


Rosemary’s POV

/"Rosemary!/" A quiet yet distorted voice calls out

This voice sounds familiar- like it belongs to a girl.

The moment I attempt to distinguish who this voice belongs to a sharp pain spreads throughout my head and shoulder.

A pained groan emits from my throat as I bring one of my hands up to rest against my forehead, in hopes of its coldness easing the pain.

My head feel like it has been hit by a ton of bricks.

/"Oh my god! Rosemary?!/" The voice calls out again, now sounding much closer and clearer than previously

I hesitantly ease my eyes open.

The first thing I notice being a large crowd of tall people surrounding me.

I furrow my eyebrows at this.

Upon closer inspection I realize that I am in fact laying face up on a floor while everyone continues to stare at me, a majority of the onlookers holding neon cups.

I assume that these neon cups contain varying types of alcohol.