Ch 24: Kentaro's Parents.




Kentaro Nomura halted at the entrance of the familiar private study in one of the extravagantly spacious hallways of the mansion, his face etched with annoyance.

Draped in casual attire and open sandals, his hands nonchalantly tucked into his trouser pockets, he exuded an air of effortless simplicity. But appearances were deceiving—the garments he wore were meticulously tailored and crafted by exclusive brands with close ties to his family. Every item in his wardrobe boasted exceptional quality, except for the thin-rimmed black spectacles perched on his nose. Those were chosen by Haruki, a month ago, in Ichihara. Kentaro had no intention of replacing them with pricier alternatives, regardless of his father's objections.

Lost in thought, Kentaro lingered at the entrance, contemplating what awaited him inside the study and struggling to make sense of the sudden summons. After much hesitation, he took a deep breath and rapped lightly on the door.

"Come in," resonated a deep, yet pleasant voice from within.

Suppressing his nerves, Kentaro entered the room.

Seated behind a grandiose desk in a plush swivel chair, a man looked up and greeted him with a smile, clearly delighted by his presence.

Kentaro offered a respectful bow. "Chairman Harada."

Satoshi Harada chuckled and rose from his desk, setting aside the book he had been engrossed in. "Still adhering to formalities, are we? Perhaps it's time you addressed me with the appropriate term."

"I apologize. I haven't quite grown accustomed to it yet, so I struggle to keep up," Kentaro apologized with a nod.

The man didn't fuss over it. Despite being Kentaro's father, their relationship was distant at best. Growing up, Kentaro saw him solely as the renowned Chairman of Interactive Entertainment Ltd and nothing more.

Straightening himself, Kentaro inquired, "You summoned me, sir?"

"Indeed," Satoshi approached the expansive French windows, clasping his hands behind his back as he gazed into the distance. He spoke directly, "Are you aware of the high expectations I have for you?"

Kentaro's expression remained stoic. "I am."

He had been aware for more than half his life.

"Unlike your brother, you possess greater potential to succeed me, Kentaro. Remember that," he emphasized.

"Yes, sir."

Izuki Harada, Kentaro's half-brother, was the designated heir to the company.

The problem was, he was terribly irresponsible.

"I have come to realize how much I have indulged him, leaving him far less mature than you," Satoshi's disappointment was palpable. "He turns eighteen this year and yet cannot make sensible decisions. I cannot afford to waste time grooming him all over again. Being younger than him, you possess clear vision and make mature choices. You know what you want, which is why my expectations for you are higher."

Kentaro's fists lightly clenched behind him.

"I understand that you recently relocated to Chiba Prefecture?" the man confirmed.

At the mention, Kentaro tensed slightly.

He had fabricated accounts to make it seem like he had been living in Tokyo for the past few years, avoiding any sort of trouble for himself and Akihiro. But they couldn't maintain the charade forever. Sooner or later, it would be discovered that he resided in a different town as he grew older. That was why Kentaro had finally admitted to his recent 'move' in his accounts a few weeks ago.

This was the moment his inherent acting skills had to come into play.

"Yes, sir," he replied.

"Why?" Satoshi inquired.

"I intend to complete my final term of middle school and attend high school there," Kentaro explained. Understanding the underlying motive behind Satoshi's question, he added, "Rest assured, this will not affect my academic performance."

Mr. Harada remained silent for a moment before making an unexpected suggestion. "How about not attending high school at all?"

Kentaro's brain momentarily ceased to function. "... Sir?"

Satoshi turned to face him, hands still clasped behind his back. "It is time for you to return home, Kentaro."

The fourteen-year-old gazed at his father, stunned into silence.

The man arched a questioning eyebrow as he observed his son's hesitation. "Don't you want to?"

Snapping out of his daze, Kentaro found his voice. "But... father, if I return so soon, I won't be as effective."

"What do you mean?" Satoshi's face lit up with delight. Finally, his son acknowledged their familial bond. "Of course you have purpose. You are my son, after all."

Screw that, whose your son? Kentaro clenched his fists, biting back the urge to curse at the man.

Throughout his life, Satoshi had never shown any sign of affection towards him. Only recently had this hypocritical man started showing a hint of interest, and Kentaro was furious.

How could his so-called father not even notice that he had been living in a different town for over two years?

Such a lackadaisical man. No wonder Kentaro wanted nothing to do with him.

