are those zombies?

'Swoosh.. bam!' The goblins opened fire at the group, who could only dodge by hiding behind a tall tree. The goblins didn't stop still attacking, firing their weird green ball at the group.

"The tree won't last any longer." Mira muttered, seeing the goblins small green balls was destroying the tree. It was strange how much damage this small green balls packed, as she estimated about 10 seconds before the tree finally gave out.

"We don't have any other choice, we have to fight." Mira said to Atlanta and sole with a serious face. "I'll cause a distraction, you two can then take care of the goblins in front." Mira said already activating her ability, as purple cracks of lightning surged in her left arm. Nodding Atlanta and sole then got ready, waiting for Mira's move.

'Fucking goblins.' Mira cursed, her face contorting into that of disgust as she glanced at the goblins. Aiming her left arm to the direction of the goblins the purple cracks of lightning then moved forward, shooting out fast out from her hand.

'Boom!' A small explosion occured as the purple lightning strike hit it's mark, in the center of the goblins. Blasting the few unlucky ones caught by it, and for a moment the attacks seemed to have stopped.

"Now!" Mira shouted, and Atlanta and sole both headed out moving fast with the wind. It didn't take long, before they reached the first set of goblins at the front. There were a total of five, each holding a pair of their huge wooden clubs.

Seeing them, the goblins eyes shone with disdain as they engaged. Atlanta was a bit faster than sole's speed, so she was nearer to the goblins than sole. She could see the goblin in her front had swung it's wooden club to her head, but she wasn't scared.

'It's slow.' She thought as she could clearly see the creatures attack. Having the upper hand she dodged the attack, sending out a fist to the goblins head.

'Bam!' Her fist was fast, colliding with the goblins skull protruding out the back of it's head.

[Congratulations on your first goblin kill!]


[+15hp regained.]

'Huh?' The system screen flashed before Atlanta's eye, and she could clearly see the message stating she'd killed a goblin. And another one stating she'd regained 15 of her hp.

"Atlanta, watch out!" She was jolted from her gaze by sole's shout, as she could see the wooden club swung at her head. Luckily before it connected sole had grabbed the wooden club mid-air, stopping it before sending a fist to the goblins head. sending the creature flying back, crashing to a tree dead.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah.. I was just thinking about something." She softly said obviously lying. They didn't have time to dwell in their thoughts, as the other three goblins had now encircled them. the strange green ball floating in their small green palm.

'Zapp! Zapp.' Before they could even react, three lightning zaps had pierced through the goblins skull killing them instantly. They could see Mira run past them, her hands surging with purple lightning.

"Don't stop!" She shouted, avoiding the green balls shot at her then striking a blow of her own. Seeing Mira charge in like that to the goblins made Atlanta a bit envious, as she didn't know if Mira was awesome or just stupid.

"Come on." Atlanta softly said dashing forward, she reached her next goblin ducking his wooden club before landing a kick to it's chest. The goblin was sent back a few meters but it wasn't dead yet, as green blood oozed from it's mouth.

Running forward Atlanta then lept a bit, activating power punch descending down on the creature.

'Bam!' A small bang went off as the goblins head exploded into a pulp, splashing to the ground with it's body falling to the ground.

Looking at the goblin Atlanta noticed something about them, as their skin was a bit thick. She didn't know about goblins hell! she didn't know much about herself, but she was always trying to learn more.

Shaking her head she dismissed the thought, going onto her next goblin. Glancing to her side she could see sole fairing well, as he was somehow blocking the enemies strike them killing them with his own single blow.

'He's changed.' She knew he'd changed from the moment he woke up, but she didn't think much about it. And now with the Earth's evolution, she was leaning onto the possibility sole might've awakened an ability of some sort.

'Am happy for him.' She inwardly said, sidestepping a green ball then punching the goblin in the chest, power punch activated.

'So that's how it works.' She stared at the system screen, before her eyes showing she'd regained 15 of her hp. With every of the goblins she killed, she noticed the system rewarded her with 15 of her hp.

According to the class she chose, it would depleted her hp by one every two minutes, but it also said she could regain it. She didn't know how it worked, but now she had a glimpse of the idea.

'How is she moving that fast.' Atlanta wondered seeing Mira go. Just moments the latter had moved, and now if Atlanta counted correctly she'd killed about 10 goblins by herself. Atlanta had only killed seven while sole five, which was an impressive number seeing he didn't use any skills or ability only his brute strength. But looking at Mira and her strange purple lightning, Atlanta felt a bit jealous.

