Chapter 7 – Demonic Forest.

Demonic forest A.K.A monsters forest, are places where huge amount of monsters lives in forest type terrains and similar. The presents of monsters forces nature to adapts, making it bigger and more unnatural, for example trees that are higher that buildings grow there. It may seem like disadvantage for many since, not only monsters uses this kind of places to reproduce, but can even be born natural there without the parents like beings. However, a rare type plants often ends up growing in those terrains thanks to monster presence, meaning you could not only hunt monster for money but gather herbs and other plants as alternative source of income(Some people focus on raising classes related to harvesting materials to earn fortune).

"How high are these trees? They are at least 15 meters tall." – look Ergon into the sky that is filled with trees branches.

"I walked for quiet some distance from the safe post, monsters should be appearing by any seconds now."

Ergon walked for quite a distance after saying that.

"Any seconds now….Where the fuck are they?! - shouted Ergon after looking around, not seeing a single monster nearby.

(Did somebody passed here some time ago and ended up wiping out all the monsters in area? I anyway needed to go deeper, since monsters near forest edges are low levels in the first place, but there is possibility that person/people who did this are heading the deeper parts of the forest as well.) – though Ergon.

Man then started running towards deeper parts of the forest.

Few minutes later.

"Hmm?" – Man stopped running after noticing a group of figures walking thought the forest.

A group of huge lizards with extreme long necks and tails appears.

[Long Lizard – Level 15]

(Long Lizard, huh? These guys are not that dangerous but they have annoying paralyzing poison. It good idea to harvest some of it from them.)

Ergon begined to rushed straight at the group of the monster, the creatures noticed him and prepared for combat.

After the distance between two parties got reduced, a lizard like creature launched its head right at the man who enter their range. Ergon in witch respond crossed his arms with axes in his hands and swinged, the axes ended up cutting the creatures heads off.

The remaining three monsters that were standing behind them noticed that and begined their advance at the man.

Two of the lizard that were at the front this time used their tails as weapons, aiming them at lower half of the body of their opponent. Ergon noticed their attack and jumped over it, but the third lizard launched its head at the Ergon was in the air, aiming at the man crouch.

"Where the heck are you aiming at you bastard!?" – replied angry Ergon as he kicked the monster in the face, sending it flying.

The other two monsters attempted the same type of the attack as the lizard before at the Ergon who was still in the air, but Ergon throwed his axes at the creatures head, cutting them in half. The last opponent after realizing he alone, instead of running away, it made desperate attack at the man, but ended up getting cut to pieces instantly by axes.

(That was the last one. I currently have level 31, meaning hunting this guys won't give much results, but even so, I should still hunt them, I have to collect their venom. I bought some butchering tools in case so it won't take long butchering some materials from them, it would be useful if I manage to earn [Butcher] class in the process as well.) – though Ergon as he begun to dismantle creature tails and heads.

(The only useful thing about this guys are there sturdy tails and venomus fangs as crafting materials including their venom as well.)

Ergon would encounter six more groups of the Long Lizard and would end up dismantling them as well.

[Notice: You had acquired [Butcher class – beginner] Class. You have one currently an empty class slot that could be used. Would you like to equip new class?]

(Nice! Good thing I cutted off those goblins ears before, I kind of forgot cutting goblins ears off count as butchering.)

To aquiver [Butcher class – beginner], you need to butcher 100 corpses.

"Speaking of the classes, I think my [Thug] Class reached level 10, meaning I can evolve it.

Each classes have a rarity rank. Class rarity rank represent class potential.

Each class rarity ranks possess max amount levels it can have.

Common class – Max level 10.

Uncommon Class – Max Level 25.

Rare class – Max level 50.

Epic Class – Max level 75.

Legendary Class – Max level 100.

When you level up max leveled class, it will allow class to evolve into a new form. New class born from this way consumes old class, retaining old one all benefits and enchanting them as well. Some classes rarities can change when evolving.

