The First Journey - Part 2

My bad. I think it is too much for an adolescent girl. I forgot I was not in the troop.

"I am sorry, I will take a bath first."

Aura doesn't say anything. Still with her face buried in her face. Red ears like a bunny.

I washed the sweat and the blood from the surface of my body. Two days with sticky sweat and blood, and now I get rid of them with water. The water is a bit cold and it took the heat every time it trickled down on my skin.

Perhaps Aura will find me weird for being delighted with taking a bath. But in the Galacticum Federation, water is scarce and distributed strictly. Illegal transactions of water could get you jailed for a maximum of ten years, and it got worse after the Bug attacked every planet's resources.

[Notification. Major Cory Grieves is being peeked by Aura]

"I don't mind, she is just a teen." Being seen naked is not a matter of problem for me. The important thing is the info on this planet, and the next step to survival.

[You are also a teen, a bit old]

I rolled my eyes. "Enough of it. Tell me the progress of the data collection on this planet."

[Outer space info 0 percent completion]

[Outer Planet info 60 percent completion]

[Diameter: 12,813 km. The distance of the planet to the nearest star is 150,547,915 km. Two Satellites orbiting the planet]

[Main air composition 77 percent Nitrogen, 22 percent Oxygen. Safe for humans]

[Living organisms are carbon-based]

[Suggesting. Sending drones to scan spread the area]

"Do it. Thanks, Nia."

I cleansed my body through and washed my space suit. The only clean suit I got left is the formal military. It is not as rigid to use in a physical battle, so I don't mind wearing it.

[Notification. Aura cell recovery is 89 percent and stalled. She needs more proteins]

"Got it, it's time for lunch."

The presence of Nia inside Aura is a catalyst for her recovery. However, Aura still needs nutrition from outside.

"Aura." I approached her. "You can take a bath now. I will cook and guard. Shout if there is danger or you need my help okay?"

Aura seems surprised when she sees me. Still, she nods and seems to understand me.

"I wi## (I will), Than# yo# (Thank you), Sir Grieves."

"No problem, and just call me Cory. Grieves is too formal."

I still need information from her and need to learn some common sense or else I got myself in danger. So, we will be sticking together for a long time, and I don't want things to be so awkward and strange between us.

She walks near the side of the river. Uncover her clothes and put them on the tree branch. Her white delicate skin shows on her back, lustrous under the reflected light from the river water. Her bottom looks plump and...oh my god.

What am I thinking!?

[...] Nia.

"I am not a lolicon."

What is her age anyway? I am thinking.

[Answer. She is 24]

"I am not asking."

[...] Nia.

With the help of Nia, I got an ancient advanced knowledge of spearfishing and fish trapping. We haul a lot of freshwater shrimp and three arm-sized fish. Thankfully, we got a lot of dried fruit, onion, herbs, and some seasonings from the scavenged wagon.

I make a skin-free grilled fish with herbs and fish soup. The taste? A five-star minus one. The minus one comes from the lack of cooking utensils and ingredients.

I am not a good chef, I only rely on Nia's collected knowledge and her commands. Just like the movie I used to watch, where the rat controlled a guy to cook by moving his hair.

"I am d#ne (I am done). I# sme##s g#ea#! (It smells great!)."

Aura coming from behind me, and Woah!

Her dirty red hair now looks redder, like a flame ruby, unraveling down to her back. Her face is now clean from specks of dirt and shows a good complexion. Small jaw and red lips. Her eyes glistened scarlet red colored. If she is in the GmFJT, she will get released from her duty and tasked to the GmFJT Public Relations Department as an Idol to recruit more soldiers. I strongly believe that.

I shake my head. "Let's eat."

***** ***** *****

(Aura POV)

I don't believe that I let out a cute scream. I cannot look into Sir Cory's eyes when he talked to me. Arrgh! I want to bury myself in the ground.

But his body looks so beautiful. A strong muscle with pretty contour, toned. No scar can be seen marked on his skin, but he has high experience in a real battle with high-grade monsters.

Oh Ashtary, my Goddess, please forgive my sin. I tried to turn my face and peek at him, making sure that it was not a dream. Sir Grieves strips his trousers down.

Oof! No Aura! I turned my face again. It was embarrassing enough, and I do not want to make the situation strange between me and Sir Grieves.

Ten minutes had been spent. Sir Grieves's voice comes out behind me. I decide to stop the awkwardness by facing him. Let the begone be begones.

"Aura." To my surprise, Sir Grieves wears an exquisite suit. It looks different from what noble or royal families wear. It looks like a high-ranking military uniform.

"Yo# c#n tak# a ba#h now (You can take a bath now). I w#ll c##k #nd gu#r# (I will cook and guard). S##ut if t##r# is dang## or y#u n##d #y h#lp, #kay? (Shout if there is danger or you need my help, okay?"

He wanted me to call him Cory instead of Sir Grieves or Sir Cory. It looks like he does not want to show his noble status or rank. Or perhaps he tried to ensured me that he is not minding helping me. Sir, Cory is a good man.

I take a bath. I believe Cory will not peek at me.

I washed my body from head to toe. The clear water river turned brown colored from the dirt on my skin. The river water cooled my head and my mind.

When I approached Cory, a great smell of food hit my nose. It was only grilled fish and fish soup but the taste is so exquisite.

"Can I have a second serving?" I ask, a bit embarrassed and ashamed.

Cory just smiles and gives me a second serving. A noble or a Royal who is skilled in fighting and cooking good food. It looks like Cory also learned our language a bit faster. Just three days ago since we met, he did not have any idea of communication and using sign language instead.

Cory's treatment also works wonderfully. The wounds look like a lie. The deep Warwolves bite mark now only looks like a clean red skin, no mark. My index, fore, and middle finger, which got cut from the bite now completely regrown.

I never heard of healing magic or medicine in this continent that can do that. Not even the Holy Kingdom of Agean on the southwest continent can do that. What is your real identity?

I know Sir Cory Grieves is strong and kind, but I do not want to trouble him any further with my problem. Our Creol Kingdom issues. I need to tell him the truth.

"Cory. Sir Cory Grieves, I need to talk about a serious matter with you." I put my plates down and faced him with a serious look.

"Yes?" Cory faced Aura.