
It's year 21XX.

War, poverty and other misfortunes that bringed suffering and despair are quiet unheard of theses days. It's all thanks to the company named L.R.P (Life Recreation Program), economy, resources, politics and the others have been resolved by them, nobody could understand how they did it, "It was magic", "They are aliens" and other conspiracy theorist were keep popping out. The reason why nobody believed them, a world where miracles was nothing more that a child dream had happened.

"We saved you, but in turn the war in our world shall be forbitten."

A simple yet childish sentence, you may thing they got ignored by the big countries but in reality it was other way around. No matter how big or powerful country was they couldn't even lay the finger on the company since not only it has enormous wealth but it had respect of the people meaning any form of aggression made by country could end them. Fun part is that they don't wish to control the world even when they are able to, nobody know to this day they end goal.

So what now? Peace, no made up promises or anything a real peace without a war or conflict, for many dream come true, some countries still tried to pull strings behind the scenes but they were exposed instantly, war became lost to the past.

50 years passed since establishment of the company, so you probably wonder what now? The answer is simple, enjoy yourself! For the long people could enjoyed the peace in their own way, sport, games, romance, food tours, exploration and many others, but over time people get bored. There was nothing to do, so the company after many years of silence resales a new product known today as "Capsule", device had ability to replicate your body and connect it to the world of the game, no more mouse and keyboards nor controls, you your self were one who were in control. New age of the games begin, people who wanted war played war simulators games, some wanted to play games where they are villains or anything they want.

However there was one game that everybody know, everybody heard of or seen.

"New Reality Online" aka NBO.

Unlike other games where there is a goal or there is path you can fallow, in NBO there is nothing like this, the ones who forge the path are the players and NPCS. You wonder why NPC are mentioned right? The reason is simple, they are not robots, they are a super AI that is able function the same way as people do, they have feelings, they have families and many more. They could not be called AI since they did were not a puppets that could be ordered around, even game developers stated that they are people and they don't have any form of control over them meaning that they created a life.

In that world with infinity possibilities had made entire world move, items, information or anything related to that game could be sold in real world for real money, economy got flipped outside out. Something that should only be a data was worth same or more amount of money that a car. Many people started to make their own companies or professional gamer teams for that game, they could earn fortune, respect or even became celebrities.

Game don't have something like main quest or anything, the ones who write the story are people inside of it be it either player, NPC, mob, Bosses or even just stray cat. There is nothing like save and load, every action have a consequences, in that world you can only have single character and for NPC death is real.

Action takes place known in the world known as Thnitós, like our world it's divided into many continents. In that world creates like monsters or dragons exists, elves and dwarfs exist as well.

You can became anybody in that world, warrior, mage, farmer, blacksmith, soldier, noble, king or even emperor, anybody and anything can forge their own paths.

Years passed and the game was still active thanks to ever changing world.

A person log into the game

[ Player nametag: NewbieFriend ]

[ Capsule is ready for launch, please lay down inside ]

[ Capsule space is occupied, please shut the capsule hatch now ]

[ Capul hatch had been closed, please put on head gear ]

[ Head gear is in use, the chosen game will now be launched ]

[ Chosen game: New Reality Online ]

[ Beginning connection process ]

[ You are connecting to the game please stand by ]

[ You have been to the world ]

A large scale battle is taking place in the middle of the filed, the both side are filled with players and NPCs.

"Focus on their flaks!" – screamed human general.

"What the status of AOE squad?!" – asked in panic player that belonged the same side as general.

"We are almost ready to deploy!"

"Sir! Enemy are charging in, they realized our strategy!"

"Focus on stopping them! We are almost ready!"

Army wearing a blue gear had temporarily stopped the advance of the red armored army.

[Message from BlueHead: As soon as we send you a messenger get away from there or you will get hit in cross fire.]

"Don't let them pass!"

The opposing army are trying to break though enemy, they are cutting down defenders left and right, their march seemed unstoppable.

"Dammed! For how long do we-" – player had opened his friend list to check if he received a message from his ally, but something unexpected happened.

[ BlueHead – Status: Dead ]

[ EdgeLord98 – Status: Dead ]

[ CatLover -Status....

The players that were defending the general and AOE group are all dead.

(They are dead?! But how?! Wait…these guys are distraction!) – "Everybody Re-" – Player that tried to warn his allies got cut down by the red soldier.

Some soldier and players noticed some figures at top the hill where the general was located, they realized that they are not allies. The figures used cannon that were meant for defending and aimed them at the defenders from behind. They shot the cannon at the blue armored soldiers, explosions from the attacks were unexpectedly big but they didn't do much damage, after a few seconds a purple smoke started to spread rapidly from the spots where explosions happens. It was a poison, most of the army got poisoned, it was a trap from the beginning, in front enemy forces blocked the way and from behind unknown people had killed the general and their trump card. Locked and trapped the blue armored soldiers got slaughtered with ease, it was no longer a fight it was massacre.

After some time all remaining soldier had been delt with.

"HAHAHA! I would love to see more of these bastard terrified faces, the moment they realized the hope was long gone was the best!" – was laughing general in red armor.

