Ch 23: Giving a Chance(2).

The following morning, Haruki made a firm decision. Akihiro was desperately in need of a wardrobe overhaul, since that pristine tuxedo of his couldn't withstand continuous wear and tear. So, the three of them set off early, driving into town with a purpose.

They strolled through a bustling shopping center until noon, enjoying a leisurely lunch before wrapping up their expedition. Haruki, juggling two shopping bags, glanced at Akihiro and remarked, "See, now you look much better."

Amidst the shopping spree, Haruki had managed to snag a few items for himself and Kentaro.

Akihiro, awkwardly tugging at the sleeves of his new coat, wore a flustered expression. Something about the change in attire made him feel self-conscious. He clutched his bags of clothes and shoes, his discomfort obvious.

"Quit looking so constipated," Haruki chuckled. "It's like you've spent your entire life in that suit."

Akihiro sighed, realizing the statement held some truth. "I am a bodyguard, after all. Suits have been my uniform for a long time."

"Too bad, because you clean up nicely in casual wear."

And anyone within earshot would wholeheartedly agree. Akihiro was a sight to behold.

Feeling flustered, the youth averted his gaze, avoiding the curious looks from passers-by. "Don't say things like that randomly. You're drawing attention."

"Even if I don't say anything, you'll still attract attention. Isn't that right, Ginger?" Haruki glanced back at their other companion, who had been quietly trailing a few steps behind like a lost puppy.

Kentaro raised his head, meeting the inquisitive gazes directed at him, his confusion evident. "Hm? What's going on?"

They both simultaneously thought: He's not even here.

"Didn't you mention something important you needed to buy?" Akihiro reminded Haruki.

"Oh, yeah. Almost forgot," Haru quickly recalled. "We can't leave just yet."

"Where to?" Ken attempted to follow, but was promptly stopped.

"No, you guys wait here," Haruki instructed. "I won't be long. I know exactly where to go."

Ginger seemed as if he wanted to object.

"Just five minutes, alright?" Haru spoke, handing over one of his bags. "I won't be a minute late."

And with that, he disappeared, leaving the other two standing in an awkward silence.

Akihiro's gaze shifted from Haruki's vanishing figure to the younger boy beside him.

Ginger showed no intention of budging an inch. He appeared to be genuinely counting the seconds.

"Um, maybe we should find a place to sit while we wait?" Hiro suggested.

"He said he'd be here in five," the child replied simply. "We have no reason to go anywhere else."

"Right," Akihiro quickly agreed, feeling even more awkward. The atmosphere around them was stifling.

"At some point, I'll give you guys some space. When that happens, take the opportunity to say whatever you want to him," Haruki had advised Akihiro the previous evening in the kitchen, after Kentaro had left them alone.

"What if he doesn't want to talk to me? He might ignore me and walk away," Hiro had expressed his concerns. "I don't want to push him."

"Then you follow him, idiot. If what you have to say is important, make sure he listens. Sometimes he acts stubborn just because I'm around, reluctant to admit his wrongs in front of me. So, I'll remove myself from the equation. Make that moment count."

Akihiro pondered their conversation, wondering if this was what Haruki meant by "removing himself from the equation."

Taking a deep breath, he prepared himself for the worst.

"Listen, Ken—"

"I already know what you want to say, Akihiro. I listened to your story yesterday, so there's no need for us to exchange empty, sentimental words," Kentaro avoided meeting Akihiro's gaze. "I've already moved on from what happened back then."

There was no trace of anger in the boy's voice, but a hint of melancholy lingered.

Regardless of Kentaro's resistance, Akihiro felt compelled to express himself. "I really do regret not being able to do anything for you at that time. I often wish I had done more, made different choices. Maybe... things would've turned out differently."

Kentaro pursed his lips, maintaining silence.

"Listening to myself now, it sounds like I'm just making excuses," Akihiro's face reflected regret. "I'm truly sorry."

Ginger didn't respond. He tightened his grip on the bags he held, then loosened it. Finally, he asked the question that had been weighing on his mind for a while.

"Did you get to see her? My mom, I mean."

"Yeah," relief flooded Akihiro as Kentaro finally engaged in the conversation. "Since I came back, I've made it a habit to visit her every day."

"Really?" Kentaro turned to look at him. "How is she? Is she getting better?"

Akihiro hesitated, unsure which truth to share with the kid.

Ginger's eyes drooped in instant comprehension. "They still won't take her to a proper hospital, huh? Figured as much."

"It's really not that serious. Your mother has been fine for a while now, just a bit... stressed out."

Kentaro was already aware of this. He knew that the illness that had plagued his mother before was no longer the primary issue. In fact, she had gotten much better up until they were forcibly separated when he was six. Her condition worsened exponentially when Kentaro was completely cast out of the mansion and left to explore the outside world on his own.

Now, Yumiko Nomura's anxiety and depression were the true adversaries, causing her illness to flare up from time to time. She had vehemently opposed her child being taken away, but she had no power to prevent it.

"They didn't let you visit her the last time you returned?" Akihiro inquired, but the silence from the young boy confirmed his suspicions.

It appeared that Kentaro hadn't been permitted to see his mother on this occasion either. Was this Satoshi Harada's way of trying to sever the bond between mother and son? Was he hoping that one day they would miraculously forget about each other's existence?

Akihiro stood there for a long while before summoning the courage to approach Kentaro. Placing a comforting hand on the boy's shoulder, he assured him, "You know, whenever I see her, she always mentions you."

