


/"You can use my shower to wash off all of the blood,/"

I unlock the door in front of us.

/"I'll give you some clothes that you can change into afterwards/" I offer with a small smile

Once I have the door unlocked I lead the white haired girl into the pitch black house.

I leave the door wide open and walk a few steps, flipping the switch attached to the wall.

The living room and hall are suddenly flooded with the bright white light.

I tamper with the knob beside the light switch, dimming the lights a bit so that they are not so harsh.

Noticing that Harper is nowhere near me, I turn in the direction of the open front door.

I furrow my eyebrows at her awkwardly standing outside of the doorframe.

/"Aren't you going to come in?/" I question her

A small smirk makes its way onto her face.

/"You have to invite me in/" she jokes...at least I think that she is joking