Chapter 6 Extra

Item restriction and weight

Weight of the items, materials and everything around this world have normal weight and restriction will only be active when they are used by someone or something.


Items, equipment and other things that can be used when are put on or held posses restrictions. There are two type of restriction, weight restriction and condition restriction. The restriction will be amplified in differently ways based on item nature. One of these two methods will be put on the item or both of them at the same time, restriction will become more powerful based on object power.

Weight restriction:

-it will make item, equipment or object heavier for you when equipped. The bonus weight will not influence your basic weight, but will influence your weight points.

-Your basic weight will be only influenced by basic weight of item. That means if you would stand scales while wearing a iron armor, it would only show your current weight and armor weight, it would not count bonus weight.

-You will feel heavier if are using half or more of your weight limit. You will feel bonus weight present once you hit 50% of weight limit.

-Weight total of the item is based on: original item weight + bonus weight from restriction.

Condition restriction:

-item with this restriction will not be able to be used in it full power or all together became useless if condition are not meet for its uses.

-Item can have multiple conditions at the same time.

-This restriction can vary in many ways: you need specify level, you need specify weapon mastery, you need specify class, you need specify skill, you need specify title or/and you need to earn the rights(for example passed on by other person)

(Items Ergon bought from the shop:)

[Bandit Scarf]

[Grade: Common]

[Item type: Armor – mouth mask]

[Durability 100/100]

[Stas: +10 Defense, +10 Agility, +10 Dexterity]


-Increase your sneaking abilities performance by 2.5%]

[Basic item that is often used by bandits or pillagers. Be careful not to be mistaken as one when using it.]

[Weight points: 20]


-You need [Bandit] or [Thug] class or their evolved forms.]

[Reinforced leather amor]

[Grade: Common]

[Item type: Armor – cheast]

[Durability: 150/150]

[Stats: 50 defense]


-Decrees damage taken by 0.5%.

[A common amor piece often used by adventures who begun they adventures. This armor is made out of leather and reinforced some of it's part with iron.]

[Weight: 300]

[Reinforced leather pants amor]

[Grade: Common]

[Item type: Armor- cheast]

[Durability: 100/100]

[Stats: +25 defense]


-Decrees damage taken by 0.5%.

[A common amor piece often used by adventures who begun they adventure. This armor is made out of leather and reinforced some of it's part with iron.]

[Weight: 100]

[Some guy belt]

[Grade: Common]

[Item type: Armor – belt]

[Durability: 100/100]

[Stats: +25 defense]

[Effect: Non]

[This belt was once made by some guy, but he kind got forgotten because of his name or something like that.]

[Weight: 50]

[Reinforced leather boots]

[Grade: Common]

[Item type: Armor- Legs]

[Durability: 100/100]

[Stats: +25 defense]


-Decrees damage taken by 0.5%.

[A common amor piece often used by adventures who begun they adventure. This armor is made out of leather and reinforced some of it's part with iron.]

[Weight: 100]

[Reinforced leather boots]

[Grade: Common]

[Item type: Armor- Legs]

[Durability: 100/100]

[Stats: +10 defense]


-Decrees damage taken by 0.5%.

[A common amor piece often used by adventures who begun they adventure. This armor is made out of leather and reinforced some of it's part with iron.]

[Weight: 100]

[Reinforced leather glows]

[Grade: Common]

[Item type: Armor- Arms]

[Durability: 100/100]

[Stats: +25 defense]


-Decrees damage taken by 0.5%.

[A common amor piece often used by adventures who begun they adventure. This armor is made out of leather and reinforced some of it's part with iron.]

[Weight: 100]

[One handed copper axe] x2

[Grade: Common]

[Durability: 250/250]

[Stas: Attack power 80-150]

[This axe can not only be throwed but it's useful when cutting down trees!]

[Weight: 250]

[Two handed crossbow]

[Grade: Common]

[Durability: 250/250]

[Stas: Attack power 150-300]

[A powerful long-range weapon, useful for beginners but it takes some time to reload.]

[Weight: 1000]

[One handed crossbow]

[Grade: Common]

[Durability: 100/100]

[Stas: Attack power 50-100]

[A quiet simple crossbow that can be held in one hand. However it can only uses small bolts.]

[Weight: 250]

[Normal sized crossbow bolt] x50

[Item: Ammunition – Crossbow: regular size]

[Grade: Common]

[Stats: 25 attack]

[Weight: 2]

[Small sized crossbow bolt] x50

[Grade: Common]

[Item: Ammunition – Crossbow: small size]

[Stats: 10 attack]

[Weight: 1]

[Healing grass potion(Low grade)] x10

[Grade: Common]

[Item: Consumable – potion]


-Restore 250 HP when used

[Weight: 2]