Chapter 4 – Evacuation.

Next day.

After the discussion between the town lord with villagers chiefs, it was decided by town lord for villages near demon forest to evacuate to the town or villages located farthest away from the forest.

All the villagers were busy packing their belonging ever since morning arised. When all villages were ready, they began their evacuation. Ergon decided to stick with the villages and help them escape.

(I don't really care if they die, but I need them survive right now at any cost and get to the town. I need to gather information to understood what's going one and if anybody of them die, it will hinder my plans, I need trust to earn better information.) – thought Ergon with annoyed look.

Villagers had finally left the village and headed towards Arran town using main road.

"Chief, how long will it take to for us to arrive at Arran town?" – asked Ergon

"Around 4 hours on foot, we have carriages but they are transporting our belongings."

"How about fighters? How many people know how to fight?"

"We have quiet few but some of them don't have much experience in fights to the dead, since we were rarely attacked by the monsters."

"I suggest to spread out the guards around villagers, goblins are known for ambushes." – advised Ergon.

Villager chief then ordered the guards to surround villages in case goblins appeared.

1 hour later.

"Everybody Stop!" – said Ergon.

The march of the villages suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong? Is it goblins?" – asked one of the guards.

"Did anybody of you noticed a single animal or monster when we were walking?"

None of the guards had replied to the man question.

"…wait here for the moment." – said Ergon. After saying that he rushed though path ahead.

Man climbed the tree and jumped from one tree to another. Ergon stopped after noticing the group of the goblins on the main road, that were accompanied by four human adult sized goblins.

(4 Hobgoblins, 10 archers, 4 mages and 20 warriors goblins. They don't appears to be a scout party and they have better equipment that those goblins from before, they are probably higher level as well, around level 40-50?)

(Should I use [Sneak] to hide myself when using [Check] to peek at their level…. No, there is possibility that one of archers possess detection skill.)

You can remove side effect of the [Check] that normally reveals your direction by using skills that hides your presence or make you inviable, some items as well can make your [Check] unnoticeable.

Detection type abilities will only work if your detection have same amount of power or more that target hiding ability or when target approaches you at certain distance.

(My equipment is old and worned out, but I still have goblin weapons and poisons I stole from the scout team. This would normally would be not enough to deal with them, but I'm not normal.)

(I'm a good damn boss with chaos powers) – though Ergon with excited look at his face.



[Level 2] [Cooldown 3 minutes.]

[Makes your presence harder to notice by others and increase your movement speed by 5%(+0.5% for each level). Moment you are engage in combat, this skill will deactivate and enter cooldown. Ability will only start refreshing after you are outside of a combat for at least 1 minute.

Ergon unsheathe his khopesh, then jumped from his hiding spot and flew above goblins. Goblins noticed him, but they were too late to react. He used his sword to stab though hobgoblin head killing him instantly and grabbed the second hobgoblin that was standing next to his with his free hand.

"[Chaos Shot]."

[Chaos Shot]

[Level 1] [Cost: 200 MP and 5% of your Max amount Chaos P.] [Cooldown 15 seconds]

[Shot out a magical projectile that possess power of chaos. When projectile hit the target, it will cause explosion dealing 60% of your magic magical power and 60% of chaotic power combined. This skill inflict a debuff on the target as well when hit, the target will for 30 seconds takes bonus 5% damage from chaos attribute attacks.

Hobgoblins got hit in point blank range with [Chaos Shot], destroying his head and killing him.

{{Info: If you hit enemy in vital spot for example where they hearth or brain is located, you will deal extra damage, this logic apply to the point-blank range as well. Normally hobgoblin would not be killed by this skill, but he got hit point blank range in the face.}}

[You received EXP for killing 2 Hobgoblins Warriors(level 55)]

[You had level up]

[Your class (Bandit) had become level 8]

[Your class (Mercenary) had become level 6]

[Your class (Thug) had become level 9]

"Oh? So you guys are possess a quiet decent levels, don't you? Well then, thanks for the food."

All warrior goblins started to rush at Ergon from all direction at the same time, however this was Ergon plan.

"[False Peace]!"

[Level 1] [Cost: 1000 MP and 25% of your Max amount Chaos P.] [Cooldown 1 hour]

[Gather chaotic energy in your palm, giving it shape of the cube. After fully manifesting cube, break it, releasing rampaging chaos from it. The attack will hit everything and everyone around the user within certain range. This skill will deal 100% of your magic power and 300% of your chaos power stats combined.]

A cube like object had appeared in Ergon palm and soon after it cracked, realizing a storm of lighting like attack around him, killing all the goblins around him in the process.

[You received EXP]

[You had level UP]

(Only archers and mage as well as 2 hobgoblins remained) – "Well then, come at…me?" – man stopped talking because he noticed the sword he was pointing at the goblins had top part missing. He then looked behind and saw the rest of the blade stuck inside dead hobgoblin head.

