43. Reinhold was fucking Tamura

Right before Reinhold was telling Tamura to use the soundproofing outside the dorm room and later she do what he have to say but others won't hear what even Reinhold do inside the dorm room at a single time.

Reinhold: Tamura…use the soundproof and put it outside the dorm room door please thank you

Tamura: sure boss I will do that please wait for a moment

Reinhold: sure I will wait for a while

Once Tamura was turned on the soundproof and she was put in the dorm room but Tamura almost heard them having something inside the dorm room together with three girls who were with Reinhold on the bed lying together with him next to other.

Tamura: phew…that was so close I almost hear them inside the dorm room

Yamasaki: what did you hear listen to the dorm room Hono

Tamura: well…Reinhold is having each other a great fucking time with three of the girl

Right before Reinhold was having the first time with Takemoto Yui fucked up with her but she can't get pregnant with Reinhold the same as both of the Nogizaka members who are waiting for him to finish with Yui-chan's pussy.

Reinhold: Yui-chan let's go inside the toilet alone together shall we

Takemoto: sure senpai let's go inside once we have done later you can fucked up both of them at the same time

Reinhold: shall we start to put my huge cock inside your wet pussy Yui-chan

Before Reinhold grabbed Yui-chan's chin and later he was kissing her lips while his huge cock was putting inside the pussy he was carried around her hips against Reinhold and while he was about to cum much as the white sticky sperm outside the toilet and Reinhold want to do the second round of been sex with Takemoto Yui wet fucking pussy.

Reinhold: Yui-chan…!! *moan*

Takemoto: senpai…senpai please give it to me

Reinhold: okay here I go Yui-chan take all my sperm at your wet pussy

In the meantime, Reinhold had cum a lot of sperm inside of Takemoto Yui while she are having a hard time to breath she breathe he cleared his huge cock after that, and he going to get fucked with Nagi and Sugawara next up on the bed with the two of them inside the dorm room bedroom.

Reinhold: Nagi and Sugawara are you ready to get fucked up

Nagi: yes please and be gentle with us

Sugawara: yes what Nagi was saying was true be gentle with us senpai

Reinhold was wearing his boxer with his cargo pants with him while he was starting to get Nagi to put his huge cock inside of her pussy while Sugawara was on top of her virgin and he was sucking her below part while Sugawara was moaning very loudly but they can't hear them who are having fun with Reinhold who is having sex with the three of the girl at the same time at the dorm bedroom with Reinhold.

Reinhold: Nagi is ready for me to put inside my huge cock of your pussy

Nagi: yes please and get me hardcore sex together with you senpai

Reinhold: as you wish Nagi and next up is Sugawara

While Reinhold was putting inside his huge cock Nagi had straight away cum a lot of his sperm and after that, Sugawara was next to get fucked up alone with Reinhold that tight huge cock together with them.

Reinhold: oh…Sugawara, please take my sperm that much and enjoy it while you can

Sugawara: oh…fucked me hard senpai please I want your huge tick cock right inside of me

Reinhold: as you wish Sugawara and take it all my white sticky sperm!! *cum*

Finally, both the three of them are having great sex with one guy it was Reinhold the demon hunter as the new leader and the top of all bosses as an Agent together with Agent Hono and Kage, Kobayashi same as Hiyori as well.

Reinhold: Tamura...please follow me I want you to show something as a mission later if Hiyori know about these too

Tamura: sure as you wish senpai

Hiyori: wait...where both of you are going?

In the meantime, Reinhold had to just carry Agent Tamura and later Hiyori had to see that he was carrying Tamura off to go from somewhere else later we are arrive at the place called a cafe and he was landing to have some alone time with Agent Tamura who is here a bit of confused with him asking her out for some coffee date.

Tamura: senpai...why are we here again inside the cafe?

Reinhold: I just want to talk to you about our relationship

Tamura: wait...did you like me senpai?

Reinhold was going out of the cafe just walking off and leaving Agent Tamura with some confusion on bet face she caught him from behind and another member can see them who was acting so damn weird with each other was his feeling toward Agent Tamura.

Tamura: wait...senpai I want to talk to about are were relationship too

Reinhold: Agent Tamura I will love you much more than everything could do here between us

Tatsuya: don't stand there just like anything kiss her dude

While everyone can see that we have some top guests here with his sister who was visiting them on something and it was Tatsuya and Inoue Nagi who were here to have their sweet siblings time with her that he had missed her so much more than everything he was out from his mission.

Reinhold: Tamura Hono would you like to be my girlfriend?

Tamura: yes I do and could we do the kiss then senpai

Reinhold: yes we can do the kiss

Once Reinhold and Tamura are kissing each other while Tatsuya was walking away from them and just they going to the Nogizaka studio to see someone first to have permission from the captain of the Nogizaka46 idol member and it was Umezawa Minami.

Umezawa: welcome back Tatsuya how your friend was doing?

Tatsuya: they were doing great but I have to see Nagi before I return to my mission

Nagi: nii-san I would like to visit you at your mission if you can stay here longer

Tatsuya and Nagi are spent together with each other sibling she had miss that much of his voice even the sweet smile on his face when she can see Tatsuya's smile on other make him laugh.