[Class [Thug] can evolve. Please form of the new class.]



Man then raised his finger and pressed [Bully] on the system window.

[Your class[Thug] had evolved into [Bully].

[Some of your skills and stats had been enchanted in the process:

-[Nasty Strike] level 10 became [Unfair Strike] level 1.

-You had acquire passive skill [Bullying] level 1.

(When I was once a player, I constantly used evolved version of [Bully] class in my build. This class tree main strength is shown when fighting against opponents that have debuffs on them, for me who specializes in poisons this class was extremely useful. I should probably check what other…class…I…have?) – Ergon stopped after noticing something off.

[Class slots in use 5/10.]


To equip a class person need a class slot, different classes required different amount of class slots. Each person is born with 3 class slots( level 1), this rule apply to the players as well. Person can acquire more class slots each time they level up:

-When they reach level 25, 75, 125, 175… will provide 2 class slots.

-When they reach level l 50, 100, 150… will provide 3 class slots.

(Why I have 10 class slots? Is this because I'm [Human(Mutant)] or is because I'm combination of two people? I know some races can influence some classes and stuff but I had never heard anything that can provide bonus class slots.)


Ergon then grabbed the tree and head butted it.

"Fuck this bullshit! I'm grateful and all but I have now even fuking more question now! What next? Some sort of magical girls will appears and fight off creatures of evil!?" – though Ergo as he begun to bleed from his forehead.

You bet your ass.

(Let's stop thinking about it for now. I originally wanted to remove [Mercenary] and use [Poison Mage – 1 Circle] I le-learned yesterday, I locked myself up in the room after getting my documents from the lord to focus on le-learned magic.)

(I should check what my current options are right now.)

[Inactive Classes:

-[Butcher] – Common – 1 class slot.

-[Sword User – First Blade] – Common – 1 class slot.

-[Crossbow User – First Blade] - Common – 1 class slot.

-[Knife User – First Blade] - Common – 1 class slot.

-[Poison Mage – 1 Circle] - Common – 2 class slots.

-[Chaos Mage – 1 Circle] - Rare – 3 class slots.

([Chaos Mage] huh, another new thing and it takes 3 slots even though it's 1 circle rank and it's rare.)

Ergon thinked for the moment and decided to equip both chaos and poison mage class and swap [Mercenary] class for [Butcher] and [Crossbow User – First Blade].

[Warning: You are forceful changing your classes with inactive ones. You won't be able to change classes for the next 48 hours, but class evolution will still work.]

[Do you wish to procced. Yes/No.]


[Your active classes had been changed]

[Skills [Quick Dodge] and [Stand Up] had been deactivated because of change of class.]

[Some of the skills attached to the new active jobs had been activated and are ready for use]

"I was wondering why I had chaos type skills before, by look of things they came from [Chaos Mage] class.

{{INFO: When you change class, some of the skills and powers related to them could be affected by weakened or be locked. When you don't have mage type class equipped, the skills related to them will have double cooldown and in case of [Mercenary] class, that class will be deactivated when not equipped.}}

[Poison Mage – 1 Circle]

[Grade: Common]

[Level 1]

[When activated:

-Increase power of your poison type skills by 5%.

-You will take 5% less damage from poison type attacks.]

[When deactivated:

-Increase cooldown of all skills related to this class by bonus 100%.

[Chaos Mage – 1 Circle]

[Grade: Rare]

[Level 1]

[When activated:

-Increase power of your chaos type skills by 5%.

-You will take 5% less damage from chaos type attacks.]

[When deactivated:

-Increase cooldown of all skills related to this class by bonus 100%.

(Beside the rarity, everything else seems same. But because it's rank is rare meaning it will take longer to evolve compare to common class.)

(I should worry about this later. I already have enough materials from Long Lizards, so there is no longer reason for me to stay here, I should go deeper in to the forest.)