Chapter 12 – Clean up.

After returning to the town, Ergon informed guards of the incident regarding Savage Shield guild was taken into custody for questioning. Guards used device that can detect lies on Ergon and confirmed that he was telling the truth, he then bringed out the heads of the players that attempted to murder him. Ergon asked the knights to inform the lord/mayor of this matter and allow him to meet in the person to ask him something. After some time knight returned from the mansion and told Ergon that he was granted permission to meet lord/mayor.

Sometime later.


"Come in." - replied Marquis Brownbear to the person knocking on the door.

"Greeting Marquis Brownbear, we meet again." – replied Ergon as he enters the room.

"From what I heard you got your self in trouble again. Apparently, some of these so called "Players" tried to kill you for their own entertainment and you ended up slaughtering them."

"Yeaaaaaaaaa, about that. Can I ask you another favor?"

"What is it?"

"You see, the guys I killed apparently belonged to high-ranking guild and by the look of things one of the thugs I killed may or may not have connection to their higher up, meaning they could send group of powerful travelers against me."

"Let me quests, you want me to protect you from them? But shouldn't that be a problem for you in the first place? There is not many powerful players and you managed to kill all 10 of them by your self with ease, unless you provoked some sort of high-ranking guild that is."

"The thing is, I did. They belonged to the guild "Savage Shield" and apparently, they have rank 38 or something, apparently, they have quite a number of players with level 100 or above, so…I…have….why are you smiling menacingly?" – Ergon stopped talking the moment he saw Marquis Brownbear with expression "You fucked up now".

"Oh it's nothing. You see friend, the Savage Shield guild are quiet pain in the ass for me. To put simple they though to be rulers of my lands and they created all sort of trouble like havoc, crimes and all sort of problems. They are parasites in nutshell. I gave those bastard an official warning to stop their actions or they would pay, by the look of things they ignored my warning." – said Marquis Brownbear.

"Oh I see. You wanted to get rid of them for good either way and you were waiting until they screw up, so you can now remove them with legal reason."

"Pretty much yea."

"So what's a plan?"

Marquis Brownbear stood up and walked away from his desk, he then approached a bronze lance that was hanging on the wall and picked it.

"Teach them a lesson."

The Marquis Brownbear left the room together with Ergon and begin gathering his loyal knights.

Meanwhile at Savage Shield base located in the town.

"My brother got killed by filthy NPC!?" – said furious male dog demi-human .

[Big Wolf – Brach officer of "Savage Shield" guild – level 100]

"What's the meaning of this!? Explain!" – shouted branch officer at guild member that given him report.

"W-we bribed one of the guards to us what happened. Apparently, your young brother tried to kill one of the NPCs there for some extra cash, but they ended up being annihilated by him instead. He bringed the heads of Evon and his party member together with him, he then was taken into custody and used some lie detection tool to confirm his story.

"Fucking dammed! Find that NPC that killed my lil'bro and bring me to him, so I can kill him with my own two hands."

"E-excuse me boss." – one of the lackey suddenly spoke.

"What is it?" – asked Big Wolf.

"Shouldn't we worry? We got official warning from the mayor that rules this town recently because of the commotion we recently made."

"You probably mean that one time when some of our member begin mass PK players that belonged to the Golden Cat guild? Pff, don't worry about that. We are "Savage Shield" guild, do you really think some NPC will pick the fight with us? These bastard are nothing more than a slave-"

The guild member suddenly bursted out from the doors, interrupting the brach officer.

"Brach officer! Trouble, our guild members are getting killed one by one across entire region, all member that were either staying in the town or farming in the forest are getting slaughtered!"

"What!? Who dares to mess with-"

Another guild member appeared though the door in hurry, interrupting the brach officer again.

"Boss! There is army of knight in front of the entrance with mayor leading them!"

Big Wolf rushed towards the window and saw below an army of knights bearing bear emblem.

[Your guild favorability with Everen kingdom decreased]

[Your guild favorability with Arran town decreased drastically]

[Your guild favorability with Marquis Grun Brownbear has decreased drastically]

[Your guild favorability with people that lives in Brownbear territory had decreased drastically]

[The guild "Savage Shield" are now hostile with Arran town, Marquis Grun Brownbear, Brownbear territory and are now consider as criminals in their eyes]

[Your guild had lost all rights in Brownbear territory and all official buildings under your control shall be confiscated]

[Member of "Savage Shield" guild can no longer legally stay in Brownbear territory and will be deal with on sight]

[Warning: You are currently in hostile. You will suffer additional penalties if you get captured and throwed in prison or killed

(This NPCs bastards dares to raise their hands against me!?!?)

