killing the undead

Atlanta didn't know much about creatures, since she didn't have that much of a interest in fantasy books and so on. But she had the basic knowledge of a few mythical creatures, such as vampires werewolves and zombies.

[Atlanta, I spot ten newly created zombies in front. And also more lurking around.] Nexus warned her.

'Thanks..' she softly said staring ahead. She could see their horrid faces with blood on their drooling mouths, their clothes torn and mashed with their disfigured flesh. A foul smell emitted from them into the air, breaking of a terrible stench of blood and deteriorating flesh.

The zombies now seeing them slowly moved towards the group of three, their hands held out. Their eyes was white lifeless, as they moved together drawn by the sense of blood running through the groups veins.

"Let's go this way." Mira suggested they go to the side, but about five zombies approached from both the left and right.

"Shit! we're surrounded. we don't have a choice, we have to fight." Mira boldly said with a determined expression.

"What the hell do you mean by 'don't have a choice' we could just head back to the forest." Sole said, not planing to engage with these group of mindless flesh eating monsters.

"Negative.. if we choose to flee they would just follow us, and lead an army of an undead back to our basement. is that what you want?" Mira smiled creepily, sending shivers down sole's spine. he didn't want to accept it but what she said was true, they couldn't flee now and take the chances of leading the zombies back to their base, as it would just smell trouble for everyone.

"Just stay behind me, I'll protect you." Atlanta softly said to which sole nodded with a smile.

"Oh and remember, don't let them scratch you or you could get infected." Mira yelled, before charging off to the group of about ten zombies in front. Quickly firing shots of lightning at the slow moving zombies.

"Wait.. what does she mean by infected." Sole grimly muttered, having a preview of what she meant in his mind.

'I can't afford to hold back.' Atlanta knew she couldn't hold back, as any slight mistake and it could cause serious trouble for them.

[Energy: 234/300]

She still had a whole lot of energy points so she activated energy blast, the energy in her surged more faster emitting outwards as she then kept a bit from sole, punching the ground creating an energy blast covering a 5 meter radius.

'Boom!' A small explosion sound occured as the blast met the zombies, stopping them a bit as huge currents of electric currents zapped them. After the electric charged storm stopped, their bodies fell to the floor indicating their death.

[Congratulations user you have successfully killed five zombies in a row!]


[+1500 exp for combo undead killing]

[+8000 lifetime system points!]

[You've earned a new title.]

[Killing the undead: once equipped grants user a 20% chance to kill all undead creatures with a single blow.]

'Woah!' Atlanta was taken back a bit by the high lv of exp she received, but was also stunned a bit by the new title she unlocked.

Shaking her head she couldn't afford to be distracted as she went back to sole, leaping a bit activating energy blast punching downwards creating an energy blast.

"Woah you're amazing!" Sole excitedly said with glistening eyes, seeing Atlanta Swiftly kill the zombies by the left and right.

"Impressive." They heard Mira's voice from behind, turning they could see the decapitated heads of the zombies away from their dead bodies. They didn't dwell long in their thoughts, as another wave of zombies approached.

This wave was a bit larger than the last, as their numbers were definitely bigger than the first.

"I count about 20 in front and 10 on each sides." Mira said, seeing the flesh eating zombies advancing towards them.

'How could they multiple in such short time.' Atlanta wondered, as their numbers had suddenly doubled within a short while. she wondered how they noticed them, but she didn't care. She would kill every single last one if them if she had too.

"Think you can handle the ones in the both sides?" Mira smirked a bit to which Atlanta softly nodded.

'of course you can.' Mira inwardly said with a smile, lightning covering her feets as she moved fast for the group of 20 zombies in front.

"Let's do this." Atlanta said leaping in the air, she quickly descended activating energy blast, the same thing happened the wave of electric currents going past them. They were stunned for a while, but Atlanta could see them resume in their movements.

