


Ugh! I could have just met the cutest girl in my entire life and I would never know!

All because I am unbelievably blind without glasses!

Just going off of her voice alone she sounds like an amazing extremely hot person!

Ugh! I just want to cry with frustration!

/"Rosemary!/" I hear someone call out with relief

I feel someone throw themselves at me before I am even given the chance to fully stop dissociating.

/"Thank god you're okay! Grace and I have been looking all over for you!/"

Grace and I?

At the realization of who is hugging me I push them away.

Brynn, not expecting this, stumbles back a bit with a confused facial expression.


I glare at the blue haired girl.

/"What is wrong with you?!/" She questions

Is Brynn seriously asking me that question right now?

/"What's wrong with me?! You're the one who left me alone in a large crowd of strangers all because you wanted to fuck your girlfriend!/" I exclaim

Grace awkwardly shifts in her spot all the while Brynn's jaw drops a bit.

/"Grace and I didn't-/"

/"Your shirt is inside out and backwards/" I state

Does she think that I am an idiot?!

Brynn is quiet complete silent as she glances down at her shirt with embarrassment painted across her face.

/"Where are your glasses?/" Brynn questions

I know that she does this in order to take the attention off of herself.

/"Yeah, and who's jacket are you wearing?/" Grace cuts in

I cross my arms as my annoyance just builds up thinking at what happened inside of this building just hours ago.

/"Someone elbowed me in the face and stepped on my glasses,/" I answer Brynn's question

/"As for the jacket it's not important to the problem at hand here,/" I answer Grace

/"You broke your promise/"

/"I know and I'm so sorry/" Brynn does not sound apologetic in the slightest

I try my hardest to cease my eyes from rolling to the back of my head.

I am honestly just not in the mood to deal with this right now.

I have bigger things that I should be worrying about.

/"Can you just take me home?/"

The gentle autumn breeze has since transformed into more of a gust.

I bring my hands up to pull the leather jacket tighter against my body.

The wind is so strong in fact that my hair practically hits me square in the face.

/"Yeah, let me just say bye to Grace first/"

I turn around and begin making my way down the small sidewalk, towards the parking lot that Brynn parked her car in earlier.

My arms remained crossed throughout my entire journey to the parking lot.

I am so upset with Brynn that I do not hear anything around me, my eyes only focusing on the sidewalk in front of me.

This becomes a problem when I make my way around the corner of the building only to accidentally run into someone who is coming from the opposite direction.

Before I begin to collapse to the ground the stranger grabs ahold of my hips, catching me from the inevitable fall.

/"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry/" I apologize

The stranger helps me with my balance before releasing their grip on me.

They remain silent as the choose to walk away instead of replying to me.

Okay? That was weird.


Brynn pulls up in front of my house.

I am unable to expression the amount of relief that consumes my entire body at the sight of my mother's car still missing from the driveway.

I can't believe it! I might be able to get away with this!

/"Is everything okay between the two of us?/"

I genuinely take a moment to really think about her question, not wanting to cause a scene...again.

Once I have my answer I take a deep breath and turn to face the blue haired girl.

/"I feel like you're not understanding how serious what you did tonight was,/"

Brynn's facial expression drops at my words.

/"I could have died tonight, Brynn!/" I try to get into her head

/"I know and I-/"

/"No, you don't. If you knew you wouldn't have done it,/"

An awkward silence settles over us.

Brynn's face reflects nothing but pure guilt.

/"You're my best friend and I love you, but tonight I genuinely felt like you cared more about spending time alone with your girlfriend than making sure I was safe,/"

She nods her head as her top row of teeth sink into her bottom lip.

/"You promised me that you wouldn't leave me alone yet that's exactly what you did,/"

/"I understand that you want to hang out alone with your girlfriend believe me, but if that's what you're going to do then you shouldn't have invited me/" I finish

I notice Brynn use her finger to carefully wipe the inner corner of her eyes before looking up to meet my eyes.

/"So I guess that means no?/" A sad smile comes onto her face

Even though things are tense between us right now I give her a calming grin.

/"I just need time to think/" I tell her

I do not give the my friend time to respond before I climb out of her vehicle and head up my driveway, into my house.


In the story, Menippus, a young Lycian, encounters a beautiful vision who proclaims her love for him. Menippus is enchanted with the mysterious beauty and immediately asks for her hand in marriage. When he returns to the village to share his good news, Apollonius, a philosopher and teacher, tells him, /"You are cherishing a serpent, and a serpent cherishes you./"

Later that night at their pre-wedding banquet Apollonius of Tyana again warns Menippus that he is going to marry a vampire, and advises him that although she appears beautiful, it is simply a deception.

Apollonius and Menippus confront Lamia and, /"Then she admitted she was a vampire, and was fattening up Menippus with pleasures before devouring his body, for it was her habit to feed upon young and beautiful bodies, because their blood is pure and strong./"

This literary text provides one of the first descriptions of a female vampire. Lamia's mysterious and supernatural qualities allow her to entice her prey despite her admission of the truth, resulting in a fatal attraction; the sexual desire of the young Menippus causes his untimely death.

The roles of seductress and vampire are intertwined as Lamia uses these attributes to her advantage to fulfil her desire for young blood.

/"Rosemary!/" A barista calls out my name

I close my book and make my way towards the counter that my drink is currently resting on.

Once I reach the counter I thank the barista before grabbing ahold of my drink.

As I turn around so that I can begin to exit the coffee shop I almost run into someone who is standing up from their seat at a random.

/"Oh/" I say with surprise as I come face to face with the stranger

Well face to...chest?

Not wanting to accidentally make the person embarrassed I quickly look up from their chest only to meet a pair of brown eyes.

Upon closer inspection I notice that she has long black hair, the front pieces being a lighter color than the rest of her hair.

Oh my god! Wow! She's cute!

/"Rosemary, right?/" The girl asks

I immediately furrow my eyebrows at her.

Have I met her before? I do not remember meeting her.

/"Do- Do I know you?/" I ask

A gentle smile makes its way onto her mauve colored lips.

/"I gave you my jacket last night?/" She hints, hoping to jog my memory

Catching on instantly my eyes widen to the size of saucers.

/"Harper?!/" I question

I have to literally adjust my glasses just to make sure I am not seeing things.