"Get ready man! Call all guild members within territory and tell them gear up!" – shouted branch manager.

"S-sir, there is a problem with that."

Big Wolf approached the lackey who just said that.

"What is ?"

"H-half of our man have already been either captured or killed by enemy."

After hearing lackey report, he immediately opened his friend list to check if what he heard was truth. Unfortunately for him the report was real, he watched his friend list as more people status started to change from online to offline in matter of seconds.

"What the fuck is going on!?"


[You have been forcefully logged off]

"I think that's last one here Mr. Velon." – said Ergon as pulled the bolt out from the corpse.

"Yea, let's head towards west gate, there is probability that some of them may attempt to break through the gate." – replied Evan Velon.

"Can I ask something out of curiosity? I could tell that lord was pretty excited about this whole extermination, but why those players are also so excited?" – asked Ergon.

"Well, to put simple way, they are nothing more that cancer for both people that lives here and players."

"I heard from the lord that they were despised extremely, so why he didn't make move earlier, that's what is confusing me." – said Ergon as he shoots one criminals.

"That's because they have connection with the duke Ferenaktaon. He and the guild master of "Savage Shield" are acquaintances, the duke is spinless cowards that will do anything to please the queen so he can receive any form of rewards from her. He knows queen despises Marquis Brownbear and tried any methods to harass him, but even with his duke status he can't openly raise hand against Marquis Brownbear, since Marquis posses more power and respect compare to him."

"I think I kind of get the picture now. The Savage Shield guild that is newbie hunting new players to their side got approached by duke Ferenaktaon, who give them an offer. They some made up story behind the scenes and publicly became friends. 'Marquis Brownbear attacked friend of duke Ferenaktaon without a proper reason' huh? So the Marquis was gathering evidence of their wrong doings behind the scenes, so he can avoided more annoying situations."

"Precisely. It was worth in the end by the look of things, since not only true nature of the so called "Friends of duke Ferenaktaon" are revealed to the public, it would also ruin image of duke Ferenaktaon in public eyes as well, making him lose the trust of people in the process. Savage Shield was already on bad terms with every player that didn't belonged to their guild and when they became so called 'FRIENDS', they started to harass players more, so it's natural for them to overjoy and even help us with getting rid of them."

"Ohhhhh, that's explain a lot. By the way, you called him is 'spinless cowards', if he really is a coward like you said, shouldn't he be scared to of raising his hand against Marquis Brownbear?" – asked Ergon.

"There his high chance that's queen was one who suggested this plan, she probably see him as disposable pawn."

"Oh. By the way is it really good idea to talk about this you know in public open space?"

"No worries, everybody trash talk the queen and duke, since everybody can tell what is going on." – replied knight.

(Wow, everybody despises the queen very much. So how in blood hell did she manage to win the throne?)

"Enough with the chatter, let's deal with the rest of this scum."

"Okay boss man. By the way are there any restaurants that offers friend chicken?"

Back to the Marquis Brownbear and Savage Shield base.

"I'm going to say that only once, surrender now or get killed." – said Marquis Brownbear.

From the front entrance of the building a group of players came out with branch manager leading them.

"What's the meaning of this Mr. Noble? Why are you-"

"Attacking you? No, no, no, I think you are mistaken. We are just getting rid off parasites." – replied Marquis Brownbear.

"Tch. Do you have any idea who are you-"

"Who am I dealing with? Yes, I know. Just so you know we have all evidence and everything else, so your so called 'FRIEND' is not able to save you or lift the finger and your higher ups of your guild? Please, I don't care how high your so-called guild or player ranking thing is, since they would end up being crushed either way by me or my knights. So stop barking like a dog, you small fly. So do you surrender or no?"

"You bast-" – the branch manager got interrupted once again.

The Marquis Brownbear charged with his lance in hand, impaling the thug and sending all lackeys flying in the air, killing them in process and leveling the building behind them with single attack.

"I take that as no then."