"Since it's decided that you'll be leaving that town soon, perhaps it's time I introduced you to the company—"

"With all due respect, father, I'm not ready to join the business yet," Kentaro interrupted, bowing deeply in apology. "Please understand."

Satoshi's smile slowly faded, but he didn't frown either. "Didn't you used to hate being away from home? What has changed?"

Oh, so you noticed?

Kentaro looked up, his words pouring out. "It's true that I want to come home, but my goal of experiencing the outside world for a few more years is not complete. It's too soon, and I'm still too inexperienced. You've always told me to be dependable and trustworthy, but that also means trusting others. I still lack crucial social skills, so if I join your company now, I'll only earn disfavor from those around me. I will fail to live up to your expectations. Please let me continue with school."

Satoshi considered his son's words. Kentaro's constant travels had exposed him to various places and cultures. It showed a determination to become great. And his grades remained excellent...

As Satoshi pondered, beads of sweat formed on Ginger's forehead, hidden by his hair.

Would his father still oppose it?

What about Haruki? Would Kentaro have to leave him? No, that couldn't happen. He'd keep persisting until...

To his surprise, Satoshi interrupted his thoughts with a simple statement. "Very well then, I'll trust your judgment."

Kentaro released the breath he had been holding.

"However, you only have three more years."

Kentaro's smile froze upon hearing the latter part of his father's decision.

"After finishing high school, you're coming back."

It wasn't a suggestion, nor was it a request for Kentaro's opinion.

Satoshi was simply telling him.

As for what would happen after those three years, Kentaro chose not to dwell on it for now. He nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, father."


After dismissing his son, Satoshi walked over to his desk and pressed the small red button on his wireless intercom, summoning a particular person.

Akihiro Kayame arrived at his office door within minutes.

"You called for me?" Akihiro greeted his employer, getting straight to the point.

Satoshi settled back into his chair, behind his expansive desk, and looked directly at the twenty-year-old, who stood respectfully before him. "The information you provided about my son back then, was it accurate?"

"Every word, sir."

Satoshi silently studied the young man, his expression tired as he let out a sigh.

"You needn't protect him like this," he said, causing Akihiro to stiffen. "Did you really think I wouldn't find out what my own son was up to?"

Akihiro hesitated before finally raising his head to meet Satoshi's gaze. "Then why haven't you taken action?"

"I was curious to see what he was capable of," Satoshi admitted with a intrigued smile. "And I must say, I'm impressed. To pull that off at the age of twelve? He had me fooled for quite some time. And you as well."

Akihiro pointed out, "You don't sound angry."

"I've moved past that stage," Satoshi tapped his desk thoughtfully. "Though it does mean I'll have to take matters into my own hands."

Akihiro heard the unspoken implications but refrained from questioning further. He was already in a precarious position. With an impassive expression, he asked, "So, what now? Are you going to send me away again?"

Satoshi waved him off without a response, dismissing him as he contemplated his next course of action.




Yumiko Nomura's eyes sparkled with delight as she spotted a familiar figure making his way towards her in the enchanting flower garden. The garden, nestled away from the grand mansion yet closer to the humble cottage she had come to cherish as her 'home' for the past fifteen years.

Although Yumiko was no stranger to company, often receiving visits from her loyal friends and caring acquaintances, it was the moments with her son that held a special place in her heart.

The second she laid eyes on him, a radiant smile spreading across his lips, she abandoned the delicate rose she had been about to pluck and raced towards him without a second thought.

Kentaro opened his arms to embrace her, but he hadn't anticipated her sudden leap, causing him to stumble back a step. Fortunately, their mother-son bond held firm, thanks to Kentaro's sturdy presence.

"Oh, my sweet boy..." she exclaimed, enveloping him tightly, tears of joy welling up in her eyes. "I've missed you."

Kentaro found himself torn between embarrassment and a wave of emotion, resisting the urge to shed tears like his mother. "You know I'm not good with sentimental words, Mom."

Refusing to let go of their embrace just yet, Yumiko clung to him as if she never wanted to release him.

"You nearly gave me a fright with that sprint," Kentaro began with a chuckle. "You'd certainly win a race."

Witnessing her overflowing energy, he felt a profound sense of relief and happiness.

"Am I not allowed to be overjoyed to see my little Ken-chan anymore?" Yumiko finally released him from the hug but held onto his hands, studying him intently. "Or perhaps I should stop calling you 'little' now. Did you have another growth spurt? You even gained a little."

