


I go to attempt to call Brynn only to quickly realize that there is no service on this side of the building.

My legs begin to quickly stumble forward all the while I move my cellphone around in a multitude of different directions, desperately attempting to gain some bars.

Unfortunately, due to me not entirely looking where I am going I accidentally bump into someone. I bump into them so hard in fact that I not only lose my grasp on my cellphone but the ground as well.

A small shriek exits my mouth as I run into the stranger and soon begin falling backwards, unable to catch myself.

/"Woah!/" I hear the fear in their voice

They do not give the front of my shoes time to completely disconnect from the ground as they catch me.

/"Are you okay?!/" The stranger asks with clear distress in their tone of voice

The stranger sounds like a girl around my age.

/"Yeah,/" I assure her

I allow her to help me upright, thanking her to show her my gratitude.

/"Are you okay? I totally walked straight into you at full force/" I ask

A nervous laugh bubbles its way up my throat.

Thankfully the stranger laughs along with me, making me feel a little less awkward.

/"Don't worry, I barely felt a thing/"

Wow! She is very nice considering I just severely inconvenienced her walk.

I nod as a feeling of relief washes over me.

There is a slightly awkward silence between the two of us. At least there is until she chooses to speak up again.

/"What did you think about the concert?/"

She was coming out of that building when I ran into her?!

I shrug my shoulders.

/"It was okay...I guess/"

I bring my arms up to wrap around my upper body as a gust of wind brushes past us.

/"Really?/" She sounds amused

/"Was there any reason why you didn't like it?/"

I take a moment to think about the actual performance itself.

/"To be completely honest I have no clue who they are,/" I decide to reveal

I mean it's not like I'm going to see this person ever again.

/"My friend had an extra ticket and practically begged me to come,/"

/"So I think that I probably would've enjoyed it a lot better if I actually had a chance to listen to their discography/" I nod my head

I hear the girl hum with interest at my answer.

/"Are you sure it wasn't because you lost your glasses?/" She asks

My eyes widen with surprise at he accusation.

Was she watching me in there?

/"How- How did you know that?/" I ask

I do not even attempt to hide the suspicion from my voice.

/"I can tell that your eyes aren't completely focused solely on me/" she tells me with an honest tone

There is a brief silence between the both of us as I think about what just came out of her mouth.

/"Did you just say that I have a lazy eye?/" I ask

I feel the air around the two of us become tense.

/"No! Not at all! I- /"

/"I'm joking/" I assure her with an easy going smile

I hear her release a breath of relief at these words.

I cannot help but smile at her reaction even if taunting her may have been cruel on my part.

An awkward silence settles around us, again.

During this silence the autumn air decides to make itself known and brush past us with the coldness of an ice cube and salt being left on your skin for a little too long.

Jesus Christ! Did it get even colder out here?!

/"Here/" I notice her begin to remove her jacket

I immediately shake my head at her offer.

/"No, I'm sure you need it way more than me/" I refuse

She doesn't listen to me, instead taking a step closer to my shivering body and draping the garment over my shoulders.

As she places it over my shoulders I come to realize that it is a leather jacket.

/"I'm used to the cold/" she tells me very cryptically

I furrow my eyebrows at her but choose not to ask any further questions as I do not wish to appear like a 'nosey neighbor'.

Something that has been somewhere at the back of my head makes its way to the front at the speed of a New York subway rushing past a distracted pedestrian.

/"Oh my god! My phone!/" Realization dawns on me

I tuck some of my hair behind my ear as I attempt to search for the most likely cracked device.

/"Is this it?/" She asks

I turn to face her only for my eyes to widen.

How did she pick that up so quickly? I swear that I thought it landed at least a foot away from us.

I decide not to ask any questions and instead retrieve the device from her outstretched hand.

/"Nooo!/" I groan out

My screen is completely cracked, as in non functional.

/"My mother is going to really kill me now/"

I sigh out. In this moment I truly accept defeat.

I chose to sneak out while my mom was away and now I am being punished for it.

/"I can buy you a new one/" the stranger offers

Okay, she is by far the sweetest person I have ever met.

I shake my head at her offer.

/"No, it's fine. I'll figure something out/" I sigh out

/"Rosemary!/" I hear someone faintly call my name from a different side of the large building

That must be Brynn.

I go to take the stranger's leather jacket off of me only for her to stop me by putting her hand on mine.

Wow! She's inhumanly cold!

/"Keep it/"

I give the freezing girl an incredulous facial expression.

/"Are you sure? You're literally freezing!/" I ask

At my mention of the temperature of her body she retracts her hand from mine, bringing it back towards her side.

/"I'm sure,/" she tells me

/"Plus it gives me another chance to see you again/"


I feel my cheeks begin to become warmer.

Moments like these are when I am so thankful that I don't blush.

/"Can I at least get your name?/" I ask

It feels a bit weird flirting with someone I do not know the face of.

It's kind of like blind dating, literally.

/"I'm Harper, you?/" she introduces herself

/"Rosemary/" I hold my hand out for her to shake

The stranger kindly grabs ahold of my hand, shaking it up and down a total of two times before releasing her grasp on my hand all together.

/"Rosemary!/" I hear Brynn's faint voice again

I smile at the girl as I slip her jacket over my arms so that it does not fall off.

/"I have to go, see you soon/"


I make my way past her and towards the sound of my best friend's voice.