'It didn't kill them.' Atlanta knew it affected them, but they somehow didn't die. Gritting her teeth she activated energy blast three times, slamming her fist to the ground at a near distance to the zombies.

The ground cracked as a much bigger blast formed going out to the zombies, sending a much bigger wave of currents to their system. The energy blast died down and so did the zombies falling to the floor.

'Shit.' She could see the other group of zombies were closing in on sole, running fast she dashed forward leaping activating energy blast three times, slamming her fist to the ground.

The blast was created as it shot for the zombies in a wave, killing them in an instant. She then went over to sole, panting a bit as her blood rushed more.

"The zombies, they just keep coming." Mira grunted in frustration having killed the last zombie, but could see a much larger group of about 30 zombies approaching in front, and about 20 from both sides.

'Fuck.. at this rate we'll exhaust our energies.' Mira thought, but they didn't have a choice. it was either kill the zombies, or become pork for the flesh eating monsters. And so Mira and Atlanta charged forward at the zombies protecting sole, they activated their abilities not holding back dealing as much damage as they could to this undead creatures.

With every blow they landed their energy reduced greatly, and so did their stamina as they had to constantly move about. Even though the zombies were slow they made up for it with their numbers, and Atlanta and Mira had to run about killing them while also careful not to get in contact with them.

'I-i have just 77 energy points left.' Atlanta panted heavily, as she could see her energy points were now getting really low. She was exhausting her stamina but she didn't care, her concern was her energy points as that was what she used to activate energy blast.

She had other skills but those were more of a short range attack skill, and not to mention some also cost battle points. If she'd decided to use the skills that required battle points, then she'd have to go close to the zombies.

Though she didn't mind, her main concern was sole as it would take time which they didn't have, and she might also be too late to save him. But if she decided to use energy blast then her energy points would decrease faster, and finish within a short timeframe.

'What to do..' Atlanta thought, slapping herself besides sole. Mira had also regrouped back with them, as the hoardes of zombies approached them from all angle cornering them.

'Wait..' she finally remembered she had some items she could use in the system store, so she quickly pulled up her status window scrolling down to the system store.

[Nevatium hand gun: a metal handgun crafted to perfectly fit the user's hand which fires off ray of plasma beams continuously. This weapon is at the intermediate tier and costs 500 system points to buy.]

[Pandora's bow: stylishly crafted arrows made from raw Pandora's energy. This weapon is at the rare stage and can create a blast reaching up to two meters. Costs 400 system points each.]

[Flash bomb: a normal small metal ball that explodes after two sec creating a bright white light stunning enemies momentarily. Costs 20 system points each.]

[Energy pill: once taken restores 30 points of user's energy and costs 50 system points for each purchase.]

Looking at the items her mind raced to the energy pill, which could restore 30 points of her energy back. Though it was good she doubted it would be needed much, as they were running low on stamina giving into the hands of exhaustion.

She looked at the item Pandora's arrow and was in a dilemma to buy it, but she was unsure it would prove any difference against this hoardes of mindless zombies. Without any choice, she bought the nevatium hand gun.

A black handgun with a blue energy clip materialized in her hands, she didn't know if she could still buy more but there no point in not trying. Luckily she could as she bought 5 more, they all fell in her hands as she struggled to carry them.

"Quick take two each, and start blasting off!" Atlanta shouted. sole and Mira was surprised seeing Atlanta with this much handgun, but they didn't question grabbing two each and firing off at the zombies. They managed to kill some, but it looked like nothing as more replaced their fallen comrade.

'Fuck this is just slowing them down.' Atlanta grunted, seeing they weren't having any much effects. She could see Mira somehow added her ability to the blasts, shooting off a blue and purple blast but it still wasn't enough.

The zombies were closing in and there was nowhere they could go, just when they thought it was over they heard a sound from above. There hovering above them was a flying black SUV, that then descended down to them.

"Quick, get in." The young man with blue hair urged them, as the car doors opened. Without hesitation they all went into the black SUV as the doors closed, with it hovering in the air before flying away.