[ Aleksander Grun – General of Awria Empire ]

"Yea, those Hope guild guys are way too simple to read." – said a young man with giant scythe.

[ Axel – Guild master of "Red Fangs" guild ]

"Hey boss! We collected entire loot, some of these guy had decent gear." – said a tall man carrying to giant axes.

[ Melan – Vice guild master of "Red Fangs" guild ]

"That was quick, shouldn't that take longer?"

"It's because these bastards were all forced to the single place since they couldn't move thanks to the poison. All the loot ended up dropping in the same place thanks to that."

"Huh. Welp, it was easy victory in the end and bit of overkill but still it was fun destroying these so called 'good guys'. By the way why you didn't tell us you would hire Shadow guild Mr. Grun?" – asked guild master with serious tone.

"Are you questioning me punk?!" – replied general with bloodlust.

"No, just curiosity."

"…Apparently we have a rat in our mists, we couldn't find who that person was so I hired these mercenaries to get rid off enemy before they did anything. Turns out those bastards had bringed high ranking mages from the country to increase fire power so it was good call hiring them. Does it satisfies you now?"

Guild master nodded his head.

"Good. Speaking of which I have to go and pay them, we will talk later. Clean this up why won't you?" – said general while leaving the battlefield.

"Damn monster." – said guild master with quiet voice.

At the tend that belonged to the general.

"Here is your payment, I hope you enjoy it you bastards." – said general while having his soldiers giving multiple bags of money.

"We are pleased that you enjoyed our services. We are looking forwards for the future business." – said man with clock that covers it's entire body.

[ Loki – Guild master of the mercenary guild " Shadow" ]

"Yea, we are planning on conquer this bastards, so be ready, we will hire you to deal with some stuff in future."

Guild master bowed his head and disappeared into the shadows.

Somewhere behind the camps.

"Boss here." – said one of the merceries.

"Good work, everybody."

"You too edge lord wannabe." – replied all guild members.

"I told you bastards to stop calling me that!"

"Said the guy who named our guild "Shadow", have a nickname "Loki" and act like edge lord." – replied once again all guild members.


"Did that maniac kept the deal boss?" – asked grunt.

"Yea, I'm sending you money right now."

[ You received 15.000 gold coins ]

"Okay, so that's all for-"

"Oi." – one of the guild master stopped the guild master.

"You still owns me money you bastard!"

"H-hey NewbieFriend I, you know…"

"I know what? You suddenly accepted a task from psycho general without consulting that matter without us AND you made be pull all nightery to prepare those poison because you forgot that it takes quiet long to make powerful large area of effect ones. Where is my extra for the extra work you did on me in the last minute and you still have to pay for the materials that I used!"

[ NewbieFriend – guild member of "Shadow" Clan ]

"Look, we still need to send portion of the money to the guilds funds so-"

"You can give me then your share of gold since it's your fault anyway!"

"True, it's your fault guild master."


"Mhmh." – one by one guild members replied, agreeing to the NewbieFriend argument.

[ Urgent Notice: Serwer will undergo go a maintenance because of update. Please log off, any players that does not log off will be forcefully logged off. ]

"Oh look, a maintenance, well by the look of things we have to log off. Anyway BYE-BYE"

"Wait you bas-"

[ Guild master Loki had logged off ]

"…I'm going to castrate him in real life one day."

"Need a hand with that?"

"If you want to. Anyway let's log off before we got forceful logged off. See you tomorrow."

[ Do you wish to log off? Yes/No ]

[ Guild member NewbieFriend had logged off ]

[ Returning to the real world ]

A person had opened their eyes inside the capsule. As soon as person woke up the capsule had automatically opened the hatch, from it a man in his twenties emerges.

"I need to shave, but first let's grab a bear."

The man that emerged from the capsule is the poison specialist named ***** aka NewbieFriend in the game, he is member of the "Shadow clan", he is 25 years old. He wasn't poor or anything nor wealthy, he didn't had any dramatic backstory or anything. His parents were gone after he turned 20 because of the accident, leaving him alone. He lives fine, he keep contacts with his friends and guild members and everything. He was normal some would say.

"Okay, got my bear now let's check what the fuss is about." – said **** while turning on computer.

/// Emergency Maintenance ///

There will be an update to the game, because of that it will be impossible to log in for the 7 days.

"S-seven days?!" – ( is this some kind of big update? Even so the longest time sewers were locked because of the update was two days.) – "Well I have enough money to last for 2 mouths so I don't have to worry, probably some guys who don't have most of their earning from the game will probably make fuss on community soon."

Man tried to drink his bear when he noticed that something was dripping from his nose.

"Did I catched a co-" – man was confused because when he tried to swipe his nose using his hand he saw a blood.

Man turned towards the mirror that was hanging on his wall to see his reflection, the blood was pouring non stop from his nose and seconds later his eyes became blood, from them blood started pouring as well then from his ears and mouth started to pour out blood.

He tried to stand up to reach his phone to call for help but he fall over, he lost control over his body. That man was slowly dying, he tried to scream for help but no sounds would come out he then realized he can't breathe. He didn't feel pain or anything, however he knew he will die, slowly he started losing the consciousness because of lack of air.

The man died.