Kentaro's eyes brightened slowly.

"You may not see each other all the time, but that changes nothing. That woman loves and misses you," Akihiro smiled warmly. "So don't ever think she'll forget about you. Whenever she thinks of you, she forgets all about her own condition."

In fact, Kentaro was certain that knowing how well he was doing and that he was in good hands would bring solace to his mother.

"When I go back, I'll make sure to tell her," Akihiro read the boy's thoughts accurately.

Kentaro's head snapped up, filled with hope. "R-Really?"

With a sincere expression, Akihiro nodded. "I can do at least that much, and it would ease her anxiety. The next time I come here, I'll have plenty of pictures of her looking happy to show you."

Kentaro unconsciously smiled and lowered his gaze, mumbling, "Who says I want you to come back? You'd better stay away."

"Sending the pictures would only risk revealing your location," Akihiro chuckled and patted Ken's head, feeling the weight on his shoulders finally lifting. "But try to have faith in your mother, okay? She'll be fine before you know it."

Ken nodded silently.

It was the first peaceful moment they had shared in what felt like an eternity.


The sudden noise made both of them flinch, and they looked up to find Haruki standing a few feet away, holding a black pocket camera in his hands.

"What perfect timing. Hey, smile for the camera, you guys," he said, waving the device before flipping it to take a selfie of all three of them.

"You wasted money on that," Kentaro criticized.

"And I'm glad I did, otherwise I wouldn't have captured this precious moment," Haruki boasted, revealing a picture of Akihiro patting Ken on the head.

That instantly sent Kentaro into a fluster. "Delete it!"

"No way," Haru smirked.

"Can I have a copy, too?" Akihiro asked.

"No way!" Ken snapped.

"Sure," Haru didn't hesitate, immediately moving to Akihiro's side to share the picture through the camera's built-in Bluetooth.

"Received, thanks," Akihiro pocketed his phone, having secured what he wanted. He feared Kentaro would snatch and destroy the evidence.

Haruki turned to Ginger with a smug grin. "So, what was the big deal? Why were you being so stubborn?"

"Enough, just drop it," Ginger snapped back.

Though Haruki hadn't overheard their conversation, the way they appeared buddy-buddy made him conclude that they had finally made amends.

"Is that what you wanted, Haruki?" Akihiro asked, accepting the camera that Haru suddenly handed over to him.

He probably bought it on impulse; Ken guessed.

And as expected, Haruki replied, "I saw it begging to be bought by me."

Kentaro rolled his eyes: I knew it.

"But no, the thing I went to buy is much more important," Haruki pulled out a small gift bag from his shopping bag and handed it to Kentaro, who looked at him with uncertainty. Haruki rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a little embarrassed by Ken's blank stare. "Dude, don't give me that look. I know it's a day early."

A day early? Kentaro was even more confused.

"Just open it and see," Haruki urged, secretly signaling Akihiro to start recording. The young man understood and silently began capturing the moment.

Ginger followed the instructions and was stunned to find a white sealed smartphone box inside. He quickly shoved it back in the bag and shook his head, flustered. "What is this? Why did you—"

"It's a bit early, but happy birthday, Kentaro."

The ginger-haired boy stared at him in disbelief, as if he had misheard.


Haruki couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. "It's a gift, so you can't return it to me. If you don't want it, just throw it away."

"His birthday is tomorrow?" Akihiro was also surprised. He had forgotten that tomorrow was December 29th, the day Ken was born.

Haruki nodded, moving to stand beside the stunned boy before wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"With all the Christmas and New Year's excitement, I thought he might forget his own birthday, so I had to remind him," Haruki lightly shook Ken's shoulders. "Now, let's see that smile. Don't try to act cool."

But Kentaro stubbornly kept his head down, lost in his own thoughts. He could hoard plenty of these if he really wanted to.

And yet...

"You have a good eye, Haruki. It's really..." Akihiro's praise trailed off. He had noticed something off about Kentaro, before a small smile crept onto his lips as he gestured for Haruki to take a look.

"Huh?" Haruki stifled a chuckle when he saw Ken's current state, before speaking gently, "Good grief. Is this stubborn one crying?"

With a snivel, Kentaro turned away, refusing to say a word.

"I didn't mean to make you cry," Haruki comforted him, pulling the boy into a warm embrace. "There, there, it's okay."

"Please, shut up..." Ginger mumbled, though he made no attempt to break free.

Haruki signaled for Akihiro to stop recording, laughing lightly. "I think I've broken him."

"He's never had someone other than his mother do something like this for him, so it's understandable," Akihiro explained.

"Is that so?" Haruki pondered, bending down to wipe away the kid's tears, giving off the impression of a caring older brother. "From now on, he won't be alone during his birthdays, and I'll shower him with presents."

"No..." Kentaro shook his head, causing Akihiro to laugh.

Haruki snorted, "You still dare to refuse? I've already decided, so you're stuck with me. This is just the beginning. I'm going to spoil you tomorrow, just wait and see."

"You knew exactly what he needed most in that moment," Akihiro remarked as they continued on their way, reviewing the amateurish footage he had just captured. "You're a genuinely good person, Haruki. With you around, I'll be reassured Ken is in good hands."

Kentaro listened to their conversation without uttering a word, a smile playing on his lips as he stole a glance at the two beside him.

He had already received his gift even before Haruki bought him the cellphone.

And that had been more than enough.
