I always forget how much I seriously hate loud places until I am forced to be put in them and endure it.
Brynn and I are currently in a section incredibly close to the stage called a 'pit'. Why someone would want to stand in a pit is beyond me.
We have been standing here for nearly an hour and no one has even stepped onto stage once.
There are girls my age and younger yelling over people to hear each other better, some even leaning over people so that they can hear them a bit better.
Honestly this place is one of the last places that I'd want to be right now.
/"Why are you making that face?!/" Brynn yells so that I can hear her
I can barely hear her even though she is standing right next to me.
Before I get the chance to voice my concern about the various health codes that have been violated the blue haired girl yells out, again.
/"You seriously need to learn to relax!/"
I am taken by surprise when she reaches her hands up into my hair and removes my hairtie. This allows my ginger hair to fall softly against my back.
Brynn slips this hairtie around her wrist before styling my hair in an effortless side part.
/"You can't have fun if you're constantly worrying!/"
I nod my head as to show her that I understand.
/"Yeah, I know, but Brynn-/" I try to tell her something
Before I am able to even get the subject of my concern out of my mouth Brynn's attention is taken by a brunette and pink haired girl crashing into her.
It does not take my best friend long to realize that it is her girlfriend that ran into her.
/"Grace!/" She yells with excitement before pulling the pink haired girl in for a kiss
This goes on for a couple of seconds, the two of them completely caught up in one another in the midst of this insane crowd.
I eventually clear my throat but soon roll my eyes after this action.
It is a madhouse in here! Of course she cannot hear me!
/"Brynn!/" I yell
I awkwardly tap her bare arm that is currently draped over one of her girlfriend's shoulders.
I continue to gently tap on her bare bicep until she turns her head to face me, ultimately disconnecting her lips from her girlfriend's.
/"I seriously don't think that it's a good idea for us to be this close to those speakers! They could possibly end up bursting our eardrums!/" I inform
The blue haired girl throws her head back. I swear that I even see her roll her eyes at me.
/"Chill Rosemary!/" She tells me for what feels like the hundredth time tonight
I notice her girlfriend whisper something into her ear which causes the blue haired girl to nod her head as if answering her question.
I go to question this action only to be roughly pushed up against the metal barricade as the lights in the stadium dim and the band makes their way onto stage.
Screams come from every which way as a drummer, keyboard player and electric guitar player all walk onto the stage and go to their respective instruments.
Once comfortable the three of them play an instrumental that I do not recognize.
/"Hey! Grace and I are going to go see if we can get a better view!/"
This instantly alerts my senses.
As I turn around to face them I notice them already leaving.
/"Wait!/" I grab ahold of my best friend's bicep
/"Can I come with you two?! I don't want to be down here all by myself!/"
Brynn shakes her head at my question.
/"Don't worry! You'll be fine!/" She assures me
/"We'll come and get you if we find a good view!/"
That is the last thing that Brynn tells me before effortlessly slipping through the large crowd with her girlfriend.
Great! She left me alone at a concert again!
She promised me that she wouldn't do this again! I should have known that she was lying!
I am knocked out of my thoughts when the lead singer walks onto the stage, literally.
The screams around me are ten times louder this time around than they were for the other band members.
I am not given a chance to even turn and face the stage again as a bunch of fan girls run forward, bulldozing into me as they try to get as close to the stage as possible.
One of the girls end up elbowing me in the face, knocking my glasses off of my face.
Ugh! Great!
I carefully squat down towards the ground and use my hands to blindly search for my glasses in the darkness.
/"Hi guys,/" I hear the lead singer's voice flow out of the loud speakers
/"I'm Harper and we're The Phantoms!/"
I ignore the girl's voice, practically forgetting her name after she says it.
It takes me about two minutes to find my glasses thanks to all the feet and jumping.
Once I finally grab ahold of my glasses I stand upright in the crowd so that I can see them better.
As I bring the glasses closer to the direction of the bright spotlight a groan makes its way out of my mouth at the sight of my utterly ruined frames.
The actual glass portions are missing, the frames are cracked and the entire frame is sticky with a substance I have no clue of.
I should have listened to Brynn when she suggested that I leave my glasses at home.
The concert goes on as normal I presume since I have never been to one of their concerts before.
I do not enjoy the concert for numerous reasons.
One of which being all of the aggressive pushing.
I swear I saw one girl elbow someone else's tooth out just to get to the front, however I don't have my glasses so I'm not one hundred percent sure.
Secondly, I have never heard one of their songs so while everyone else is singing along to the lyrics I have no idea what any of them are saying.
Thirdly, I was awkwardly looking around for Grace and Brynn the entire time...obviously I did not see much, literally.
Lastly, I am so incredibly blind that it hurts to even try to make out people’s faces.
I was standing in the front and still have no fucking clue what any of the band members faces look like for fucks sake!
I made the spontaneous decision to leave about three minutes before the concert ended so that I wouldn't have to fight my way out of the building when the band is actually finished performing.
It took me fifteen minutes alone to attempt to exit the building, funnily enough barely anyone was coming out of the room where the concert was being held.
I guess the rest of them wanted to wait and if the band would go back on stage to perform one more song.
When I am able to finally exit the building I inhale a deep breath of the crisp autumn air.
I reach into my purse and retrieve my cellphone. I bring my cellphone closer than I probably should to my face so that I can actually read the things on my screen.
11:45pm, my clock reads.
There is no way that it's almost midnight!
Oh my god! My mother is going to kill me!