Chapter 3 – Beginner Boss.

When person from outside aka player enter this world, they have to choose their starting location: Arran town, Wryn town, Edgard town, Ukrun town or Cheimónas town. Each of these town are located in different continent meaning each one of them are different in many ways. New players are only able to explore the town and their territory, that means new players are not able to leave that area. The only way to get access to the outside world is to reach level 25 and defeat a dungeon mob boss, mobs are creatures that respawn when they die unlike the NPCs.

Many players started calls them "beginners bosses" since they are first boss characters that players will encounter in the new world. Once person defeat their boss be it either solo or with party, they are then recognized as true beginners.

Each town possesses a different mob monster you have to defeat:

Cheimónas town - Faceless Corpse.

Ukrun town – The False Mermaid.

Edgard town – Oozee the Slime.

Wryn town – Wen the Blood Lusted.

Arran town – Mad Bandit Ergon.

The most well know beginner boss is Mad Bandit Ergon. He is known by all players around the world for mainly for two reason. The first reason is because he was the strongest beginner boss, many people that even went together against him ended up being annihilated by him, because of that parties that only consider of at least 10-15 members were able to defeat him. The second reason why he is well known is because nobody solo clear him yet, if you manage to kill mob boss with party of four or less you will be rewarded with bigger amount of drops, but if you kill mob boss solo you will receive even more and you will have higher chance of higher rarity item to drop. Every single beginner boss beside Mad Bandit were solo killed multiple times, only 1/10 players that attempted to beginner boss succeeded, newbies that managed to solo kill the boss were often scouted by guilds at the time. Reason why everybody want to solo Mad Bandit Ergon is because of item he was using, "Mad Core", that item had power of chaos attribute that was extremely rare. Chaos powers are often fought over, even if it's a low-level item, a high-level player or NPC would use it, why? Only monsters and powerful NPCs were able to wield chaos power, not only that but it was hard to create or find any armor that have resistance against chaos damage. It was confirmed that from each beginner boss you have a chance to receive epic grade item if you solo , meaning it was possible for Mad Core to drop.

Item that nobody possess and it possess extremely rare chaos attribute, it made many people attempt over and over trying to solo. However entre was limited for people above level 35 meaning that you could really only try to defeat him solo when you are still newbie.

Ergon was not originally a mob boss monster but a NPC boss character, he was a most well-known bandit in the Uwlrun kingdom that was located in Uwegon continent. He originally traveled to the Evaran continent that was on the other side of the world because of the treasure he find, he found a key that would be able to open an ancient tomb with powerful artifact inside. When he arrived at the he found the tomb using the map he got from same place as the key, after a struggle he finally found the treasure room where the artifact was located. He then found artifact "Mad Core", he was originally indenting to sell artifact to earn the fortune. When he took the artifact, the entire room covered in strange marks and in the middle of the room a powerful seal appeared, huge amount of chaos energy across entire ruins started to rush in towards him, it ended up mutating him and stealing his mid in the process. However the process was not finished, the chaos energy got fused together with his body creating a creature of chaos, the appearance change drastically and color of his eyes got turned bright yellow. Later on the ruins would end up getting muted as well by rampaging energy transforming them into dungeon and Ergon him self got turned i to dungeon mob monster, this actions took place before players first arrived to this world.

In the game times flows four times faster meaning 1 day on earth is equal 4 times in that world.

4 years later in new world time(1 years in earth time), one of the bandits named Uwone that took the position of the Ergon after he left as hated bandit throughout the kingdom, later he would find out his old hide out that once belonged to Ergon. Inside of it he found out where the missing bandit was once hiding and what his goal was, he would later found out what happened to the Ergon and decided to hunt down the creature he became. He was confident that he would be able to kill Ergon and steal the Mad Core for himself, the reason for his confidence was simple, he had a great sword named "Fairy butcher". Fairy Butcher had powers that specializes in destroying mystical powers, spells made out mana, holy blessings, demonic curses and other sources powers, the sword itself was even effective against creatures that are made out of energy and similar such as fairies or elements. He then travel together with his lackeys to the Evaran continent an kill the creature.

Uwone found a method to stop dungeon function and temporarily make Ergon into boss NPC monster. Unlike mob monsters that have chance to drop item, NPC characters drop everything meaning drop rate of the Mad Core would be 100%. The plan was simple, he would sacrifice his great sword Fairy Butcher to temporarily paralyzed the seal to make Ergon no longer being categorized as part of the dungeon(Ergon would no longer be consider a mob and would lose his ability to respawn, meaning he would be an NPC character once again). The plan succeed, even though Uwone lost his weapon and half of his man, he managed to kill Ergon. However he made one crucial mistake, the chaos energy that was overflowing from Ergon had bursted out. The energy then reactivated the ruins once again, forcing Uwone and his man to now suffer Ergon fate. They would end taking the boss position of the dungeon and would become a creature known as "Nameless Victim".

So now here is the question, what happened to the Ergon body and mad core? To put simple nobody knows, some people say that Nameless Victim had devoured the core while other said his body crumple to dust after being released by the curse, but one thing was realized by everybody, the Mad Core was gone forever.

