


When I realize that I am not imagining things I mentally thank all of the events that led me to this point in my life.

Thank all of the gods above that I can still see out of these backup glasses that my mother bought me years ago!

/"Has someone else given you their jacket Rosemary?/" The girl teases me

Although I know that she is just joking I do hear a slight undertone of jealousy.

I go to assure her that she is the only one but stop in my tracks when her eyes flicker red in a 'blink and you'll miss it' moment.

Did that- Did that really just happen?!

/"Your eyes/" I point

Harper furrows her eyebrows at me as her expression turns from that of playful to confusion.

/"What about my eyes?/" She asks

My eyes do not leave hers for a second.

I hope to catch a glimpse of this color change again, but unfortunately to no avail.

/"They were red/" I say

Harper's confused facial expression remains.