away!" Gin shouted but regretted it, as he could feel his spine snap more as he tried to stand to his feet.

"I'll ask you one more time Atlanta.. join us, your so much more than you think. don't waste your life here, just like your father did." Zelina slowly said staring into Atlanta's eyes.

"M-my father.. what do you mean by that?" Atlanta's eye widened a bit hearing the word father, and her interest piqued more.

"Wait, don't tell me.." the look on zelina's face contained a hint of shock for a moment, as she exclaimed a bit in surprise.

"You haven't told her? Well that's just cold.." she turned, staring over at zero who could barely raise his head up a bit.

"T-told me what?" Atlanta asked, her heart beating more faster under her skin. She could feel the hair in her body stand up, as thrill and fear cloded her body.

"D-don't listen to her Atlanta... s-she's trying to trick- argh!" Zero couldn't talk anymore as his body collapsed to the floor, his back finally giving out.

"Now now zero, let's not keep the truth away from her anymore." A wicked smile was planted on zelina's face, as she turned to face Atlanta. "She deserves to know the truth." She softly spoke, as she appeared in front of Atlanta in an instant.

"Your father, who is he." Zelina spoke, causing Atlanta to raise a brow. She didn't know why this female asked this strange question, as she undeniably knew her father for a bit.

"My father is dead. he was a scientist working for the hunter's, the same people that killed him and my mother. H-he's name is Ryan breeze." Atlanta boldly spoke, identifying her father as she had knew him for some little good times while she was still little.

"Wrong." Zelina softly shook her head, looking at Atlanta with a pale face. "He isn't your father."

"W-what are you saying?" Atlanta was taken back as she clenched her chest a bit, little drops of tears forming then sliding down her eyes.

"Your lying, you're trying to get in my head!" She screamed, not wanting to believe all what zelina was spilling right now. Activating energy blast multiple times, she swiftly punched with both her hands at zelina's head. Since the distance was close, the fist didn't take time as it met it's target.

'Boom!' Within the blink of an eye, zelina's hand moved with lighting fast movement as she blocked crossing both her arms in an x.

'Boom!' An explosion occured, as the blast was released from Atlanta's fists. The blast was shot in a straight line, purple energy currents surging through it with cracks of lightning as it headed for zelina. The latter wasn't fazed at all instead a light smile was planted on her face, as soon as the attack connected the unexplainable occured.

The blast as expected was meant to go through zelina, pushing her back or killing her. but instead, the energy blast from Atlanta was seemingly absorbed by zelina's arm?

'What?' The shocked expression was vivid on Atlanta's face, as she stared in disbelief seeing this scene unfold.

[User's energy is being absorbed!]

[Danger! HP will be depleting by 3 every one minute when user's energy is completely finished!]

She could see the system notification, warning her about her energy being sucked out by zelina. but she couldn't do anything but just watch, as her body was too weak to fight back.

[Energy points: 0/300]

[User's body is in critical weak state!]

[Time left until system shutdown: 3m 45s.]

Atlanta fell to her knees panting in deep breath, her body exhausted and weak. Her energy points had been absorbed by zelina, and her body was so weak that the system literally gave a timer till her body inevitably shutdown unconscious.

"W-what do you m-ean." Atlanta could barely speak under her deep pants, as she struggled to breath in air her eyes becoming blurry by the second.

"Think about it, why you? Why everything happening all of a sudden? All this is bigger than you Atlanta, and so is your father." Zelina softly said again, and Atlanta's heart fluttered more as she heard those words from zelina.

"Since you were a child, you were snatched from your real father by that coward and traitor Richard gene. He then placed you into the hands of those humans, who made you believe they were your parents. Your father searched far and wide for you Atlanta, he's waiting." Zelina spoke, and Atlanta couldn't do anything but just listen. Her world had crumbled before her eyes long ago, and the little fragments of memories that remained was slowly disappearing.

"This is bigger than all of us Atlanta, you're meant to be something much more than this." Zelina spoke, her voice a bit pitched as anger washed over her body.

"N-no." Atlanta barely managed to utter under her breath, as she struggled to stand but immediately fell back than flat to the floor.

"You can't fight it Atlanta. deep down, you know it's true." Zelina smiled, crouching down a bit and brushing her purple hair softly.

"I know you may have some feelings attached to these morons but don't worry, I'll make it easier for you." She smiled, turning her attention to the big five an insidious look plastered over her face. Walking over, an evil smile was planted on her lips as she looked at her preys with evil eyes.

"Time to say goodbye." She licked her lips, clenching her fist tightly as she raised her hand in the air, sending her fist downwards to zero's head.

'Zapp!! Boom!!' A much louder explosion occured, as a deep purple lightning blast was shot towards zelina. She couldn't avoid it as she raised her hands intending to block, her body was flung back crashing and breaking through the walls as the blast purged on.

"Phew.. I came just in time." Mira smiled, sighing a bit in relief as she stopped zelina. "Come on, we don't want to be killed now do we." Mira chuckled awkwardly a bit as she surprisingly carried Atlanta, placing her on her shoulders with no stress at all.

"B-but five.." Atlanta muttered under her breath.

"Huh? oh! don't worry we got them covered.."

Atlanta was a bit confused when she heard the word 'we' as she could only see Mira here, until a voice she never thought she would hear spoke.

[Time remaining: 1m]

"Everything's going to be alright Atlanta." There in front raising her head a bit, she could see the figure of a person she thought she'd lost forever.

"Sole.." her voice was weak, but it was enough for it to be carried in the wind in sole's ear. The latter then placed her hand to his face, making her feel his skin as tears slipped from both their eyes.

"Yeah yeah.. enough with the love story already, it's disturbing." Tom appeared behind sole, but his face suddenly became dark as he saw what was left of the big five.

"No.." he softly spoke his heart sunken a bit.

'Boom!!! Rumblee!' A huge explosion occured jolting all of them from their gazes, followed by a much larger earthquake ever recorded on earth.

"Shit! it's evolving now?" Mira cursed, knowing what the sudden change in the environment meant.

"Quick, let's go!" Sole shouted. Nodding Tom then pressed a red button, robots of five then appeared picking the bodies of the big five as the group took to their feets.