


/"I think I'm done,/" Brynn removes her hands from my body

She goes as far as taking a few steps back so that she can truly admire her work.

My best friend has dressed me in a dress which she put a knitted vest over due to its awkward length, from there she put a beret on my freshly curled hair, and gold jewelry on my body.

/"And now for the finishing touches/" she says

She grabs the leather jacket from the chair near my closet and hands it to me.

I accept the jacket from her hands and carefully slip it on.

/"Do I look okay?/" I ask

Brynn's eyes slowly trail my clothed silhouette down and up.

/"You look better than 'okay', but my opinion doesn't matter...you're the one who's voluntarily going on a date with a rumored vampire/"

My jaw drops at her accusation.

/"A date that you set up for me!/"