[Your weapon had broken]

(Well, good thing I at least kept goblin weapons from that scout team.) – though man while sneakily taking out the weapons from item space, underneath his coat so enemy would notice that.

Goblins archers and goblins mages begun their barrage by shooting volleys of arrows and spell at the same time where man was standing. The entire area was then covered in dust made thanks to goblins attacks, soon after the dust settled but the man was nowhere to be seen.

"Hi." – said man while appearing above goblins heads.

[Quick Dodge]

[Level 2] [Cost: 5% of your max HP] [Cooldown 4 hour]

[When you would receive an attack, negate it and receive buff that grands bonus 10% speed and temporary damage immunity. The buff lasts for 3 seconds (+1 more seconds for each level).

Ergon used his skill to avoid the damage from the goblins attacks and instantly got closed to them, taking them by surprise. Before goblins could react, 5 goblin archers and 2 goblin mages got instantly taken down by the man using the short sword. Two remaining hobgoblins, one with the mace and other one with the great sword attempted pinncer attack on him, unfortunately for them the cooldown of [Chaos Shot] just ended.

He shot [Chaos Shot] at the hobgoblin with the mace, hobgoblin managed to block attack but he ended up being pushed back. The second hobgoblin with the sword tried horizontal slash on Ergon but he jumped up wards, dodging the attack in the process. Ergon then used his sword to slash hobgoblin head off, killing him in the process. The first hobgoblin that got pushed back started to rush at Ergon once again, Ergon in the respond throwed his knifes at him, aiming at his face, but he used his mace as a shield to block attacks. Hobgoblin then swing his weapon in front of him in attempt to hit his opponent, surprising he was not in front of him, he then started desperately looking around himself to make sure he won't get ambushed, but in reality, Ergon was nowhere near him.

"Two, one and zero. What? You were supposed to be defending this guys." – said Ergon while taking out the sword from goblin dead body.

Man used daggers to force hobgoblin to block using his mace, so his field of vision would get obstructed and would not noticed the man changing his target to the remaining goblins. Now only hobgoblin with mace remained. This time Ergon was one rushing at him, hobgoblin tried to swing at him, but before he could do that Ergon was already in front of him.

[Trick Strike]

[Level 6] [Cost: 5% of your max SP] [Cooldown 3 minutes]

Drastically increase your moment speed for 300% for 0,50 second (+0,20 seconds for each level), but decrees your attack by 50%.

[Critical Strike]

[Level 2] [Cost: 100 SP] [Cooldown 5 minutes]

[Your next basic attack be not affected by attack down debuffs and will be guaranty critical. Critical damage from that attack will deal 50% Bonus damage (+10% for each level).

The short sword that Ergon used instantly pieced though the jaw of the creature straight through in head, eliminating the last goblin.

"Okay that's last one, better loot everything and run back to the villagers." – as man said that he put his hand towards goblin bodies – "Loot" – said a man.

A orange-colored system window appeared in front of the man.


[Type: War Spoils]

[Target being: Mob(s)]

[Chose what you wish to claim or claim all]

[If you leave the mob creature body without taking the loot, the items and other possession of the being will drop on the ground and anybody will be able to take them]

A list of items that belonged to the goblin squad he just killed.

"[Claim all]." – as man said that all the items that appeared on system window, got sucked to into his item space.

(Better take the ears as well, just in case.) – said man as he begun to cut off the right ears of the goblins.

[Mob monsters bodies will disappear over time. However you can dismantle mob monster body to get some of it body parts, there is limit how much you can take from mob monsters body before it shatters as side effect of dismable. Some skills or dismantler type skills or job allows you to take more body parts based on your levels and what type of monster dismantler you specializes in.]

"Okay that's done, better get back to…villagers?" – man stopped as he saw the guards that were defending villagers approaching him from the main road.

"Sir! Are you alright?!" – said one of the old guards.

"What are you doing here? Did something happened to the villagers while I was dealing with goblins?" – asked Ergon.

"N-no, we all saw lighting like attacks and seconds later multiple explosions. Villager chief got worried and ordered some of us to support you in the battle, but by look of things you already took care of the goblins."

(I honestly doubt you would help in anyway.) – thought Ergon.

(I need to be careful when using chaos powers, unlike before when I was mindless monsters and didn't need to worry being seen using this chaos, now I need to be careful with it so people won't notice. They are lucky they came late, if they came early and saw me using chaos powers, I would have to kill them.)

"Anyway let's return to the villagers ASAP. There is still possibility that there are more groups like them."

"Understood." – replied old guard.

(Level 55 hobgoblin that was not part of the main army, it's not a good sight.)