Chapter 13 – Thinking.

All the members of Savage Shield guild were purged from Brownbear territory and were no longer welcomed there. All acts made illegal acts made by Savage Shield were made public, not only this humiliated Savage Shield but also made some of their members leave the guild to avoid consequences. Golden Cat guild and other guilds that were hostile to Savage Shield used this chance for their advantage and attempted to sabotage them even more. Savage Shield guild were not able to react in time with all the event occurring at once and in the end their ranking had been drastically dropped from 38 to 49 rank. The purge also left two more problems for them as well, both of them are related to Brownbear territory: They hold multiple bases in that territory and they used to regular scout new players to their guild. Right now they lost four bases and could no longer recruit new promising player from Arran town, if they don't regroup and acquire new base or get attacked again by rival guilds, the Savage Shield guild would end up dropping out of top 50 guild list.

10 days later.

[Your class [Blacksmith-Apprentice] had reached level 5]

[You had leveled up]

[You had reached level 36]

"God damn, finally level 5." – said Ergon as he begin stretching.

Ergon is currently in public work shop, leaning and leveling up new jobs as well as creating new equipment.


[Name: Ergon]

[Age: 23]

[Level 36]

[Race: Human(Mutant)]

[Class slots: (5) - Active Class(es): Bandit(Level 7) – class slot (2), Mercenary(Level 5) – class slot(2), Thug(Level 8) – class slot 1.]


-[Butcher] – Level 8– Common – 1 class slot. – Active.

-[Sword User – First Blade] – Level 9– Common – 1 class slot.

-[Crossbow User – Second Blade] – Level 7 - Common – 1 class slot.

-[Knife User – First Blade] – Level 6 - Common – 1 class slot.

-[Axe User – First Blade] – Level 9 - Common– 1 class slot

-[Poison Mage – 3 Circle] - Level 2 - Common – 2 class slots – active

-[Chaos Mage – 2 Circle] - Level 7- Rare – 3 class slots. - Active

-[Road Bandit](evolved from [Bandit] class) Level 2 – common – 1 class slot

-[Mercenary] – level 5 – common – 2 class slots.

-[Bully] – level 6 – common – 1 class slot.

-[Alchemist-Apprentice] – Level 11 – Rare – 2 class slots. – Active

-[Blacksmith-Apprentice] – level 20 – Rare – 2 class slots. – Active.

[Class slots in use 10/10


-Uwlrun kingdom (Hostile)]

[HP: 6600/6600 MP: 3600/3600 SP: 3760/3760 Chaos.P: 1080/1080(580 Base, +500)]

[Strength: 224. Dexterity: 84. Magic power: 170. Luck: 61 Agility: 225 Defense: 216. Magic resistance: 71 Chaos power: 72(+50), Health Regeneration: 40.5 Mana Regeneration: 21. Stamina Regeneration: 45.5

[Stat Points: 0]


Active: [Dagger Throw LVL 3], [Sneak LVL 4], [Ambush LVL 7], [Critical Strike LVL 4]. [Trick Strike LVL 8], [Retreat LVL 3], [Sprint LVL 5], [Unfair Strike LVL 2], [Chaos Shot LVL 2] [False Peace LVL 2], [Blind Chaos LVL 2], [Axe Strike LVL 3], [Fly Shot LVL 5], [Skinning LVL 2], [Instant Shot LVL 1]

[Spell list:[Expand]

Passives: [Chaos Control LVL 2], [Poison Control LVL 3], [Dagger Arts-Beginner LVL 3], [Sword Arts-beginner LVL 4], [Crossbow Arts-beginner LVL 7], [Axe Arts-beginner LVL4] [Second wind LVL 1], [Blacksmithing-rank E LVL 5], [Alchemy-rank E LVL 3], [Poison resistance-rank E LVL 1], [Butchering LVL 2]

Titles : [Mad Bandit], [The One Who Overcame Their Death], [Awakener Of The Mad Core].

(My current class levels are average for level 36, but that is for now. Classes need understanding and EXP to develop faster, since I have high understanding of blacksmith, alchemy, crossbow and poison type class I can level up bit faster compare to the others. I have this knowledge from my previous life, meaning I don't have to study nonstop compare to my past self to understand stuff.) -though Ergon.

Ergon looked at his stats and [Chaos Mage] class.

(I never noticed when my chaos power as well as [Chaos Mage] increased/evolved. Shame, if I noticed earlier, I could understand the rules and abuse it a little.)

All beings in this world possess stats, be it either a creature or item. Some being possess specials stats A.K.A extra stats. Demonic, Holy, Nature powers and stuff like that, some creatures are born with those stats and can grow with leveling or/and with training as well. Some species can evolve so they can manifests those extra stats, some being are bestowed with it(for example they acquire it by acquiring a special class or they are bestowed with it by powerful being) or some species mutated(like Ergon for example) so they can manifested power by themselves.

[The fusion between host and Mad Core had increased by 1%. Your 'Chaos power' stat had increased in result (+25)]

(There is that as well. I don't know how exactly fusion works, how it progresses, are there any side effect or stuff like that. I literally don't know anything about, by the look of things my chaos power increases with each precent. Question is, are there any other effects, will I unlock some new ability's or something in future beside increase in power?) – though Ergon with worried look.

