Chapter 10 Extra.

How spells works and how they are related to mage classes?

How can one learn and use spells?

Unlike skills that can be earned or learned when leveling up, spells can only be acquire by learning them. There are many times of spells and how their work or what energy they use, meaning there is infinity number of spells and there are many ways to learn them, either by yourself or be taught by somebody or something (book or teacher for example). Once you learn the spell

Each spells have different set of rules, for example you need to charge it for specify amount of time before using it or you can't move and things like this.

Spells rules.

Spells have different rules attached to them unlike spells:

-You can't use spells stronger that your current magician job rank (the number of circles class possess)

-Power output of the spells can change depending how much did your mage type class developed (how many times it evolved). Depending on your mage type class, your spells can evolve, become stronger or gain new effects.

Spells status:

[Spell] [Element(s):Poison [Cost: 50O MP] [Overload: 30 seconds] [Cooldown: 1 hour]

[Requirement – [Poison Mage – 1 Circle]

Element – the power that spells possess, for example fire, demonic, water and stuff like that.

Overload – casting spells put burden on your body that makes you temporarily unable to use spells for specific time.

Requirement – specific requirement needed need to fulfil before you can learn the spell. You need to have in your possession specific class or their upgraded form, you don't need have the job equipped, you just need to have it.

There is a way for people to create a spell if they possess enough knowledge. After possession knowledge they need to construct it, they need to answer their own questions:

How their spell will work, what form their spell will take, how much power they need to put into the spell( specific amount of power they need to put in them), what are their requirements, do they possess rules they need to fallow( do they need to charge up or something), what element(s) it has and other question that person need to make and answer when making new spell.

The more question you make and answer as well as how much are question and answers described, the more power they can draw out, but too many question or too much deception can cause side effect such as condition or longer casting time.