/"Shit!/" The curse falls from my lips as we peak around the bush that Brynn has parked behind
When my eyes land on my mother's red Honda I curse as well.
/"There's no way that she's not going to hear me trying to sneak in!/" I stress
Brynn shushes me, placing one of her hands over my mouth.
/"Listen to me,/" she says as she turns to face me, holding strong eye contact
/"I'm going to go knock on your front door and try to keep your mom distracted,/"
I nod my head, her hand still resting over my lips.
/"While I'm doing this you're going to try your best to sneak in through your bedroom window,/"
I nod once again.
/"If you hear your mom coming into your room then you just dive underneath your bed and pray that she doesn't figure out that the stuff in your bed isn't actually you,/"
/"Got it?/" She asks
I nod my head since she would not hear me if I attempted to speak through her hand.