Rosemary’s POV
Lamia was a female vampire who originated in Greek mythology. She was the daughter of a Libyan king who caught the attention of Zeus, king of the gods. Hera, Zeus' wife, became incredibly jealous after Lamia bore Zeus several children. In revenge, Hera killed all of Lamia's children except one.
Lamia was so distraught over the death of her family that she turned into an evil creature possessed with anger and grief. She spent the rest of her life hunting and then draining the blood of young children and men, in accordance with the meaning of her name, /"she who swallows up/".
According to Greek mythology, Lamia's penchant for sucking the blood of children turned her into a hideous being that was half-woman and half-serpent.
Eventually, she garnered the ability to transform herself into a beautiful woman in order to attract and seduce young men. While Lamia did not fit the typical definition of a vampire, an undead creature who lives off of the blood of living beings, she turned to vampirism as an outlet for her grief by destroying other woman's children to account for her own loss-
/"You're not leaving this house in that outfit/"
A chill goes up my spine as my head snaps in the direction of my doorframe.
Though my body instantly relaxes when I realize that it's just Brynn.
/"How did you get in here?/" I ask with genuine confusion
The door downstairs has been locked since I came home.
The blue haired girl silently brings her hand up to showcase a silver key ring dangling from her pointer finger.
/"Seriously? Hiding a house key in a mailbox? Y'all are just asking to be robbed at this point/" she states
I roll my eyes at her reprimand.
/"Why are you even here right now?/"
I reach over to my nightstand where I retrieve my bookmark.
My friend gives me a look that tells me that she wants to punch me in the face right now.
/"The Phantoms concert in four hours.../" she says hoping that it hints at something
Something clicks in my head almost instantaneously.
I did agree to go to this concert with her.
/"Yeah, you little shit/" she mocks as she places the extra house key on the shelf near my bedroom door
A sigh makes its way past my lips.
She's really upset.
/"Look, I'm sorry/" I apologize
She hums, her brown irises slowly trailing down my body with a look of scrutiny.
/"Please tell me you don't plan on wearing that to the concert/" Brynn practically begs
My eyebrows furrow at her reaction to my outfit.
I do not think that my outfit is that bad.
I have changed out of the outfit that I wore to school and chose to instead adorn a pair of grey sweatpants along with an old tee that I've had for years.
This outfit is entirely different from my companions which is...nonexistent...to say the least.
Brynn is dressed in a tight red tank top which she has cropped so high that if she were to raise her arms too high she would end up flashing someone. She chose to pair this with a black mini skirt, black fishnet tights and black heeled boots.
With that being said, she doesn't look bad by any means.
I happen to think that this style suits her very well. Me however, it would look absolutely horrendous on.
I hope she does not plan on making me wear something similar to her outfit.
/"What's wrong with it?/" I ask
Brynn crosses her arms and raises one of her brows.
/"Concerts are humid, enclosed spaces with multiple people jumping around you,/"
Okay wow! Way to be upfront.
/"If you wear that then you're just asking to get heat stroke/" she shrugs
The blue haired girl does not give me a chance to respond as she makes her way over to towards my closet.
Once she reaches my closet she pauses for a brief moment, just staring at my clothes.
/"This is going to take a moment/" I hear her sigh underneath her breath before entering the closet.
/"I truly think that this is some of my best work/"
I stare at my reflection in the mirror, paralyzed with fear.
/"My mother would kill me if she could see me right now/"
Thankfully Brynn listened to my multiple complaints about not wearing a skirt or cutting up one of my shirts so that it'd be cropped top.
Unfortunately, she didn't get the memo that I wanted to show as least skin as possible judging by the dress she made me wear.
For my eighteenth birthday she bought me a black slip dress that has lace detailing along the edges. Tonight she is making me wear that dress.
The dress is so short that I cannot and will not bend over in it.
That is just a disaster waiting to happen.
Due to my utter inability to walk in heels she allowed me to wear my high top converse.
/"Speaking of your mom, did you tell her that you were going to this concert with me?/" She asks as she gently brushes my ginger hair up into a ponytail
/"Of course not/" I scoff
I instinctively bring my arms up to wrap around my stomach, not liking how it looks in the tight dress.
Brynn laughs at my answer, besides that it is relatively silent between the two of us as she finishes up my hair.
As she tries to wrap the hairtie around my hair my glasses fall off.
/"You know, maybe you should leave the glasses at home for the night/" she kindly suggests
I furrow my eyebrows at my blue haired friend.
/"Did you really just suggest that I leave the one thing I need to be able to see at home?/"
Her eyes widen as she realizes how awful what she said came out.
/"I meant that glasses are ridiculously expensive and it isn't worth having them accidentally knocked off if someone's elbows you too hard/"
My facial features relax at her reworded suggestion.
/"Thanks, but I'll take my changes/" I assure her
Brynn nods her head as she chooses not to push the matter any further.
The blue haired girl quickly retrieves her cellphone from her bra. She gently taps the screen on the phone only for her eyes to widen at the image on the screen.
/"We were supposed to be at the concert an hour ago! Ugh! Now we're going to have to wait in line!/" Brynn groans out with obvious annoyance
She is so frustrated in fact that she stomps out of my bedroom and towards the staircase I assume.
Ugh! Now I'm going to have to sit in a car with a frustrated Brynn for thirty minutes, or until we reach the town over where the concert is happening.