44. Hiyori and Reinhold go secret mission

Right before Hiyori want to go back to her dorm room but he drag her out of her room and she saw that it was Reinhold.

Hiyori: Reinhold what did you want from me?

Reinhold: there has a secret mission for you to do it

Hiyori: but others won't know that we go on the secret mission together

Once Reinhold was going on a secret mission with Hiyori as her now getting to know him better.

Agent: have a nice trip two you

Reinhold: sure we will let go Hiyori

Hiyori: yes senpai

Before they are going to the secret mission with him and he takes out his motorbike as Agent bikes to go somewhere commissioned place that they can't picture.

Hiyori: senpai can you be sure that we won't need them

Reinhold: of course, we won't let them know that I give you special treatment

Hiyori: just for me senpai

In the meantime, we are here the get rid of the track that they can't find us but expect the Agent motorbike outside the area.

Hiyori: senpai are we here yet?

Reinhold: yes we are here but please take this gun for your protection

Hiyori: thanks senpai just be careful about that

Back at the HQ screen tv while Agent was seeing Hiyori and Reinhold doing their job on a secret mission at the classified mission from the HQ boss.

Kage: Agent...? what are you watching?

Agent: Hiyori and Reinhold are doing a classified mission from the HQ boss

Tamura: that's not fair why do they have to go on the mission together with Hiyori

Meanwhile, Reinhold the gun the same as Hiyori but they turn on the light at the gun itself Reinhold was holding his hand as a fist and targets her first-ever shot creature.

Hiyori: senpai is not working as a gun

Reinhold: use this instead of the gun Hiyori

Hiyori: sure okay here I go *shoot*

Out of the blue, Hiyori was using magic with fire a mana magic spell on his body.

Hiyori: senpai are you okay?

Reinhold: I'm okay but I put my mana magic inside the magic gun

Hiyori: why did you put your mana magic inside the gun

Reinhold was getting tired of his breathing but Hiyori went back to the Agent's motorbike and same with Reinhold followed her from outside.

Hiyori: senpai can you drive back to the HQ

Reinhold: I...can try Hiyori

Hiyori: remember don't push yourself okay senpai

When Reinhold started his bike engine while Hiyori was riding behind him and they must arrive at the HQ.

Hiyori: senpai you are most here at the parking area

Agent: Hiyori come on bring him inside the HQ tech room and call another member too

Hiyori: sure okay Agent

Suddenly, the member had come here to the HQ and they saw Reinhold has overdone himself again.

Takemoto: where is he?

Agent: he is inside the HQ tech room

Takemoto: thank you, Agent

While Takemoto was going to see Reinhold at the HQ tech room and we have Kanemura and Tamura beside him taking care of him.

Kanemura: Tamura let go out and let Takemoto company him

Tamura: okay sure please take your time Yui-chan

Takemoto: thanks Hono for taking care of him for me

Right before Kanemura and Tamura went outside the HQ tech room and waited for them here alone at the HQ tech room.

Takemoto: Reinhold please don't overdo yourself ever again

Reinhold: please stop Yui-chan I know you worried too much but I can hear Miku's sad voice

Takemoto: of course, she is your sister after all

The past hour later Hiyori had to apologize to his senpai boss the top boss of all Agent the best of everything.

Hiyori: how was senpai doing, Tamura?

Agent: don't worry about him she can let him rest

Tamura: Reinhold uses all of his mana magic power he will faint again

Reinhold was walking outside the HQ tech room and we go quickly to him Kanemura hug him as worry hugs on Reinhold's back.

Kanemura: Nissan please don't do this ever again

Reinhold: I will take my duty to take off a day

Agent: sure you can take your off day

Takemoto and Kanemura were helping him to the Sakura studio and Anos was back to the studio to see the new leader had bad shape of his body.

Anos: I'm back new leader

Reinhold: huh? where is Uemura?

Anos: she had something to do at the demon planet

The demon hunter had to say something to Inoue Rina and special someone with him.

Inoue: what did you want from me, Senpai?

Reinhold: I want you to take my place to go on a mission

Inoue: who was he? senpai!!

Out of nowhere, Inoue had seen him from somewhere else but where did we meet before, and what is his name again?

Reinhold: Inoue let me introduce you to you he is your assistant

Inoue: what is his name again?

Reinhold: why not you tell your name to her

Tatsuya nodded at Inoue but Nagi bumped into her and she was shouting at him.

Nagi: ah!! Nissan, what are you doing here?

Tatsuya: good to see you again Nagi how are you doing?

Inoue: wait...you two are siblings?

Tatsuya was bow to Inoue and she is happy to see more about his side view of his problem.

Tatsuya: boss you sit and rest well while Inoue and I go to the mission

Inoue: let go assistant Tatsuya

Nagi: Nissan please be careful out there

Tatsuya was patting her head while Nagi blushed her face as a tomato on her looks.

Tatsuya: I will be right back Nagi

Nagi: Nissan...!! *grabs*

Tatsuya: if you are worried too much you see me at the HQ tablet screen

Later Nagi had to sit down at the HQ and see that his sister is watching her brother on the HQ tablet screen.

Tatsuya: Inoue please don't call me assistant just Tatsuya

Inoue: of course, Tatsuya let go

Tatsuya: let's show them who is the boss

Inoue Rina and Tatsuya had gone there to the place where Hiyori and Reinhold who had left the mission had done with the building itself.