"That's what people know about Mad Bandit Ergon. I never fought against him in my life but I saw some videos about him. He had humanoid appearance, his entire body looked like combination of flesh and rocks to the point it was not resembling human in any way and he had bright yellow eyes."

Man was checking his stats. After finding out his name all the memoirs that belonged to Mad Bandit Ergon flooded his head. The overflow of the information caused lot of damage on his nerve system.

(I almost shitted myself because I thought I would die again the sane I did before) – though man while groaning in pain.

"But some things got confirmed at least. I'm not a player. Players only feel 70% of their sense in the game world and when information got installed in them, it's done over time to not in danger them (Too much information at the same time can cause damage to their real bodies). I can feel pain and information were not automatically halted when they could endanger my health."

"These memories really belong to the Mad Bandit Ergon, from his child hood to his true dead. However there was one thing that catched my attention, when I try to remember my and Ergon death, I started to remember weird messenger.

[Condition have been meet. The fusion of the two existences shall commence. When fusion end you shall be revived.]

(I don't remember this messenger appearing in either when I died or when Ergons died memories, I only remember it when I tried to remember mine or Ergons memories at the same time.)

Man had many question but no answers, however he understood one thing, he was not NewbieFriend inside Ergon body but he was both of Ergon and NewbieFriend at the same time. Installed information do not carry a emotion, meaning if person A would give the person B his memories that bring person A saddest, person B would not feel it, that confirms the memories he have from his life as NewbieFriend and as Ergons belonged to him and were not installed, since he can feel emotions they carry.

(When I resureccted I didn't know who I was, I didn't had any momories at that time. I was resucted near the main road for some reason.I began walking on the road while trying to remeber who I was. I ended up encountering some badints along the way and I ended up killing them. They had some alcohol on them so I took and began drinking it. Seconds later I felt massive amount of pain from my hearth and ended up collapsing. When I woke up, I was getting poked by Little girl and had memoeris from the time I was called NewbieFriend, but for some reason I ended up forgetting the part before losing consciousness.)

"My appearance and old equipment is the same when I was living as Ergons before I got corrupted, but my eyes are different, yellow eyes belonged to Ergon while purple belonged to NewbieFriend."

"My status belonged to is the same before I got corrupted as Ergon, but chaos attribute? Is this side effect of the curse that binded me to the ruins? Not only that my status says [Race: Human(Mutant)] meaning that my race got altered to some extent."

(However the most shocking things are these titles, I never heard or seen them before)

[Mad Bandit]

[Your story has been heard by many, some call you crazy while other ignorant but in the end they all call you mad. Your who fallowed your greed even in the face of oblivion still purse your target.


-When you kill a player, he/she will always drop 2 additional item from their possession.

[The One Who Overcame Their Death]

[You who had managed to overcome your dead with your own power, who had neither power of gods or devils had bringed yourself back to life.]


-Once your HP became 30% or less of the original value, increase all your attributes by 10% and increase regeneration rate of HP, MB , SP and other sources of powers (Chaos Points) by 10%. This effect will deactivate once you HP became more 30% of the original value.

[Awakener Of The Mad Core]

[You who had awaken the core filled with chaos shall now share the cores fate. The energy of the core had forced your body to adapt allowing you to use power of chaos.]


-Chaos attribute stat will be generated. If you already posses chaos attribute, your chaos powers would increase by 15%.

-You now posses qualification to use core.

-The mad core had become one with you.

-You can call in and out the Mad Core at any time.

-Increase your chaos attribute by 50.

"Wait, I get the chaos but what the deal with the core becoming part of me?!"

(I didn't saw the mad core anywhere in my inventory or item space, but it said here I can call it at any time. Do I have to imagine it appearing or something?)

Man imagine the core appearing in his hand and then core had appeared.

(It worked!)

[Mad Core]

[Grade : Epic]

[Item: Artifact]

Ancient artifact made by forgotten civilization from ancient times. The artifact have ability to control and fuse chaos energy. The ancient civilization that created this artifact would end up facing their demise by the hands of their enemies. They decided to seal artifact to prevent enemies from claiming it for themselves them.

[Missing information]


-This item is bound and will not drop when you die nor it can be stolen from you.

-You can infuse chaos energy into the monster transforming them into the being of chaos.

-Increase your attributes when equipped: +150 Chaos Power, +10% to all attributes beside Chaos power.

-Restore Chaos Points (Chaos P.) every second for 2, when this item is equipped

-Only person with title [Awakener Of The Mad Core] can use this equipment.

-You can summon this item at any moment and make disappear as well.

[This item is being fused to your body. The more you and item fuses to became, the more power you can bright forth. Fusion rate (10%).]

"Oi, oi, oi, the fuck is this? Increasing all attributes by 10%?! Items that increase all affinity by at least 1% cost a fortune and what's the deal with the item being fusing together with me. I heard some items that can be fused over time with person and once process begin it can't be stopped, meaning I can no longer stop fusion."

(Is this a blessing or a curse in the disguises?)