Yumiko wasn't a tall woman, and it was only natural that her son had surpassed her in height during the past two years. However, Kentaro was growing up far too quickly. It was hard to believe that not long ago, she could effortlessly lift this young teenager with a single arm.

"And you'll keep growing bigger and bigger," she smiled with relief. "You've come such a long way."

"It's all thanks to the incredible people I was lucky enough to meet," Kentaro responded with genuine gratitude.

Suddenly, a tinge of guilt washed over Yumiko, and she lowered her gaze. "I'm sorry I couldn't provide you with a better life. You deserve more love, Ken. Not this hell..."

"Mom," he nudged her gently, shaking his head while maintaining a gentle smile, before pulling her into another brief hug. "Right now, I have all I need. And when I'm not here, I have people waiting for me out there. I don't need anything more than this."

Warmth flooded Yumiko's heart as she wiped away a few threatening tears at the corner of her eyes. "You're a liar. You said you weren't good with sentimental words."

"Haha, I've picked up a few tricks," he quipped.

She playfully clicked her tongue at him before something else crossed her mind, casting a shadow over her mood once again. "When are you heading back this time?"

"I have two days left," Kentaro regretfully responded. "I would have spent the entire week with you if it were up to me. But that man is too troublesome, keeping me occupied whenever I visit."

Of course, Kentaro rarely obtained permission to visit his mother, and even when he did, the moments were fleeting. Yumiko understood this all too well.

"Mom, just wait a little longer," he reassured her with a smile. "When the time comes, I'll whisk you away from this place, and you'll never have to feel trapped again. The Fukuda family would be thrilled to meet you."

Yumiko gazed at him for a moment before erupting into laughter.

Kentaro was taken aback. "W-What? What's so funny?"

"Just now, you completely became someone else," Yumiko laughed before being interrupted by a fit of coughs, instantly shifting her son's embarrassment into concern.

"Does it hurt?" he asked, worry etched across his face.

"I'm fine, it doesn't hurt," she assured him, a genuine smile gracing her lips as she gazed into the distance. "You truly adore the Fukudas. They're all you ever talk about, and you're always so happy when you do."

"I..." Kentaro's gaze dropped in shame. "I don't mean it as a way to replace you..."

"Of course I know that," Yumiko turned and playfully punched him on the shoulder. "I just meant that you genuinely care for them, that's all.

Ken didn't quite believe her words.

"Finding people you can confide in, other than Hiro and me. It really makes me glad," she beamed at him.

The truth was, Haru was the only person Ginger had truly opened up to. His real family and identity were still a secret from Maki and Akashi, and that fact always lingered in his mind.

Yet, he agreed with his mother. "Yeah, I'm sure you'll get along with Aunt Maki."

"From the way you talk about her, I have a feeling I'll really like her," Yumiko gave him a thumbs-up. "She reminds me of the person who helped us back then."

Kentaro forced a faint smile. Was it too much to hope that Mrs. Fukuda was connected to that person? It would offer some reassurance.

As he and his chattering mother strolled towards the cottage, Kentaro couldn't help but think:

One day, Mom, you'll be surrounded by people who deserve to see your smile too.

"Izumi and Misa aren't around today?" he suddenly inquired.

These were the only two people in the entire estate whom Ken genuinely respected. They were his mother's closest friends and the maids who had willingly cared for her over the past fifteen years. Kentaro considered them family and held them in high regard. Moreover, they had played crucial roles during his forced separation and had risked their own livelihoods in his game of 'deception.'

Their actions had earned his profound gratitude.

"It's just Misa these days. Izumi has a rather tight schedule with her hospital visits," his mother informed him.

Kentaro raised an eyebrow in concern. "Did something happen?"

Yumiko beamed. "She's pregnant!"

"Really?" Ken was taken aback. "How far along is she?"

"Six months, and here's the best part," Yumiko nodded proudly, "She plans to name the child after you if it's a boy."

"Ah, why my name???"

Yumiko swatted him on the back of his head, reprimanding, "What do you mean 'why'? Don't you want to be a godbrother? Izumi adores you, boy! It's an honor."

Kentaro rubbed the back of his spinning head as he nodded enthusiastically. "Of course, incredibly honored. But seriously, are you even sick anymore? What kind of slap was that??"
