Chapter 1 – Wake up.




Poke. Poke. Poke

"Five…more minutes mom…"

Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke.

"What!" – said a person who sleeping and had wake up because of poking.

Awoken person instantly grabbed something that was poking him nonstop seconds ago.

"Eh?" – the thing that man grabbed was a stick and the one who was holding it was a young girl with a basked.

"A-are you a-alright Mr.?" – asked scared girl

"I think so? Amway why were you poking me in the first-place kid?"

"Vi-village elder told m-me that recently monsters have been appearing here more often and you were sleeping here on right next to the road."

"Road?" – man stood up – " This is…not my apartments….Where am I?"

"You are near Beer village Mr."

(Beer village? Am I in the game? No, I logged off and there was a maintenance notice meaning it would be impossible to log in either way. Am I dreaming?) – man pinched himself and felt pain realizing it's not the dream.

(It's not a dream but something is off, why I fell pain so sharply, this doesn't look like any place I know of and I can clearly see some plants that only appears in the game laying over there.)

Man noticed something off, the gear he was wearing wasn't his.

"Mister are you by any chance drunk?"


"You are acting very weirdly and you stick with alcohol."

"What? No, I didn't drink any alcohol kid, well I was trying to but I fell, it probably spilled all over my body." – (that said I do feel drunk…weird…I remember falling and…!)

Memories started to flood his head, he remember what happened last evening(Prolog chapter). He died.

(I died. It wasn't illusion nor dream I really died, but how did I died? Remember, I left the capsule, I opened my bear then turned on my computer to check news and after that I started bleeding from my nose first…Dammed! It doesn't make sense, I never heard of accident caused by capsule ever before so it's low chance that capsule did it)

"M-mister d-does your head hurts?"

"N-no, it's nothing…just an unpleasant memories that I hate remerged. Thanks, kid, for worrying."

"Who are you mister? Are a mercenary?"

"Oh right, where are my manners, my name is…eh?"


Man couldn't remember his name, not only that but he couldn't rember his surname, his parents' names or his job nor how he or people he knew looked like. The thing he could remember was his age, his time when he played the game and his specialty in game.

(God dammed, first mysterious death and now I lost memories what next?! …wait…if that is not my equipment then how…oh)

Man pulled out the dagger from the scabbard on his waist and used it to check his reflection.

(Yeb, that's is not my face. Whose face is that?)

Person appearance was as follows: he had a big scar on his left check, by looking at his face you could tell he 20-30 years old, he had bright eyes with different colors, his left eye was purple while his right eye was yellow, he was wearing a long black clock that is covering his entire body, he had a fingerless glows and Reinforced Leather, he had leather boots reinforced with steel. The weapons in his possession were: one handed crossbow, three daggers and khopesh(sword).

(Hmm. Am I a bandit or mercenary?)

"Mister? Are you sure you are alright?" – said worried girl that was completely forgotten by the man.

"Ah, sorry I felt dizzy for the moment, maybe I really did get drunk last night, I probably drunk so much to the point I forgotten that I drunk. Right my name, people call me NewbieFriend, it's my nick name, NF for short."

"That's a weird name."

"No, it's not my name, it's nick name, adventures or mercenaries often end up with those kind of nick names.

Adventures and mercenaries often result in people getting nick names from the others, it doesn't matter if person is NPC or player.

(Well, I technically didn't lied, since it's is my user name when I was player.) – " People prefer to use nick names and stuff because it's often easier to remember that their names, it's quiet annoying even when people ask your real name and seconds later call you either way with your nick name."

"Oh, but isn't that annoying then? People not remembering your name but only your title?"

"Well, the pay is good so can't really argue. By the way is there a well in your village by any chance I or any place where I can wash myself? I really need to get rid of that alcohol smell."

"There is a place where you can wash mister, fallow me."



"Why do you trust me? I'm man having multiple weapons hidden beneath my clock how do you know if I'm not just some bandit pretending to be a beggar so you can lower your guard and let me inside the village?"

"Oh…Well mister don't seem to be a bad guy."

"That what bandit would do. Pretend not to be a bad guy."


"How are you….Never mind, just lead the way please."

Man fallowed the little girl as she lead the way.

"Stop." – said man.


"Does your village patrol only patrols the path?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

(1, 2, 3…10? They know how to hide properly.)

"Kid, stay close and don't leave my side."

Several figures that were hiding behind trees and bushed revealed them.

(Goblins huh, but only 5 of them showed them self and the rest are still hiding .Something is off, [Check].)

[Check – you are able to check opponent name and level, target will realized it's being check and will reveal the direction of the caster. This skill is posed by all intelligent creatures. This skill will fail if you target is too far or they are hiding them self-using skills. Skill will not affect people who are covering them self or their faces will ( for example mask with mask). Skill have cast time of 10 seconds and will fail if target moves too far away from you or you lose sight of them for 0.1 second.]

[Goblin Warrior – level 25]

(Wait level 25? Not only that but their equipment are not some random trash. That could only mean that there is a leader have been born.)

Goblin started to approached the man and the young girl. Man needed young girl to survive so he can get some information from the village but there was a problem, he didn't know who he was right now, he didn't know what his stats, skill and attributes were. He didn't had time to check it because of the confusion caused by not understanding the situation.

(These guys will probably aim for the girl, the moment I try to defend her goblins from behind will probably attack me. Damn this situation is annoying, I can't even open my status to check stats because I need to keep eye on them.)

Goblin started to run towards the girl, as soon as man noticed he pulled out his crossbow and shot one of the goblins that were hiding on his left the behind the tree hitting him in his shoulder. Goblin screamed in pain, thanks to that all the goblins got distracted and looked towards direction where scream came from. Men rushed towards the goblins that were aiming at the girl while goblins were distracted.

(Shit! I thought I was weakling right now but turns out I have strength of level 50 player?!) – man panicked as he lost balance.

Man quickly put his feet on the ground to in attempt to regain balance, man ended up sliding towards the goblins and quickly regained his footings, however this made lot of noises that made goblins focus their attention on him.

(Welp there goes my plan, time to improvise.)

This time young man knowing his strength rushed towards the goblins, before they could react all five goblins got sliced in half with his sword. Three more goblins appeared from behind, they attempted to take girl hostage but man throwed his knifes, killing the monsters.

An arrow flew towards man but he noticed it and dodge in last second, he then looked towards direction where arrow flew and saw goblin hiding between tree branches. Goblin panicked after realizing it was noticed and tried to run away, man noticed that and threw his sword, piercing goblin and killing him.

Man then turned towards the direction where last goblin was and saw him running away, he catched up to him and twisted his neck, killing the last goblin.

Man then rushed towards the road where kid was located.

"Kiddo! Are you hurt?!"

"N-no, I'm f-fine." – responded kid while shaking with fear.

"Calm down they are gone, you are safe." – said man while petting the girl, trying to calm her down.

"You good?"


"Good. Could wait, I need to retrieve my weapons and check something, see that bush? Hide in it for now."

Girl rushed towards the bush and hid inside of it, meanwhile a man started to collect his weapons one by one and looted the goblins bodies, he cut off right ears of the goblins as well.

(Welp shit, it's worse then I though) – though man while inspecting the loot from the goblins.

"Kid come out we need to run."


"If we walk down the road will we reach your village?"

"Well y-yes."

"Okay, hold on thing" – said man while putting a girl on his back.

Man started running at the rapid rate while giving girl piggyback.