


Rosemary’s POV

While hardly rare in literature and art, female vampires have often been connected with goddesses in ancient religions or were used to represent all that was wrong with women.

Mythology typically has defined them by their sexuality, and associations with evil. Two of the earliest examples of female vampires appear in Greek mythology, Lamia and Lilith.

While these subjects are often blended into one figure, they were at one time considered two individual female vampires known for preying on children and men.

Although no other vampire became as popular in the art as other mythological femme fatales, representations of Lamia and Lilith present an interesting phenomenon because of the consistency of their portrayals in literature and art.

The myths of Lamia and Lilith have consistently served as warnings for men to beware while at the same time presenting a visual object of desire, as dangerously beautiful in their ability to entice and ultimately destroy them-

/"Rosemary!/" Brynn speaks loudly with excitement as she plops down in the wooden library chair across from me

I jump with fright at the sudden disruption, my heart rate quickly skyrocketing.

/"Jesus Christ!/" I sigh out of relief underneath my breath

I hear a few people off to the side of us shush us.

That is fair considering we are in a public library right now.

However this does not sit well with Brynn.

/"Excuse me?!/" The black and blue haired girl whips her head towards the direction where the voices came from

Brynn Morris, my blue haired best friend.

I've known Brynn for nearly five years now and I can honestly say that I have never met someone so...outspoken...

If Brynn isn't the biggest fan of you or she feels like there is something off about you then she is the first person to point it out.

It is one of the reasons that she is envied at our school.

Well, that and the fact that she is drop dead gorgeous.

From her black and blue hair to her brown eyes to her peach colored lips.

She could bag anyone she wants with just the right look in her eyes, something that she has done multiple times!

/"Anyways,/" she rolls her eyes as she turns around to face me again

/"Guess what!/" She reverts back to her bubbly self

I take a brief moment to think about what could possibly make her this happy.


/"Grace is back in town?/" I guess with a much quieter tone

A small chuckle makes its way up my throat at the little happy dance she does in her seat.

Brynn and Grace have been dating each other for a week now...I think...

...Wait! No. I'm thinking about her last girlfriend.

Brynn and Grace have been dating for about three days now.

/"Yes!/" She cheers happily

/"That's not all though/" my friend adds

I furrow my eyebrows at her with confusion.

/"I give up, what else could there be?/"

The blue haired girl leans forward in her chair so that she can rest her forearms on the cold wood of the school library table.

/"She was able to pull some strings and get the both of us front row tickets to The Phantoms concert tonight!/" She squeals

Some kid at the computer shushes us, an annoyed look on his face.

Brynn flips the guy off all without looking.

My mood drops almost instantaneously at this surprise news.

/"A concert on a Monday night?/"

My best friend nods as if this is the most normal thing.

/"I can't, sorry/" I shake my head at her offer

Brynn very dramatically groans out with obvious annoyance.

/"Why not?! It's not like you have homework because you always finish that in class!/"

I sigh and bring my finger in front of my mouth, silently telling her to lower her voice.

If looks could kill the both of us would be dead from all of the glares that people are giving us.

/"One, I don't like concerts,/" I shrug as I do not feel sorry

/"Two, why would I want to go to something I hate on a school night?/" I question

Brynn pushes out her bottom lip at the words that leave my mouth.

Brynn likes concerts. I'd go as far as to say that she absolutely loves them.

It doesn't matter what day the concert is, if the band's music is good then Brynn will one hundred percent be there no questions asked.

/"Please come with me, I won't know anyone else there!/" She cries out

I furrow my eyebrows at her words.

/"Your girlfriend will be there! You don't need me!/" I let my voice raise a bit

Brynn grabs ahold of my hands as she draws out the word 'please'.

/"No/" I reply with a straight face.






/"Brynn!/" I begin to become annoyed with her persistence

/"Rosemary!/" She replies with a similar tone of voice

I sigh out with defeat.

/"If I agree to go to this thing then you have to stay with me the entire time/" I tell her with a pointed look

A smile makes its way onto Brynn's face.

/"Okay/" she nods her head

I make sure the blue haired girl sees the look in my eyes.

/"I'm serious Brynn, no more sneaking off with your girlfriend and leaving me in a crowd full of crazy fan girls/" I point a finger at her like a mother would a child

My best friend nods her head.

/"I pinky swear,/" she holds one of her pinkies out in between our faces

I hesitate a moment but hook my pinky with hers nonetheless.

/"So does this mean that you're coming to the concert with me tonight?/" Brynn asks

I sigh as I know that I'm going to regret this big time.

/"Yes/" I nod my head

Brynn squeals out loudly with excitement.


She quickly stands up from the wooden chair that she was previously sat in.

/"Oh my god! You won't regret this!/" Brynn grabs her backpack from the random place on the floor that she threw it

My eyes travel her chaotic exit from the library.

/"I'll pick you up at seven!/" She tells me before making her way towards the library's exit

I shake my head before glancing back down at my textbook.

Before I get the chance to continue reading my text book a voice belonging to someone well older than me interrupts me.

/"I'm going to have to kindly ask you to leave/" the librarian says in the least kindest voice

An annoyed groan exits my mouth.

Seriously Brynn?!
