The First Journey - Part 1

"Cory...Grieves. Cory Grieves." I pointed at myself. "You?"

I attempted the basics of basics in communication, a self-introduction.

The Girl pointed at me. "Cory...Cory Grieves." Then she pointed at herself. "Aura...Croft. Aura Croft."

"##### ### (Thank you), ### (Sir) Grieves." She smiled.

Even if I still don't understand the language yet, I still understand her intonation and her expression.

"You are welcome, Aura."

I finished burying the three bodies. Scavenged baggage from the broken carriages, of course with permission from Aura. I left the choosing baggage task to her, I only brought the scavenged bags in front of her.

There were a lot of tasks to do. To save time I only suggest bringing a small part of it, we will be walking after all. However, I am not tired at all.

[I maximized the body function based on the planet's environment]. That's what Nia said.

This means, on this planet, with my height and weight, I got a super body. Above the average human's average capabilities.

Before leaving, she prayed in front of the graves. She pointed in the east direction, the direction of the wagon. I made a back carrier to hold her on my back since her ankle is injured.

The journey was so scenic. We crossed the forest of pine, lake, and hills. A lot of Forest and Fauna varieties have not yet been recorded in the Galacticum Federation.

"Ca###u## #ir Grieves (Carefull Sir Grieves)!" Aura shouted from her throat.

In front of me is a big lizard with red luster-scaled skin. It looks like it got annoyed.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked, dumbfounded.

[Answer. No Animals want to get their butt poked. It got threatened.]

The Lizard whipped its tail on me. I rolled fast to the side. "Valid point! So? any suggestion to solve this problem?!"

The Lizard tried to jump to the side and slashed its tail to my feet. I jumped high. The slash just broke the tree barks into wood flakes.

Imagining the slash hitting me gives me a shiver. "Nia, the sword doesn't work, any suggestion?"

[Answer. Proton Gun will work]

That's obvious. " I need other alternatives."

It's not that I don't want to use the Gun. I will save it for emergencies later and I don't want to rely on it. To survive on this planet I need to measure the danger without relying on the gun.

[Collecting info, showing results]

Suddenly, information poured down into my brain. In front of my eyes are highlighted areas of the Lizard's body. A gradation of blue color from a light hue to a darker one. The darker blue color is indicated on the below neck of the lizard.

[The darker color shows the thinnest part of the epidermis]

[I already transferred the saber sword plays of Galacticum Federation military movement into your brain cortex.]

"I see, thanks for the help, Nia. This is a very nostalgic movement." I got excited.

While the Lizard whip its tail on my position, I dashed to the side and dashed again to the front.

The lizard got startled and jumped again, this time the side. Without losing momentum, I spin my body with the sword, spiraling the wind with the sword.

The sword slashed the lizard's below neck cleanly, right on the thinnest epidermis spot.

"Grieves Whirlwind Slash!"

I sheathed the sword while backing the Lizard carcass.

When I see Aura. Aura just sits there in disbelief. My face got hot. I scratch my head in front of her.

Shit. I got too excited and splurt it out. It is so embarrassing.

I see my spacesuit uniform, it is full of blood and sweat.

"Aura, I need to change my clothes and take a bath." I pointed at a river sound while moving my hand over my body, rubbing movement.

Aura nodded.

***** ***** *****

(Aura's POV)

Sir Grieves is kind and strong.

He is kind enough to share his potion and clean bandages with me, even trouble himself with digging three proper graves.

Normally, helping with fending the attack is already a big help. But to even share his precious potion that can close big wounds faster and not leave us helpless. He is exemplary of Noblesse Oblige.

He also has a family name, Grieves, Cory Grieves. I believe he is a noble far away from this continent. First of all, he didn't flinch when he heard my name. Secondly, I never heard the language he spoke or the outfit he wore. And lastly, I finished the family trees education book in the central library but never heard the name of Grieves.

What made me flabbergasted is the sword style he is using. It was so fierce yet so beautiful.

At first, I don't believe that he can defeat seven warwolves alone. Especially the hybrid, the Blood Fang. If it is one by one fight, Erlin can still manage. The Elite Royal Guard can hold two, and only the sword master can hold eight warwolves.

And I said holding as holding off the attack, not defeating them.

But what I see right now betrayed my common sense. Sir Cory Grieves poking the butt of sleeping Ashtray Lizard. Who is crazy enough to annoy Ashtray Lizard!?

Ashtray Lizard is said to be the descendant of the mighty fire Dragon. Not as strong as the real Dragon, but at least four Elite Royal Guards need to take down the Lizard.

I want to scream but it was too late.

However, Sir Grieves single-handedly kills it, a clean cut.

Not only he is strong, kind, and noble. He is also good-looking. Black jet hair glistened in the water, and Jade-colored eyes. His body is small yet packed, with a strong-looking chest, a wide back, and abs, the contour is beautiful.

"We #an t##e a t#rn t###ng a #at# (We can take a turn taking a bath)."

Chest? Abs?

I just realized that sir Cory is half-naked. My face got hot and I feel my ears burning. I just forgot to breathe.

"Kyaa." I accidentally let out a small muffled scream.

I covered my face and turned my body around.

In front of a woman!?

"I #m #o##y (I am sorry), I t#o#### I a###ad# t##d #o# (I thought I already told you). My ###lt (My Fault)."

From his voice, he looks so sorry. No, it was my fault. With the situation right now, it is unwise to split away.

"No, it was okay, Sir Greaves." I smiled but was unable to meet his eyes.

I believe my face is beet red right now as I feel the blood rushing to my face and ears.

Take hold of yourself Aura!