Rosemary’s POV
My body feels like one of those intricate ice sculptures, the thin material of my dress doing nothing to keep me warm.
Fallen sticks and old leaves crunch underneath my converse as I venture further into the dark woods.
I swear that I feel a set of eyes on me the closer I get towards the glowing red dot.
I am running so fast that I almost trip over a large branch.
Thanks to my relatively quick reflexes I am able to catch myself before I collide with the ground.
Loud, exhausted pants exit my mouth as I creep closer towards the glowing red...dots?
I try my best to avoid the sticks as I approach the scene before me.
The closer that I get towards the sight the harder my heart beats.
I can practically hear my own heartbeat in my ears.
I notice two figures in the darkness.
The moonlight helps to light the scene as the cloud that was previously in front of it moves.