(Speaking of chaos power, I noticed with each level in increased by 1. It should been 46 (10 base + 11 from leveling up + 25 from fusion),but it's 72. It can only mean I did "training" without noticing.)

Stats can be influenced by many things: leveling, classes, skills or training. Training literally means training, nothing more nothing less. Examples of training:

-Physical type such as agility, strength and stuff like that -Lifting dumbbells – strength training.

-Mystical training such as magic, chaos, demonic, holy and other sources of power – Using different forms mystic power, different shapes as well as understanding how the spells works and how element works, research and knowledge in short – magic power training.

-Some stats can't be influenced by training or leveling up, for example [LUCK] can't be increased with training.

(The increase of 26 chaos points happened after purging ended. All I did during that time was killing Savage Shield members, but it didn't increased when I killed those third-rate thugs{players he fought in forest}, meaning it's not about killing. I have even more question now, what a pain in the ass.)

"Hey Aran! You don't look so good, take a break before you something happened." – one of the blacksmiths approached Ergon with worried look.

"What? Oh! No it's nothing like that, it's just realized I have more work to do. Anyway I've been meaning to ask, why is there not many people here? I know it's not top quality but it's perfect place to improve your crafting skills." – replied Ergon.

Ergon is currently in public works shop. You can rent equipment here to either polish your crafting skills or create something.

"Ah, that. Kids this days don't view us as someone valuable and think they will get some 'legendary sword' from monsters or dungeons, same with those travelers. Their will probably suffer in future because of that though process." – replied old blacksmith.

Ergon picked iron ingot and hammer that were laying on anvil.

"They will, not only that but they will pay high consequences for that as well." – replied Ergon as he began put coal in furnace.

"What do you mean?" – asked old man.

"It's hard to get proper equipment this days. Even big guilds have hard time getting proper equipment this days. Take a look at this axe I have, I got it from one of the thugs that belonged to that Savage Shield guild, even though this item rank is [Epic], it's completely useless for the high-ranking adventures and players." – said Ergon as he hold the axe, he stole from Evon guy.

"So what are you saying, there is lack of item that can be used by high level people."

"Yeb. Players above level 75-100 have hard time acquiring items and equipment. I can bet that some of the guilds run by the players are actively looking for crafting type class users or are training ones. It takes time to learn blacksmith, alchemy and other stuff, meaning they will be forced to come back to us, even if we sell low tier items." – replied Ergon as resumed his work.

"I heard some rumors about Savage Shield looking for talented blacksmiths. I though those rumors were baseless considering how wild there are, but after hearing what you just said I can tell those rumors were real. Are their any benefits when it comes to the working for the player guilds?" – asked curios blacksmith.

"It depends. Some of this guilds will offer you a fair contract while others will attempt to abuse you, for example making you work until you die. You need to remember as well one more thing, the movement you decided to work for them you will end up sharing both allies and enemies, meaning there is chance of you being targeted."

"Sheesh, I rather not have someone targeting my life nonstop. Thank for the info man." – replied blacksmith as he began walking away.

"You welcome." – replied Ergon.

(I better focus on the work.)

Ever since Ergon got to the city, he have been gathering information about players as well as the world he is currently living in and came to some conclusion.

The world of the game is the exactly same, NPC, countries and others are same like in his previous life, but the world outside is completely different.

Ergon spied on players and learned tons of information from them: The countries from outside world are same as before (Japan, America, China and others) but the people living in them are different. The players, celebrity and Esport players that Ergon remember in his past life don't exist here, instead guild and players he never heard off are currently holding the highest ranking.

(At first, I though I'm in the past, but by look of things I'm wrong. I'm in completely different world altogether. The purge of high-ranking guild as well as re-appearance of the well-known beginner Boss would be known though the entire world, but I never heard of them before.) – that's a conclusion Ergon come up with.

(Unlike people from outside world, people of this world are same, including me. In this world I'm known as well as Ergon the Mad Bandit as well and the deal with everybody attempting to acquire Mad Core is the same here, meaning people of this world are behaving exactly the same way as people from my world, they never succeed in solo clearing me when I was boss monster. Honestly it would be useful if that part was different since if people would find out I have Mad Core, they would end up swarming at me.)

In new world online, every decision counts, meaning there is no redo. Ergon is currently in the world of the game in the past, truth to be told everything should play out the same way as it did before Ergon died, but that's not the case, why? Because the world outside is different. The players actions affected this world history as well, but the players of this world are different people, there are no players or guild from world where Ergon came from, meaning the decision they take will influence world history completely different.

Some effect that were supposed to occur would never appear, some nations new nations that didn't exist before could arise, some villains may turn into heroes and heroes into villains and many more. A completely different history will be written.

(It's impossible to know everything about this world history and every action that took place, since this world is so enormous, meaning the amount of information I have is very little. Honestly speaking about 90% of my useful information are now completely useless since the I'm in completely different world.) – though Ergon as he continue his work.

Ergon putted down his hammer as he took a breath.

(At least when you regress somebody to the past make sure they end up in the same world for fuck sake. All my information about future are completely useless right now.)

"I really need some bear."