And just like that within 2 minutes,, the group had successfully dealt with all the 30 goblins that suddenly appeared. Mira getting the highest kills, while Atlanta being second and sole losing to her with just one kill.

"Those goblins where did they come from?" Atlanta muttered, staring at the lifeless corpses of the goblins on the floor. She had no idea where they came from, as the Earth's evolution was more dire for anyone to be in a stable thinking of mind.

"It's simple, they're from earth." Mira casually said, kicking a dead goblin in it's guts sending the latters body away.

"Earth, are you really serious?" Sole asked in shock. "In case you haven't noticed earth doesn't have any monsters." Sole said refusing to believe what Mira said. Earth was a planet suitable for life form, populated only by humans and humans alone. Never for once in history, was it recorded the sighting of a creature on planet earth.

"Well believe it or not young man it does now." Mira smiled, pinching sole's cheeks slightly causing him to frown in pain.

"B-but how?"

"The Earth's evolution.." Atlanta softly muttered finally having realized it. She didn't see it earlier, but ever since the earth evolved things had never been the same. She couldn't tell before, but now she could clearly feel a foreign source known as energy vivid in the air.

"Bingo!" Mira excitedly said, clapping her hands together like an overexcited schoolgirl. "Your girlfriend here has more brains than you." Mira commented, making sole frown wanting to protest but was rudely cut by Mira.

"The evolution of the earth brings many new things humans have never experienced since this is their first."

"Wait.. what do you mean by first? Is there going to be another." Atlanta asked, hearing Mira say this was just their planet's first evolution.

"Of course.. the earth will evolve again but not anytime soon. Probably a few years from now." Mira smiled, but sole and Atlanta were a bit stunned hearing this information. The first evolution of the earth had caused this much disaster, and now they were being told the earth was going to evolve again?

"As you can see, since the earth evolved you've noticed strange characteristics in your bodies." Mira softly said to which they both nodded. It wasn't an unnoticeable thing, as they could clearly feel more advanced.

"Now the same way we advance we also awaken what they call abilities." Mira said and Atlanta knew about it, but sole had a completely confused expression on his face so they had to do some explaining, as they walked through the woods.

"Oh! so that's what it is.." sole said, finally understanding what she meant. "But then why didn't I awaken an ability." Sole was a bit saddened, that he didn't awaken an ability like Mira and Atlanta.

"I wouldn't bet on that. you've awakened for sure, but you just haven't discovered your ability yet. Like i said, there would be appearances of new law defining abilities. maybe yours is among." She smiled and sole could feel his pride ignited a bit.

"Like I was saying earlier, the earth has evolved by gathering energy. This energy in turn feeds off it's core, thus leading to the creation of new creatures." Mira softly said as they paid attention, still walking forward disguising theirselves under the huge trees.

"Like we that can also evolve and grow stronger through certain ways, so can this creatures." Mira spoke, making the atmosphere between them a bit tense. The thought of these goblins evolving, and becoming much stronger was terrifying. They'd managed to beat them, but Atlanta sensed they were just created goblins from the Earth's core. Though they weren't hard to beat, but if they evolved more then they would certainly be a a problem as they would be gaining in both the defensive and the offensive.

"You said the earth was creating monsters, does it mean they also have abilities?" Atlanta asked. wanting to figure something out, as the goblins they'd just fought clearly had an ability.

"It depends. Since the earth just evolved these creatures are still considered new breeds, but it's likely they'll develop abilities as they grow more stronger." Mira said making Atlanta shiver a bit.

The group could then see the end of the forest, as up in front was what looked like the outskirts of a city. Going forward Atlanta knew they were now in elite city, which was now a deserted place.

"Look! people." sole said, pointing to a group of about ten people walking aimlessly their backs arched at them.

"Why are they walking like that?" Atlanta felt a bit hope seeing these people, but couldn't help but notice their weird and awkward style of movement. Looking at them Mira's eyes suddenly went wide, as she tried to tell the group to keep quiet but unfortunately it was too late.

'Sniff! sniff.' One by one, the 'humans' sniffed in the air smelling something. They then slowly turned, finally revealing their faces.

"A-are those zombies?" Sole softly asked pointing at them, his body shaking a bit.